
Trail Wood Open House and Pomfret Summer Bike Camp

Sports and Recreation

May 27, 2023

From: The Connecticut Audubon Society

Visit our many wonderful sanctuaries across the state and have fun participating in the 125th Anniversary 125-Bird Challenge! We've counted 340 bird species on our properties so far. How many of them will YOU see or hear? Sign up at [email protected]

Early Morning Bird Walk

Tuesday, May 30, 8:00 a.m.

Andy Rzeznikiewicz will point out various bird species. We have access to thousands of acres of protected land. Wear drab colors. Bring binoculars or a spotting scope. No registration required. Fee: $5 CAS members; $20 non-members.

2023 Summer Bike Camp

Four Weeks of Fun for Ages 9 to 13

Online registration is now open.

To download the brochure and for more information, click here.

Visit the Center's Programs & Events web page for more.

93 Kenyon Road
Hampton, CT 06247
The 168-acre Teale Sanctuary trails open daily until dusk.

Strawberry Moon Walk

Friday, June 2, 8 p.m.

Take a nighttime walk through the woods to visit Beaver Pond. Weather and cloud cover permitting. For more information or to register, email [email protected]. Free for CAS members; $5 for non-members.

Re-Opening of the Teale

Newly Restored Study

Saturday, June 3, 1-4 p.m.

Please join us at a free open house celebrating the re-opening of Edwin Way Teale's study. See the restoration and learn about the archiving process. Edwin's writing cabin will also be open. Cake will be served in honor of his birthday.

Visit Trail Wood's web page for more.