
Town of Longmeadow Manager's Newsletter - September 2022

Government and Politics

October 10, 2022

From: Town of Longmeadow

This is now the 3rd Town Manager Newsletter and I would like to take this opportunity to introduce the staff in the Town Manager's Office.

Assistant Town Manager/Planning and Community Development Director Corrin Meise-Munns joined the Town of Longmeadow in August 2021. Prior to working for the town, Corrin was a Senior Planner for the Pioneer Valley Planning Commission. Corrin has provided support for project development and management to the Town Manager’s Office and various other municipal departments and she has been instrumental in the Town's grant success this past year. Most notably, Corrin authored the Town's Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness grant application, more details below.

Administrative Assistant Michael Barbieri joined the Town of Longmeadow in 2015 first working as a Recreation Intern and then as the Director of School Age Services in the Parks & Recreation Department. During the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, Mike served as a COVID-19 volunteer coordinator to help set up and organize the Town's vaccination clinics. Mike then transitioned to working in the Select Board/Town Manager Office in March 2021. Mike answers the phones, conducts research, prepares the Town Meeting Warrants, wrangles social media and the website, and helps out in virtually every aspect of Town government.

Special Fall Town Meeting
The Special Fall Town Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, October 25, 2022 at 7pm at Longmeadow High School. A copy of the warrant is available online here, and at Town Hall, the Storrs Library, Mirkins Cleaners, Pride Service Station, Maple Road Mobil Station, Williams Street Post Office, Community House, and the Police Department. On October 19 at 6pm, I will be hosting a Warrant Information Session at the Adult Center for residents to come ask questions about warrant articles in advance of the meeting. Joining me will be LPS Superintendent Marty O'Shea and DPW Director Sean Van Deusen. There are several warrant articles that are expected to draw the most attention and/or need the most explanation. The first warrant article relates to the funding of a feasibility study for the middle schools. Articles 22 through 26 are the culmination of a two year project on the town's general and zoning bylaws. More information on that project can be found here. Additionally, I will also hold open office hours on Monday, October 24 from 9am – 11am and Tuesday, October 25, 2pm – 4pm for voters to drop by or call with questions on the warrant. If you are unable to attend the information session or the open office hours and have questions on any of the warrant articles, please feel free to reach out via email at [email protected] and we will work to provide you the answers you are seeking.

Middle School Public Forums
Longmeadow Public Schools has been  hosting interactive informational sessions for members of the public to learn more about the facility-related needs of Glenbrook and Williams Middle Schools. The next session is scheduled for Wednesday, October 12 at 1:00 pm at the Longmeadow Adult Center, 211 Maple Rd. Longmeadow. There will be another session held on Wednesday, October 12 at 7:00 pm at Williams Middle School. Community members may also have the opportunity to view a panel discussion during a segment of the “Superintendent’s Corner” that is being aired on Longmeadow Community Television. Attendees will have an opportunity to ask questions and learn more about the condition of the two Middle Schools and the District’s strategic approach to addressing these needs through a partnership with the MA School Building Authority (MSBA). At the October 25, 2022, Annual Town Meeting the District will seek authorization to conduct a major Feasibility Study to assess existing conditions, study enrollment patterns, evaluate existing and needed educational space, and ultimately identify cost effective and educationally appropriate solutions. In March 2022, the MSBA invited Longmeadow into a grant program to address the pressing physical plant needs of Glenbrook and Williams Middle Schools. In the current 270-day Eligibility Period, the District is working with the MSBA to fulfill several requirements including forming a building committee, completing a district enrollment study, and executing a commitment to fund and initiate a feasibility study. Upon completion of these requirements the District would be considered for an invitation into the next phase of the MSBA capital pipeline. Community members interested in learning more about the facility needs of Glenbrook and Williams Middle Schools may review reports and presentations posted to the LPS website.

Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness Action Grant
I am excited to report that the Town was awarded a Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness (MVP) Action Grant in the amount of $235,555 by the Massachusetts Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs (EEA). The grant award, titled “Toward the New Normal: Envisioning an Inclusive & Resilient Longmeadow,” will fund a much-needed update to the Town’s outdated 2004 Long Range Plan. The purpose of the proposed project is to assess and revise “business as usual” in Longmeadow to ensure a more climate resilient and equitable future for the Town’s residents and neighbors, natural resources, and the built infrastructure upon which the town relies. Longmeadow’s grant proposal was developed based on priorities that the Town heard from residents in recent years, including the Longmeadow Racial Justice Coalition’s 2021 report to the Select Board, and the affirmative vote at the 2021 Special Fall Town Meeting to develop and adopt a climate action plan. The project will span two fiscal years, and is anticipated to kick-off in the fall of 2022 and wrap up in June of 2024. Under the umbrella of the Long Range Plan update process, the Town will also: identify opportunities to increase climate action and resilience in the municipal capital planning process; conduct a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) strategic planning process to identify opportunities to improve municipal hiring practices, workplace culture and policies, and interactions with a diverse public; and specifically address resilience and levels of service for non-resident individuals from neighboring Environmental Justice communities who work and/or regularly access services in Longmeadow. In addition to traditional community-wide public visioning sessions and surveying, the Town will engage the public in creative, robust engagement with special targeted programming for seniors and school-aged youth: two of Longmeadow’s most climate-vulnerable communities. Youths under the age of 18 and seniors over the age of 64 will have reserved seats on the Long Range Plan Steering Committee. Targeted senior listening sessions and a special survey for senior respondents will make the Town eligible for AARP Age Friendly Designation at the end of the planning process. The Town will soon develop an interactive Long Range Plan webpage hosted that will provide project updates, key timelines, and ways to get involved. In the meantime, residents and other community members wishing to learn more about Longmeadow’s Long Range Plan update project should contact Assistant Town Manager / Director of Planning and Community Development, Corrin Meise-Munns, at [email protected]. Please visit www.longmeadow.org/LongRangePlan for more information and to sign up for our newsletter.

Select Board Seeks Applicants for DEI Advisory Committee
The Select Board is seeking applicants for the recently created Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee (DEI Committee). Residents who are interested in learning more and/or applying can learn more by visiting the DEI Advisory Committee page. Please click here to apply today. Applications will be accepted until November 1, 2022.

DPW Water Division Staff Accolade
On August 18 there was an electrical surge at the water pumping station at Forest Glen. This caused one of the power legs to fault and required the manual operation of the check valves until a repair could be done. For 30 hours straight, DPW Water System Technician, Chris Barton, manually opened and closed the check valves and monitored the electrical systems at the pump station to maintain adequate water flow and pressure into the system to provide residents with water and ensure appropriate water tank levels were maintained for firefighting.  The electrical repairs were made and the system is running normally. Chris has been employed by the Town for 2 years and transitioned to the Water Division in the fall of 2021. A huge thank you to Chris is owed for maintaining this critical public health and safety asset!

Safe Routes to School Project
This project encompasses Bliss Road from Blueberry Hill Road to the elementary school and Bliss from Blokland Road to just south of Bliss Court. This project began in 2018 with an application to Massachusetts Dept. of Transportation and was awarded in March 2019. A design was developed and the administrative work, including easements and takings have been ongoing. The design includes:
Sidewalk construction along the south side of Bliss Road
Upgrades to Americans with Disabilities Act compliance
Installation of a Rapid Flashing Beacon and restriping of the crosswalks
Bicycle accommodations enroute to the school along Blueberry Hill Road
The project was, and now still is, programmed for Federal Fiscal Year 2023 (after Sept. 30, 2022).   The design public hearing was held in Dec. 2021 and the following dates were presented:

Advertisement Date (design complete): 11/19/22
Construction commences spring 2023
Construction Duration: 6 months

The project is on schedule and ideally construction can begin when school ends in June 2023.

Active Recreation Area Conditions Assessment
The contract for the active recreation area conditions assessment has been awarded to SLR. The project bid was $79,500. A kickoff meeting is scheduled for early October. There will be much more to come on this project, including public forums to gather feedback.  

Air Handlers at LHS
The need for replacement of the north mechanical room air handlers unit (AHU) at Longmeadow High School (LHS) had been previously identified and was originally approved in the FY22 Capital Plan (Annual Town Meeting May 2021). The estimate for the air handler replacement at the time was $345,000. When the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding was distributed, we substituted ARPA funding for the capital funding at an increased cost of $375,000. The project was put out to bid and the most responsive bid was $718k. To be able to move this project forward we would have to use BOTH capital funds and ARPA funds and additional funding, which is not what was intended or publicly announced. There is a 6 month lead time on the equipment and the installation needs to be scheduled when school is not in session. We discussed putting this work off and/or re-bidding it but it creates a vulnerability in the school HVAC needs that we are not comfortable creating. The recommendation is to use both funding sources (plus some additional funds from a yet to be determined source) to order the equipment and plan for an early summer 2023 installation.

State Primary Election
Voting at the State Primary Election on September 6 was very busy. There were 3,379 votes cast, representing 28% voter turnout. Early voting will be scheduled for the November 8 Election. Anyone interested in volunteering should contact the Town Clerk at [email protected]. A huge thank you to the volunteers who worked on September 6. The deadline to register to vote in the November 8 Election is October 19, 2022. The Town Clerk's office is receiving requests to vote by mail. As soon as ballots are sent by the state, they will be mailed out accordingly. We anticipate to receive the ballots between October 12-15.

Upcoming Topics and Events…
10/8-10/9 - Long Meddowe Days Fall Festival: Longmeadow Green
10/10- Town Offices Closed
10/10- Public Forums - Middle Schools: Longmeadow Adult Center 1 pm
10/12- Public Forums - Middle Schools: Williams Middle School 7 pm
10/19- FSTM Warrant Public Review Session: Longmeadow Adult Center 6 pm
10/25- Fall Special Town Meeting (FSTM): Longmeadow High School 7 pm
11/8- State Election: Longmeadow Community House 7am - 8pm