
Town of Lyme - Weekly Update From The First Selectman May 20, 2022

Government and Politics

May 23, 2022

From: Town of Old Lyme

The Open Space Commission held a special meeting on Monday, May 16th to discuss the Town’s property at 36-1 Buttonball Road. The Chairs of the Harbor Management Commission and Inland Wetlands and Watercourses Commission called in to the meeting.  At my request, Open Space will arrange for an objective, expert environmental review of the property to determine if river access on the property might cause undue harm to the marshes and wildlife. Once the analysis is complete, the Selectmen, Open Space, Harbor Management, and Wetlands will work on a plan for the property in keeping with the deed restriction.

The American Rescue Plan (ARP) Committee has been meeting every week for the past several months to develop and recommend a strategy to the Board of Selectmen to allocate ARP funds to members of the Old Lyme community (individuals, businesses, non-profits, and government) that have been impacted by the COVID pandemic. This past Wednesday the Committee spent the entire day reviewing grant applications in order to submit recommendations to the Board of Selectmen. We are grateful for the members’ dedication to making this a transparent and smooth process.

Old Lyme Emergency Management reminds you that, with the forecasted extreme high temperatures expected this weekend, hydration is very important. Make sure to drink plenty of water, even if you do not feel thirsty. Stay cool and hydrated during the next few days to avoid exhaustion and heat stroke.

Lastly, another reminder that the Memorial Day Parade and the ceremony at the Duck River Cemetery will take place on Monday, May 30th starting at 11 AM at Lyme Street Firehouse. Participants in the parade should muster by 10:30 AM. If it rains, the ceremony will take place at Lyme-Old Lyme Middle School.