
Town Of Wellesley News Steam Speaker Series 2022

Government and Politics

October 12, 2022

From: Town Of Wellesley

With a grant generously funded by WEF and in collaboratiton with Sustainable Wellesley and the Wellesley Climate Action Committee, WPS brings to our students, parents and the wider Wellesley community a series of engaging, educational and informative presenters during STEAM Spirit, our year long initiative focused on Sustainability.  This series begins during Massachusetts STEM week with expert speakers who will let us know more about all the steps we can take to help sustain our planet.

October 12 - 26th: To kick off STEAM week in Wellesley Public Schools, Wellesley Police Chief, Jack Pilecki, will speak at all Wellesley elementary schools letting students know about the Wellesley police station's Sustainability efforts as well as what small steps our students can take to help sustain our planet.
You can read more about Jack's mission here

October 17, 2022
4 pm Wellesley RDF 169 Great Plain Avenue, Wellesley MA
You are invited to tour the Wellesley RDF facility
All ages welcome!

The Wellesley RDF is not simply the place where our trash goes. It is one of the most successful models for recycling in the world and generates revenue for the town (over $741,000 in FY 2021) Learn about the source-separated model – meaning residents separate the material – that Wellesley has been using for decades, which results in very high quality recyclable products with a very low contamination rate.  
With trash disposal costs predicted to increase as much as 40% in the next 2-5 years as landfill capacity diminishes, learn about the Food Waste Program (estimated at approximately 20% of household generated waste) that converts these scraps into electricity, heat, liquid fertilizer, bio char/animal bedding or as ingredients to produce high grade compost.  
We look forward to seeing you!
Please fill out this RSVP form

Click Here To View The Town Of Wellesley News Steam Speaker Series 2022