
Town of Oakland Spring Cleanup!

Government and Politics

May 16, 2022

From: Town Of Oakland

Take advantage of the Town's annual spring cleanup to spruce up your home!

Unwanted household trash and recycling will be collected at the curbside. No limits! Collections will occur on Saturday, June 4 and Saturday, June 11. Be sure to set items out before 8 a.m.

No yard waste, household hazardous waste, electronics, paint or batteries will be accepted.

According to the Mayo Clinic, the benefits of spring cleaning include:

-Improving mood and decreasing stress

-A study in the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin found that people who felt their homes were restful had lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol.

-Fostering creativity

-As more people are working from home, it's important not to have a distracting workspace that’s unorganized and cluttered. A clean and organized area can increase productivity.

-Providing a sense of accomplishment

-Spending just 10 minutes a day tackling an area of a room will help you stay organized and shorten your daily to-do list.

-Inspiring a healthier lifestyle

-Cleaning up your environment can provide physical benefits and offer the motivation to live a healthier lifestyle and even eat better!