
Town Of Wellesley News : Make a Dinner Date for January 31

Government and Politics

January 17, 2023

From: Town Of Wellesley

Join the Health Department for an important discussion about dinner!

Mealtime may be the only time that families reconnect, recharge, and share stories. On Tuesday, January 31 at 7:00 p.m.  Dr. Anne Fishel will host a virtual presentation on Why Family Dinners Matter: How to Harness the Academic, Mental Health, and Nutritional Benefits. 

Learn why shared mealtime is great for the bodies, brains, and mental health of children and adults. Research shows that spending more time together at the dinner table can result in:

-Improved mental health and well-being 

-Lowered rates of anxiety and depression and improved moods

-Increased self-esteem and resilience in children

-Reduced potential for youth substance use and other risky behaviors 

-Reduced obesity and eating disorders due to healthier meal choices

-Increased literacy skills for young children- conversation is a vocabulary booster

After the COVID pandemic and the associated losses, health experts are encouraging families to carve out time to catch up with one another and develop these family connections.

To register for the presentation, sign up here or call the Health Department at 781-233-0135.

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