
Town Of Tyrone : Solicitor Permits - Door to Door Solicitors Cannot Be Prohibited

Government and Politics

August 9, 2022

From: Town Of Tyrone


We recently sent an email and posted on social media that the Town had issued solicitor permits to several individuals from Aptive Environmental, a pest control company, for door to door sales. The purpose of that message was to give you all notice that someone may be knocking on your door because it is important to us to do our best to keep you informed.

As a result of that post, we have received a few emails and a couple of comments on our Facebook page from citizens who do not understand why the Town would permit door to door sales. It is important to understand that there are certain activities that local government can regulate, but not prohibit. Door to door sales is one of those.

That being the case, we do require anyone wishing to conduct door to door sales to register with the Town. This process includes confirming their ID and completing a background check through our Police Department. Issued permits are immediately emailed to all of our police officers so that they can check for permits if they receive a call on a solicitor.

We can understand why citizens wouldn't want solicitors knocking on their doors, but the Town's legal power rests at requiring this registration and informing you when permits are issued. Tyrone's ordinance on this issue is in line with what you will find in many other cities and towns across the State. Fortunately, this is not something that occurs on a regular weekly - or even monthly -  basis. The most effective course of action for citizens is to refuse to open your door for anyone you do not wish to interact with.

We will continue to notify you via this email list and our Facebook page when permits are issued. Thanks for your understanding on this matter. 

Brandon Perkins, MBA, CPM, ICMA-CM
Town Manager