
Town Of Wellesley COA Highlights For The Week Of November 21, 2022

Government and Politics

November 21, 2022

From: Town Of Wellesley

For full programming selections and more details, please check out our newsletter here. You can sign-up for November/December programs, online,  over the phone (781) 235-3961 or by stopping by. All zoom links are automatically sent out an hour prior to the event. All programs listed in this section still have spaces available.

Monday,  November 21st

Free Programming - Remote
A Series of Mindfulness - (1:30 PM)

As Jon Kabat-Zinn observes, mindfulness is a way of being in wise relationship to our lived experience, as we become more aware of what is arising moment-to-moment.  In the next session in A Series on Mindfulness with Neil Motenko, via Zoom, we will discuss the how self-awareness, coupled with self-compassion, can help us cultivate clarity and wisdom about ourselves and the human condition, make choices born of awareness, and enhance our sense of well-being. The session will be interactive, include guided practices, and review how we can integrate practice into our daily lives.  Although this is part of a series, each session stands on its own, and newcomers are welcome at any time.

Free Programming - In Person
Asian American - (1:30 PM)

Join Sister Marie Elena Dio as she continues with the remaining three sessions on Asian American history and experience.

Paid Programming - Remote Exercise Class
Chair Yoga - (2:30 PM)

Tuesday, November 22nd

Free Programming - In Person
Clash of The Titans - (1:30 PM)

Stanley Forman, Retired Engineer and Lecturer, brings us this exciting presentation. Edison, Tesla, Westinghouse, and the personal clash over their ideas leading to the dawn of universal electricity! How did we actually end up with the electric system of today? Who were the winners and losers in that struggle? After over 30 years as an engineer, Stanley specialized in teaching freshman engineering courses, which included engineering history and design methodology as well as first year computing.

Wednesday, November 23rd

Paid Programming - In Person Exercise Class
Hi Low Fitness - (9:15 AM)

Thursday, November 24th

The Tolles Parsons Center is CLOSED
in observation of the holiday.

No Activities.


Friday, November 25th - WE ARE OPEN REGULAR HOURS

Paid Programming - In Person Exercise Class*
All Level Yoga - (Noon)

Join Peter for an extra Yoga class this week. A minimum of 10 people is required to hold the class.

Free Programming - In Person
Movie - (1:15 PM)
The Girl With The Pearl Earring (2003, Rated R, PG13)

Please call us at 781-235-3961 to register for our programming.