
Universal City North Hollywood Chamber of Commerce News - July 6, 2023

Clubs and Organizations

July 7, 2023

From: Universal City North Hollywood Chamber of Commerce

July 5th 2023
Welcome to Another Edition Of NoHo Strong!!



According to the American Cancer Society...

"Your skin makes vitamin D naturally when it is exposed to UV rays from the sun. Whenever possible, it's better to get vitamin D from your diet or vitamin supplements rather than from exposure to UV rays."

Because summer months create some of the strongest UV rays, this important issue is recognized in July to educated people on the dangers of exposing oneself to direct sunlight for prolonged periods of time without protection! These days, it is even suggested that sunscreen just becomes a part of your morning routine as you dress to begin your day!

So over the next month, we'll be sharing tips and info on how to better protect you and your family during these upcoming scorching California summer months. Hopefully that will help you keep UV "safer" this summer!

A Word...Or Two...Or Three...
by ds stringer, CEO

"If It's Illegal...Then Follow Through!"

OK, first off, I want to make it clear; I don't live in North Hollywood, but I DO live in Los Angeles. That being said, I believe the following will be relevant to those in NoHo, and really any one living in the city of Los Angeles which encompasses a wide range of "sub cities."

As long as I have lived in "Los Angeles" fireworks of any kind have been banned in the "city"...that means legal and illegal. Instead, we have been encouraged to see one of several firework shows that are offered at various venues around the "city." This year, drone shows, a very wonderful substitute were added. The advantage? Still beautiful lights and images in the night sky, but environmentally friendly (I'm breathing in the murky, smelly air as I write this), and no loud boom, bang noise.

And yet, every year, it looks and sounds like a war zone starting several days before the 4th and lasting until several days after the 4th. And let's not talk about the 4th itself...loud booms and bangs lasting far into the night, making it near to impossible to get any sleep.

Local news channels even show footage of it the next day, almost making fun of the fact that, even though it's illegal, private firework "shows' are literally all over the place in "Los Angeles."

So, my question is this. Why make it illegal? Why spend tons of money on TV ads and marketing posters that clearly are not working? To advertise that one can call the police, well, that doesn't work. Not only have many people told me that, but I myself am witness to that fact. I know who sets off illegal bottle rockets, firecrackers, m80s in my 'hood...I call the police every year. I actually was told sarcastically one year by the firework "hotline" to please "wait a second...the police need to stop taking care of the rape and murder victims so they can take care of my little fireworks situation..."

I live in the hills...I don't think the police would think it's a "little situation" if my hill caught on fire.

Other years, including this one, when other folks I know or myself have called, either the line was busy, the call was never answered, the caller was put on hold forever, or the line was answered, the information was taken, and nothing was ever done. How do we know? Because the firework activity never stopped...not for a minute. no pause, no nothing.

In every other situation, my experience with the LAPD ha been fantastic. And truthfully, this "firework" situation isn't even their fault. They are severely understaffed. I get it. And this law...they're not responsible for that either. Legislators and lawmakers put it in the books. So, if this law is going to remain in effect, one of two things has to happen...

 - Hire more officers to cover this situation, and quite frankly many more (unrelated but clearly in need of more officers) situations.
 - Take the law off the books

I do favor the first choice. I hope another year doesn't bring another Fourth where the illegality of fireworks is discussed but the booms and bangs go on and on...

On behalf of the Universal City/North Hollywood Chamber of Commerce...

A Very Weary (Cuz it's July 5th...thank goodness for spell check),

Dorothy Stringer


Do you work in an HR Department? Or maybe you're even in charge of your HR Department!

Then, this workshop is a must for you! And it's easy to register and easy to attend - you can attend by zoom!

All the information and the QR Code is on the flier. And, even if you're not in HR, but you want to learn how you can be more authentic and empathetic, check into this workshop!

Don't miss it...July 12th, (next Wednesday!), 12 Noon!


Just a week from today! The pomp, the circumstance...the BIG SCISSORS!!! But mostly YOUR chance to welcome a brand new business not only to our Chamber...but to our NoHo community!!

Join us THIS THURSDAY as we throw a warm welcome Ribbon Cutting party for Tania Farshi DDS and her staff!

And if that's not enough...

On July 27th, we do it again!

Then, it will be time to welcome "Granville Restaurant" to our Chamber and community!

So, show your community spirit for both of these amazing small businesses and join us for all of the fun!

Questions? Call us 818-508=5155

What a cool event! Amazing singer, David Pomeranz is coming to the Church of Scientology of the Valley Auditorium on Saturday July 29th, along with a few other talented entertainers! Ticket prices start at only $38!


Sponsor and ticket information can be found on the flier...don't miss this special event!!


Last month, we differed to the "Mega Mixer" because quite frankly, we didn't want to compete with something "Mega!"

But now we're back and boy, are we back!! On July 26th, we will be sponsored by our friends at New York Life, who will speaking for a few minutes on the importance of life insurance (c'mon, we all know how important it is...but we all put it off because we just don't want to think about it)...

Here's an opportunity to learn what you need to know from OUR Chamber members!

but wait...

Our guest speaker is one of the folks running for our City Council District 2, John Paul Bird. This seat has been held by Paul Krekorian, who will be terming out - so the seat is up for grabs! The Council primary election is on March 5th, 2024, which by the way, is our Presidential primary election date as well. So, number #1...VOTE!!



Number #2

Voters will elect candidates in a nonpartisan primary, with runoff elections scheduled for November 5th...ANOTHER BIG ELECTION!!

The primary election is only eight months away, so the time to study candidates and make an informed voting decision is...NOW!!

We make it easy for you...we're gonna have the candidates meet you here at our mixers...so...

Make sure you attend this mixer...and don't forget the pizza!



Our Chamber just wanted to take the time to recognize United Chambers for all the hard work they did to put together the

"Mega Mixer" last Thursday, June 29th. Many hands were shook, many business cards were exchanged, and many folks had a great time!

So, on behalf of all of our Chambers of Commerce...and especially the UCNH Chamber :)



In the United States, on July 6th, chicken lovers across the country recognize National Fried Chicken Day by feasting at a nearby restaurant, home, or an outdoor picnic.

Scottish immigrants brought their tradition of deep-frying chicken in fat to the southern United States. After its introduction to the American South, fried chicken soon became a staple. Over time, cooks added seasonings and spices to enrich the flavor of the chicken.

Whether you have the greatest recipe and make the world's best fried chicken, or you opt out to buy it at your favorite place...today's the day to load up and celebrate! Thanks to the "Scotts" for this yummy dish!

Well, that's it for this week...time for the weekend! There might be a heat wave coming next week, so, it might be a good idea to prepare...fix those broken air conditioners, get the pool all set and ready for the kiddos! We'll be here to let you know what's happening around NoHo

Until then...

That's All Folks!