
Town Of Wellesley News - Take the WPS Strategic Planning Survey

Government and Politics

February 3, 2023

From: Town Of Wellesley

Take the WPS Strategic Planning Survey

Take part in the Wellesley Public Schools strategic planning process. Share your thoughts by completing a survey that will help WPS chart a course for the future. 

All residents are invited to participate. Your input will provide WPS with significant perspective and feedback.

The survey launched  on Friday, January 27, and is part of the WPS Strategic Planning process that has been underway since fall 2022. This survey is a follow up to the 16 focus groups for families, staff, students, and community members that the WPS strategic planning steering committee conducted in October and November.

The results from this survey will help guide the vision and direction for the district for the next five years. 

The strategic planning survey is open to all those invested in the future of the Wellesley Public Schools, including parents and guardians, teachers and staff, current 8th-12th grade students, alumni, and Wellesley residents. It is available in five languages. 

The  WPS Strategic Planning Survey will be open until 5:00 p.m. on Friday, February 10.

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