
Village Of Ossining Mayor's Weekly Update - September 13, 2022

Government and Politics

September 14, 2022

From: Village Of Ossining

From the desk of Mayor Rika Levin

The Board of Trustees of the Village of Ossining recognizes individuals who have shown exemplary commitment and dedication to the community. We acknowledge outstanding service that contributes to the quality of life in Ossining.
This past weekend, five active members of Independent Hose Company #6 were celebrated for their 50+ years of service to the Ossining Fire Department.
Honored were:

-Robert Davis
-Charles Legall
-Richard Kamp
-Clarence Jones
-William Voss

As a community, we are grateful for their many years of loyal service!

As in years past, our nation came together in various ways to honor the 9/11 victims. From the observance of a moment of silence, and volunteer projects, to stair climbs and ceremonies. In Ossining, we hosted the Ossining & Briarcliff 9/11 Remembrance Ceremony. The ceremony included emergency service organizations and elected officials serving the residents of the Village of Ossining, the Town of Ossining, and the Village of Briarcliff Manor.
In the aftermath of this horrific event, I'm proud that our community comes together annually to honor the sacrifices of our first responders, civilians, and military heroes of 9/11.

We look forward to this week's Work Session on Wednesday, 9/14.
The following topics will be covered during the Work Session:

-Several weeks back, the BOT passed a resolution asking the Village Historian to research a request for an honorary street renaming. Historian Joyce will be first on the agenda to share her report.

-We received a request from Green Ossining Chair Suzie Ross to have the BOT consider supporting the "Clean Water, Clean Air, and Green Jobs Environmental Bond Act," which is a piece of NYS legislation that, if passed, will provide more than $4B to environmental and restoration projects state-wide. The Bond Referendum will be on the ballot this Election Day, and Suzie hopes that having local government support around the Bond Issue will help increase awareness among the voting public.

-Corporation Council Kahan and Building Inspector Joe Agostinelli will be with us to discuss Proposed Local Law #10 of 2022 (embedded in the agenda) regarding changes to Chapter 162 of the Village Code (Housing/ Property Maintenance and Building Code Administration). The proposed changes seek to expand the definition of a "structure" to include some fences, masonry rock walls, and porches, among others, as well as extend the requirement of permits for the construction of those "structures" while also exempting the need for a permit when repaving or resurfacing an existing driveway (without enlarging or extending the footprint). It also explicitly names Code Enforcement Officers as persons who can issue and sign "stop work" orders.

-Finally, we have (4) places of business looking for cabaret licenses/ renewals, including El Manabita (107 Main Street), La Tusa Bar (in the Lucy’s Pizza building at 26 South Highland), Grace Hall (Old Albany Post Road), and Here Coffee (the former Metro Pups location in Station Plaza).

Are you considering volunteering? It's an important way to help individuals and our community. Did you know that the Village has 13 volunteer groups whose members are appointed by the Board of Trustees (a few of the land use board members are appointed by the Village Manager)? We rely on community members to advise us on all sorts of issues: parks, Community Center, landlord-tenant issues, police reform, and the environment, to name a few.

With most of us leading super busy lives, the idea of giving your time and energy to a cause without financial reward may seem an impossible task. I mean, how can we fit anything else into our already jam-packed schedules? However, volunteering is important for many reasons and doesn't have to take up too much time. While the benefits to the community are obvious, in fact, the benefits of volunteering are vast for the volunteer as well. The altruistic act in itself gives people self-confidence, widens their social network, adds to their knowledge of local government, and builds social skills. I encourage you to consider volunteering for one of our advisory committees.

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