
Universal City North Hollywood Chamber of Commerce News - March 13, 2023

Clubs and Organizations

March 14, 2023

From: Universal City North Hollywood Chamber of Commerce

Welcome to another edition of "NoHo Strong!"

This week's articles include another NoHo Clean-Up, more events from the Midnight Mission, as well as our weekly "Thank-Yous" and our "National Thursdays!" And let's not forget...March is "International Women!s Month" too! We'll be focusing on some great women every week all month!

So, if you're ready for some great reading...let's get started!


March IS Women's History Month...

So...Is Women's History Month really a thing?


Women's History Month is an annual declared month that highlights the contributions of women to events in history and contemporary society. It is celebrated during March in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia, corresponding with International Women's Day on March 8, and during October in Canada, corresponding with the celebration of Persons Day on October 18.

The commemoration began in 1978 as "Women's History day" in Sonoma County, California, and was championed by Gerda Lerner and the National Women's History Alliance to be recognized as a national week (1980) and then month (1987) in the United States, spreading internationally after that.

That being said, it's time to highlight a special woman, as we will every week throughout the end of March.

Today, we're spotlighting Dorothea Dix (1802-1887). This Bostonian became internationally known for her activism on behalf of asylum and prison reform, and later leader of Union nurses during the Civil War. She traveled tens of thousands of miles, almost always alone, inspecting prisons, jails, poorhouses and almshouses. The conditions she conveyed in her numerous exposés were horrendous. Local officials purportedly shook with fear when she showed up on their doorsteps demanding admittance. Due to her efforts, every state in the ever-expanding United States allocated land, money and legislative attention to the creation and improvement of insane asylums. Yet despite working with prominent male abolitionists, she remained explicitly racist and resisted abolitionism. The denial of the rights of the institutionalized, the overwhelming ability of husbands to institutionalize their wives as insane, the inequalities of racially segregated asylums, and the published exposés of ex-asylum inmates who sought to bring attention to asylum abuses simply did not exist and/or did not matter in Dix’s world. Like all of us, she’s a bundle of contradictions — but unlike most of us, her contradictions had impact.


by ds stringer, CEO


As computer and internet usage and those who manipulate it becomes more and more sophisticated, so to are the ways to wrestle you out of your money. Whatever the circumstance, believe me when I tell you, there's always a way to scram you out of your money.

The latest scams are so refined and state-of-the-art, even the most educated among us might be fooled! We simply must be on guard at all times.

As I researched for this commentary I came across an article that, well, "I couldn't have said it or taught it better myself."

So, here is the link for this article, entitled:

"Top 5 Most Common Job Scams in 2023 and how to Spot Them"


Just copy and paste this link in your browser.

I encourage all of you to read this article and educate yourselves, whether you're job seeking or not. Certainly, considering the methods that are being used to swindle us out of our money with simple job applications; a little tweaking would allow us these techniques to use elsewhere...and everywhere.

Doesn't hurt to always try to stay on top of the latest news and education!

On behalf of the Universal City/North Hollywood Chamber of Commerce...

Dorothy Stringer

Dorothy Stringer



BUSINESS OWNERS!!! This is the mixer for you! Our guest speakers this month are from Staples Office Supply...they've got HUGE discounts ad specials just for you...and they wanna talk to YOU all about them!

PLUS...all the networking, new member introductions, community announcements...and PIZZA!! Join us Wednesday, March 22nd 6-8PM

at Pitfire Pizza!!


Still some time to sign up as a sponsor, a golfer...or both...to participate in the "Smokey Robinson Invitational Golf Tournament," Monday, June 12th 2023 at the Calabasas Country Club. Sponsor sheet is included in this article.


To sign up as a sponsor or a golfer, or any other questions, please contact

David Prentice, Development Officer 424-558-0505



There are wonderful events happening at the Midnight Mission for Easter, Passover, and Mothers Day! If you have never toured the Midnight Mission and have gotten to see the "magic" for yourself, perhaps it would be a nice idea to take advantage of these special "goings-on!" Look at the above fliers for all the information.

Any questions? Contact David Prentice,

Development Officer424-558-0505



That's our goal NoHo...NO LIVES LOST!!

There is no one in this community that wants to lose their life, or see a loved one perish during a mass shooting. Time to learn what to do to insure our chances of surviving the tragedy of this kind of massacre...

Please join us on April 13th...your life and/or the lives of your loved ones may depend on the information you learn

It’s time for you to think about who you would like to nominate as your Small Business Award recipient!

Every year, all of the San Fernando Valley Chambers of Commerce each nominate a small business to be recognized in the United Chambers sponsored "Small Business Breakfast." We'd like your input!

If you would like to participate and nominate a business, or nominate yourself...

The form and guidelines are in the link below.

Thanks for your help!



Usually, at this point of our newsletter, we highlight a National or World Thursday of some sort, and usually bring some levity to the article as it generally spotlights National "Chocolate" Day, or World "Take A Hike" Day.

But today's feature is serious. "World Kidney Day" is extremely important, considering more and more people are being diagnosed with kidney disease...and don't even know they have it.

"World Kidney Day" is a global health awareness campaign focusing on the importance of the kidneys and reducing the frequency and impact of kidney disease and its associated health problems worldwide. "World Kidney Day" is observed annually on the 2nd Thursday in March.

So, now that you know what the focus is today, take some time to learn just how important the kidneys are, what are the signs of trouble, and how to avoid trouble in the first place.

Let's keep our kidneys healthy!


Here's another opportunity to do your part to help keep NoHo clean! Let's make our community a place where we are proud to live and work, and where visitors will be impressed!

Mark your calendars for Saturday, April 1st!!

You make a living by what you get. You make a life by what you give.”

~Winston Churchill


Tomorrow is the day...if you haven't nominated your favorite, deserving "Inspirational Woman," your ballot MUST be in by tomorrow, March 10th!

Contact Marian Jocz at United Chambers with any questions...

(818) 981-4491


Much thanks to our Board member Brian Charles, franchise owner of TWO Liberty Tax offices, for his membership renewal and his continued loyalty to our Chamber!

Brian is also a former President, so he has really put some time effort into his membership with us! Much appreciated Brian!

If you would like to get more information on the value of membership with our Chamber, contact us at 818-508-5155

Lots of news articles=lots of important information for you! But we've finally come to this week's edition!

We're already working on the features and articles for next week...so stay tuned and be prepared for more information headed your way!

Until next time...