
We Love Our Donors! You Help us Grow Opera in Rochester!

Arts and Entertainment

November 23, 2023

From: Opera Guild of Rochester

We Are Grateful.
In this season of family and giving, we are especially thankful to our family of donors who support us in our mission to make opera accessible and enjoyable for all. We seek to create opportunities that are free or low cost, refreshing in their content and provide you and the Rochester community with many ways to participate in an art form that you love.

Some recent highlights that we know many of you enjoyed:

 - Our newest (free) event that shared the treasures of our local gem, the unparalleled collection at the Sibley Music Library.
 - Our popular Bravo Nights series at which we spotlight local opera talent...we see strong audience participation, to the delight of our performers.
 - Our additional Bravo event at Pittsford Community Library that captivated the audience with Jessica Moss's lyric soprano voice along with her delightful narrative tying her pieces to the library-appropriate Dewey Decimal system.
Your continued support is integral to our mission of fostering opera appreciation and participation in the Rochester area.

Please give generously. Your gift means so much to the Guild as we seek to expand our impact.

Click Here to Donate Now