
Town Of Lexington: Link To Lexington - January 13, 2023

Government and Politics

January 14, 2023

From: Town Of Lexington

Town Of Lexington: Link To Lexington - January 13, 2023

Volunteers Needed for This Monday's 10th Annual MLK Day of Service

The Town of Lexington will hold its 30th commemoration of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day with our 10th Annual MLK Day of Service this Monday, January 16.

We're looking for volunteers to take part in the MLK Day of Service. Our objective is to engage and mobilize people of all ages to participate in events and activities to serve others.

To sign up and volunteer, visit the Lexington MLK website

There also will be morning and afternoon programming both virtually and in-person on Jan. 16, including the annual community conversation on race, unity walk, free minds poetry, and much more.

For more information, and to register for programs, visit Lexington MLK website.

New Affordable Housing and Transportation Groups Seek Volunteers; Deadline January 20

The Select Board is looking to fill vacancies on two newly-created boards/committees. They will be appointing the first members of the Board of Trustees to the Lexington Affordable Housing Trust, and members to the Ad Hoc Transportation Committee.

This is a great opportunity for residents that want to make a local impact in the areas of transportation and affordable housing.

The deadline to apply to serve on either board/committee is January 20, 2023.

Affordable Housing

For the Affordable Housing Trust, the Select Board is looking for trustees with interest or experience in: 

- affordable housing

- finance

- law

- real estate / real estate development

Per the bylaw, the Select Board is looking for a resident with a low- or moderate-income. Learn more about low-income thresholds. Moderate income is considered to be 80-150% of the area median income for the Boston Metropolitan Statistical Area (2022 is most current).

Learn more about the Lexington Affordable Housing Trust, including how to apply to be on the Board of Trustees.


For the Ad Hoc Transportation Committee, the Select Board is seeking a resident from the:

- Senior community (residents ages 60+)

- Business community

members of the Ad Hoc Transportation Committee will be representatives from Town staff and other relevant boards/committees.

Learn more about the Ad Hoc Transportation Committee, including how to apply to be on the Committee.

Help Plan for Lexington's Open Spaces and Recreation Areas: Share Your Feedback

The Town is updating its plan for open spaces and recreational areas and wants community input. The Conservation Division and Recreation & Community Programs Department are leading the effort and encourage residents to share their ideas and opinions on how these spaces should be used and maintained in the future. 

This is an opportunity for residents to have a say in the future of our community's open spaces and recreation areas.

View the Open Space and Recreation Plan (Draft) PDF (also viewable in a flipbook version

Open Space and Recreation Plan (Draft) Appendix PDF

Submit your comments on the draft report by Monday, January 30 via our public feedback form

Find out more about the draft OSRP on our website.

You can also email the Conservation Division, or call 781-698-4531.

From the Archives: 'Paper Streets' from the 1890's
The Town's Archivist/Records Manager Lee Yates recently shared a 1961 map showing a set of 'paper streets' that were planned in the 1890's, but were never built.

In 1891, developer Mark Meagher drew up plans to divide a large tract of land (later divided by Route 128) into hundreds of lots along dozens of named streets. These lots in the subdivision called Lexington Heights, also known as Meagherville, sold well but most never had houses built on them. Apart from the area around Reed Street, Ward Street, and Valley Road, the development remained vacant. The paper streets, however, survived on town maps for decades, and some still do. Much of the undeveloped portion is now Lexington conservation land.

Residents Aged 65+ Eligible for Property Tax Deferral

If you are a Lexington resident aged 65 or older with a 2021 gross household income of $90,000 or less, you can postpone paying all or any part of your property tax bill and let the value of your house pay the tax bill later. 

Each year’s deferral is like an individual loan that doesn’t have to be repaid during your lifetime or your spouse’s lifetime unless home ownership is transferred or you choose to pay it off. Deferrals are a safe way to free up income. By law and by contract, a resident can never be forced to sell or move due to taxes deferred under this program. 

Fiscal Year 2023 deferrals will enjoy a very low simple interest rate of 1.0%

A brochure describing all property tax exemptions and deferrals is available at the Assessor’s Office, the Lexington Community Center and on the Assessor's web page.


For detailed qualifying information on the Property Tax Deferral Program and other State and local tax programs, call the Assessor’s Office at 781-698-4578.

Wegman's Gift Cards Available to Income-Eligible Households

Wegman's gift cards are available for households meeting certain income eligibility requirements. Eligible residents will receive $75 per household member, up to $450 per household. 

These gift cards are made available thanks to the Select Board approving American Rescue Plan Act funds to address food insecurity in our community.

Transportation is available for those who need it.

Visit our website for more details, including income eligibility requirements and how to apply.

COVID-19 Data; Test Kits Available at Town Buildings

The Lexington Office of Public Health will update weekly COVID-19 case numbers each Friday. The data represented on the dashboard DOES NOT include at-home test results. The data only represents results of PCR and antigen tests verified through the Massachusetts Department of Public Health.

View Lexington’s case numbers

View the State’s COVID-19 dashboard

Test Kits Available

Free at-home rapid COVID-19 test kits are available at Town buildings across Lexington.

You can pick up a test at the following locations:

- Town Office Building (Health Office) - 1625 Massachusetts Avenue

- Fire Department - 45 Bedford Street

- Police Department - 173 Bedford Street

- Community Center - 39 Marrett Road

- Visitors Center - 1875 Massachusetts Avenue

- Public Services Building - 201 Bedford Street

Test kits are available during regular business hours (Police Dept. open 24/7) while supplies last.

For questions, contact the Office of Public Health at 781-698-4533.


- Heavy Equipment Operator

- Municipal Account Assistant (PT)

- Administrative Assistant

- Facilities Engineer 

- Recreation Supervisor

- Senior Civil Engineer

- Senior Services Coordinator

Visit LexingtonMA.gov/jobs for more information.