
Universal City North Hollywood Chamber Of Commerce News - August 25, 2022

Clubs and Organizations

August 26, 2022

From: Universal City North Hollywood Chamber of Commerce

Hi and welcome to another edition of our newsletter,

"NoHo Strong!" We have some great articles just waiting for you to read...so if you're ready...let's hit it!!

A Word...Or Two...Or Three...

by ds stringer, CEO


Never before have there been so many incidences of breeches of security. You know, hacks into accounts, assuming identities, etc.

You may feel like you're somewhat helpless in these situations, that the bad guys are smarter and way more clever than you.

Believe it or not, there are things you're doing RIGHT NOW that are helping out the bad guys...information that you're handing over on a silver platter! You CAN gain control of your situation...just be taking care of a few little things!

For example...

The "About" section on your social media platforms...how many details do you give? Do you give your phone number? Do you share a lot of personal facts?

Big boo-boo! While you are trying to be "social." you're making yourself far too vulnerable to "bad guys."

Do you feel safe if you only give out the last four digits of your social security number? If someone has the last four digits and your birth place, it’s a lot easier to guess the entire number. That’s because the first three are determined by where you, or your parents, applied for your SSN. And the second set of two are the group number, which is assigned to all numbers given out at a certain time in your geographic area. So a determined identity thief with some computing power could hack it given time.

Do you ever lock down your hardware? Set up your PC to require a password when it wakes from sleep or boots up. Sure, you may trust the people who live in your house, or work in your office, but what if your laptop is stolen or you lose it?

And the same thing goes for your mobile devices...

Do you give out your zip code when stores ask for it? Don"t do it! Don’t give it to them unless you want to donate your details to their marketing database. By matching your name, taken from your credit card, with your zip code, companies can more easily mine more information, including your address, phone number and email. address.

Do you often use your credit card instead of cash? Guess what? Credit card companies are selling your purchase data to advertisers. Don’t want companies knowing how much booze you’re buying or other potentially embarrassing habits? Buy things the old fashioned way—with coins and bills.

You'd never guess that your privacy and personal information is being compromised by doing these innocent tasks like using your credit card or giving out your zip code...but it truly is a new world, a world where diligence is paramount!

So...hey...let's be careful out there!

On behalf of the Universal City/North Hollywood

Chamber of Commerce

Dorothy Stringer

Dorothy Stringer


This Is Wild!!!

Our friends at Gelson's have something wonderful waiting for you!!

Del Pacifico Seafoods offers the highest quality sustainable wild shrimp in the market. 

All shrimp comes from day-boats, small vessels using an artisanal technique that uses the wind and tide to drift a highly selective net called suripera. This technique has the lowest bycatch and fuel consumption per pound in the world. 

The shrimp is processed following the highest international standards, ensuring good environmental practices, fair conditions for workers, and state-of-the-art processes and equipment. This allows for the highest quality shrimp with the lowest impact on the environment and the only Fair Trade Certified Shrimp in the world.

Let's Have An Old Fashioned Really Good Time!!

Here's your chance to experience radio theater...just like the old days!

You are invited to attend a wonderful wild west action story called "Reign of the Gila Monsters!"

If you miss sitting by the radio on a Saturday night listening to your special stories, or if you've never experienced it before, now's your chance!

If you love theater you must join our Chamber members at the Church of Scientology of the Valley, Saturday, August 27th...

Doors open at 7 P.M.

11455 Burbank Blvd, North Hollywood

See the flier above for all the details!

Celebrating Survivors!!!!

After two long years, the event that celebrates survivors is back!

October Is Domestic Violence Awareness Month!

This is a FREE event!! An event full of music, laughter, entertainment...but it is also an event that honors the survivors of Domestic Violence and shares information and facts to create survivors from victims.

This year at our event, we have the privilege of recognizing "Harvest Home" for all the fabulous work they do!

Five big entertaining acts...and if that isn't enough, our headliner is...

Fritz Coleman!!

How can you miss this FREE event? (We did mention free, right?)

Mark your calendars...Sunday, October 30th, 6PM - 8 PM

The Loft Ensemble

11031 Camarillo Street, North Hollywood

Can't Wait To See You There!!!

As I See It...

BY: Dr. Shahe Topjian, DC, PhD, ACN, CCWFN

Food And Arthritis

So often, we think that our bad food choices only affect our DIGESTION!!!!!!!!, and maybe Diabetes as well.

But does food have a direct bearing on our joints? Absolutely YES


The food we eat isn’t just about satisfying a piece of meat in our mouths called a tongue. It is about nourishing our tissues to keep them strong, flexible, and supportive to our frame for the rest of our lives. After all, we only get one body in this lifetime. Is it going to last us with ease and comfort, or be a torture to us for years or even decades? One important deciding factor is what we put in our mouths.

On a very regular basis, when I ask my patients how they are doing, someone responds “You were right! I learned for myself how it effects my joints.

Most of the time it’s SUGAR!!!! “You were right! I had a candy bar and now my joints are swollen and painful!” Or “I ate wheat…” or “I ate potatoes…” Being aware of how food affects you is the first step in overcoming inflammation of the joints.

We often hear about the “nightshade family” – the family of inflammatory foods which consist of tomatoes, potatoes, eggplant and peppers. A large number of arthritis sufferers find that eating those, does, indeed, affect their joints negatively. However, although they are inflammatory to many, it doesn’t mean they are to you.

The best thing to do is test it out: go 100% off all of them for two weeks. Be careful that you don’t accidentally eat pepper as a seasoning or as an ingredient in a spice blend. After 2 weeks, test one thing at a time. Eat it for breakfast, lunch and dinner for a full day. See how your joints feel that day and the next. Then add another until you have tried them out and either identified a culprit or ruled them out.

Other foods can be inflammatory as well: gluten is a big one.

Some also react to dairy products. Anything that you have a sensitivity to can increase inflammation in general in your body, not just your joints.

Likewise, there are foods that are helpful to the joints. You need vitamin C to build collagen, so high vitamin C foods can be helpful. Be careful not to eat the wrong form as in most supplements. You want a food-source of vitamin C, not ascorbic acid, the isolated kind.

Eating not only the right variety of foods can help arthritis, but the right preparation as well.

DR. Shahe Topjian, D.C.

6063 Vineland Ave Suite D, North Hollywood, CA 91606

(818) 506-4040


Aug 25TH...National "Kiss And Make Up Day!"

Someone you haven't spoken to in a while? Harsh words shared with a person for whom you care deeply?

August 25th is the day for you! You can use

"National Kiss And Make Up Day" as your "get out of jail free" card! If apologies are uncomfortable for you, or you don't think you're ready to "face the music"...why, you can just say that today is the day to let bygones by bygones.

After all, we need more 'making up" in the world right now...don't we?

A Chance To Show Gratitude!

We love Thursdays! Such a fabulous opportunity to say "thank you" to our Chamber family...and so...we would like to express our gratitude to our loyal friends at the "Church of Scientology of the Valley" for renewing their membership...looking forward to another productive year!

Short, sweet, and to the point...that's the best way to describe this week's newsletter!

So, as we prepare for next week's edition, we'd like to take the opportunity to tell ya'll to have a nice weekend...and until next week...

That's All Folks!