
Town Of Lexington News :Center Recreation Complex Hard Court Reconstruction Project BeginsJune 19

Government and Politics

June 19, 2023

From: Town Of Lexington

Center Recreation Complex Hard Court Reconstruction Project Begins June 19

The Gallagher Tennis/Pickleball and Farias Basketball Courts on Worthen Road will be closed this summer and into the fall while improvements are made. This work begins the week of June 19 and is anticipated to be complete in November 2023. Project details can be found on the Recreation and Community Programs Capital Projects page.

This work will reduce the hard court reservations for tennis and pickleball by 60%. We recognize this will have an impact on the community and appreciate the community's understanding as the Recreation Committee and Town continue to invest in the safety and playability of the parks and recreation infrastructure for years to come. 

Play will continue at the Valley, Clarke, and Adams courts. 

Outreach on this Project

Community outreach has been ongoing over the past year with the tennis/pickleball community, stakeholders, and abutters, as well as our summer aquatics and camp participants. 

Most recently, a second abutters letter was mailed, direct emails to stakeholders were sent. The Department’s Capital Projects webpage, as well as the Tennis & Pickleball landing page, have been regularly updated.