
Weekly Letter From County Supervisor Jesse Armendarez - November 13, 2023

Arts and Entertainment

November 20, 2023

From: San Bernardino County

Dear Neighbor,

We invite you to explore this letter and discover how dedicated we are to making our County a continuously thriving and supportive community for each resident.

San Bernardino County is home to over 2.2 million residents. Our County has over 42 different departments that are of service to all residents. This letter aims to provide you with essential information about Behavioral Health’s Substance Use Disorder and Recovery Service. Within this letter you will be able to learn more about the resources, programs, and assistance options that have been thoughtfully designed to enhance the quality of life for everyone.

The Department of Behavioral Health offers a wide variety of substance use disorder recovery services for youth and adults. Substance Use Disorder recovery services plays a critical role in saving lives by providing necessary support and interventions.

If you suspect a family member or friend might have a problem with substance use, speak to them about getting help. Treatment can be arranged in different modalities to fit almost any schedule. Counselors will work with you and your family member/friend to design a treatment plan that works with you. When you’re ready, you or your family member/friend can call (800) 968-2636 to reach our Substance Use Disorder Helpline, 24-hours of the day for a free and confidential assessment. We are here to support you.

Best Regards,
County Supervisor Jesse Armendarez