
Town Of Lexington News : Conserve Water and Save Money, Order a Rain Barrel by August 30

Government and Politics

August 12, 2022

From: Town Of Lexington

Lexington is once again partnering with Great American Rain Barrel to offer residents rain barrels at a discounted rate with convenient in-town pick-up. You must pre-order online through the Great American Rain Barrel website by August 30. 

How a Rain Barrel Can Help the Environment

-Saves drinking water resources and money. According to the US EPA, 30% of daily water use is used outdoors. Using the rain barrel's stored water around the landscape saves water resources and reduces the amount of water purchased from municipal sources.

-Rain barrels capture rainwater from the roof that would otherwise become runoff. Stormwater runoff picks up pollutants such as soil, lawn fertilizers, pesticides, trash, animal waste, road salts, chemicals, etc. and transports them to waterways. These pollutants impair waterways and can harm aquatic life and human health.  

-Reduces erosion and flooding: Increased amounts of stormwater runoff increases erosion and flooding. Capturing some of the water will reduce velocity and peak flows. 

How to Order and Pick Up Your Rain Barrel 

To find out more about the barrels and to participate in The Great American Rain Barrel Program, please visit their website and select "Lexington".

Barrels are offered at $79 for painted and $74 for unpainted. Barrels will be available for pick up on September 10 between 9 and 11:00am at the Lexington Compost Facility, 60 Hartwell Ave, Lexington. 

Deadline for purchase is 11:59 PM on August 30.

About the Great American Rain Barrel

The Great American Rain Barrel is a local food importing company that has been repurposing shipping drums into Rain Barrels since 1988. The Great American Rain Barrel Co. has been an approved vendor by the Mass. Dept. of Environmental Protection since 2010.