
Town Of Wellesley COA - Upcoming Programs At the TPC

Government and Politics

September 8, 2022

From: Town Of Wellesley

Space is still available, consider signing up!

Dinacharya: Ayurvedic Daily Routines (in person)
Thursday, September 8th
1:30 p.m.

Anjana Bhargava, Ayurvedic Wellness Practitioner
Our daily routines and habits (dinacharya) play an integral role in
our long-term health. Every decision made throughout the day impacts the way that we look and feel: the foods we eat, lifestyle choices we make, even the subtle thoughts we think. Ayurveda, India’s 5,000 year old medical system, empowers us to take our health into our own hands, by providing simple practices that can be easily implemented over time to ensure a happier, healthier life. Anjana Bhargava will guide you through the fundamental self-care practices of Dinacharya into your life, with easy-to-follow daily routine goals.

FBI Elder Fraud Presentation (in person)
Friday, September 9th
1:30 p.m.

The FBI’s Elder Fraud presentation covers current fraud trends impacting the senior community including romance scams, lottery scams, tech support scams, investment scams and imposter scams. Participants will receive tips and tools to protect them and their loved ones.

Call us at 781-235-3961 to register, sign into your MAC account or you can email us here .