
Town Of Sharon : Hydrant Flushing Information

Government and Politics

March 2, 2023

From: Town of Sharon

The Town of Sharon Water Division will be continuing an ongoing hydrant flushing program beginning
(Weather Permitting)
Monday March 13, 2023, through Friday June 16, 2023. The work will be scheduled Monday through Friday between the hours of 9:00 A.M. and 3:00 A.M. There will be some discoloration of water while this program is in process. This program is being carried out to maintain the water quality in Sharon.

You may encounter the following conditions during hydrant flushing operations:

- A temporary drop in water pressure to your residence or place of business.
- Rusty brown, or cloudy water. (These conditions will subside after the flushing is completed.)

After the flushing operation is completed:

- Open the cold water faucets and let the water flow until it is clear. Turn off the faucets.
- Because a reserve of clear hot water is stored in hot water tanks, do not open hot water faucets until after you are sure water from cold water faucets is clear. After you are sure water from cold water faucet is clear, you can open the hot water faucets and let the water flow until it is clear if necessary. Turn off the faucets.
- When both hot and cold water are clear, the water is ready for use as normal.
- Check the faucet screens for trapped particles.
- Wash a load or two of dark-colored clothes first.

Helpful Hints to Remember:

- Do Not wash white or light-colored laundry during the flushing operations.

- Do Not dry clothes that have become stained.

- Do Not use hot water until you are sure water from cold water faucets is clear.

The most efficient way to remove the discolored water is to use the cold water faucet of your bath tub or outside faucets. All residents are advised to check their water before doing their laundry. A special rust removing detergent will be made available upon request at the Sharon DPW at no charge to those who have accidently washed a load and have stained clothes. If you have stained clothes, do not run your clothes through the drier – the stains will set and our treatment will not work.
The main purpose of conducting a flushing program is to improve water quality by purging the system of iron that has accumulated during the low water use winter period. A secondary benefit is to gather information about the distribution network in order to conduct proper management for years to come.
Please see pdf attached below for hydrant flushing FAQs.

This page will be updated daily during flushing operations.