
What People Are Saying About Governor Shapiro's First 100 Days in Office

Government and Politics

April 28, 2023

From: Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro

HARRISBURG, PA – In his first 100 days in office, Governor Josh Shapiro has traveled across the Commonwealth, visiting over 20 counties, to hear from Pennsylvanians of all walks of life, including small business owners and teachers, first responders, barbers, farmers and nurses.

The Governor has started to deliver real results for Pennsylvanians, from announcing that 92 percent of state government jobs are open to individuals without a four-year degree to supporting major economic development projects that will create hundreds of jobs to unveiling a commonsense budget proposal addresses the most-pressing challenges Pennsylvanians face.

See what Pennsylvanians all across the Commonwealth have said about Governor Shapiro’s priorities and first 100 days in office.

Elected Officials in Both Parties:

Rep. Jim Marshall: I expected Gov. Shapiro to do well, and he’s probably exceeded my expectations already. Governor Shapiro’s style and tone are on target with what the governor’s office should do.

Sen. Scott Martin: You need a new leadership style or willingness to potentially compromise on certain issues. I see a lot of hope. On all these topics, I think there’s definitely an appetite from what I’ve seen from all parties, to really engage in the discussion, trying to find common ground.

Rep. Danilo Burgos: I want to thank Governor Josh Shapiro for signing an executive order that removes a college degree as a requirement for tens of thousands of state government jobs. This will open opportunities for more Pennsylvanians!

Rep. Aaron Bernstine: The action items he’s taken so far have been wins for the commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

Sen. Cameron Bartolotta: I applaud Governor Shapiro’s Executive Order to improve the Commonwealth’s licensing, permitting, and certification processes. Averaging more than three months of wait time for licensure in PA, this is a step in the right direction to filling crucial nursing positions quickly.  

Rep. Malcolm Kenyatta: This executive order should be very beneficial to working Pennsylvanians and should make this process more efficient and transparent.

Rep. Joe Ciresi: One of the first things that @GovernorShapiro did was remove the college degree requirement for more than 65,000 state jobs, believing that if you’re qualified for the job, you deserve a fair chance at getting the job even if you don’t have a degree.

Speaker Joanna McClinton: @PaHouseDems are ready to work to get @GovernorShapiro’s proposed budget across the finish line! His proposal was one that had ALL residents in mind. From our #youngestneighbors to our #wisestneighbors, we’re ready to ensure YOU are covered when this is finalized in June.

President Pro Tem Kim Ward: The governor said a lot of things that we can all get on board with.

Sen. Lisa Baker: During today’s budget address, Governor Shapiro identified several priority issues that are important to residents of the 20th Senatorial District — helping individuals and families keep more of their hard-earned money, creating workforce development and job opportunities, ensuring safe communities, expanding rural access to health care and mental health services, investing in roads and bridges, high speed internet, and other infrastructure improvements.  

Rep. Jim Struzzi: All Indiana County school students stand to benefit under his proposal, including an emphasis on mental health funding. The governor’s desire to increase the Homestead Farmstead Exemption would provide property tax relief and his proposed investments in first responders, law enforcement and roads and bridges would increase public safety and strengthen our infrastructure.

Sen. Jim Brewster: The governor’s budget provides a solid framework for building upon recent improvements to education, public safety, and the environment. I’m looking forward to working with the administration to fill out the framework with the details that will help communities thrive and keep our neighbors safe and healthy.

Rep. Donna Bullock: @GovernorShapiro’s budget proposal invests in Pennsylvanians! I’m grateful to see investments in education and school buildings, in seniors through expanded property tax & rent relief, and in our communities by addressing #gunviolence.  

Sen. Lindsey Williams: I was incredibly encouraged to hear that Governor Shapiro included extending the Universal School Breakfast program and expanding access to free lunch in his first budget address. These programs provide our students with healthy meals that allow them to be ready to learn every single day. Providing breakfast and lunch is just as essential to learning as providing textbooks and desks—students can’t learn when they’re hungry.

Rep. Seth Grove: Gov. Shapiro’s proposed budget is a reasonable start to the process.

Sen. Maria Collett: I’m happy to see Governor Shapiro kept his word to prioritize putting money back into the pockets of Pennsylvanians and boosting our economy. This budget eliminates state cell phone taxes, increases childcare subsidies, and finally raises Pennsylvania’s shameful minimum wage.

Sen. David Argall: During Governor Shapiro’s first budget address today, he offered many good ideas, including finding a new way to fund our public schools and breathing new life into old towns and neighborhoods.  

Rep. Sherly M. Delozier: I am glad the governor prioritized our police officers, nurses, & teachers. Supported criminal justice reform and our Troopers.

Sen. Jay Costa: @GovernorShapiro has put forth a thoughtful, reasonable, and doable budget. This budget prioritizes our children, our educators, our workforce, our small businesses, and our seniors.

Sen. Tracy Pennycuick: After hearing the governor’s budget address, I believe there are many areas where we will find common ground and some significant places where continued work is needed. I was pleased that the governor chose to support several important family and senior centric programs.

Sen. Dan Laughlin: I think some of the areas we can agree on include funding for mental health issues, some of the education funding issues

Treasurer Stacy Garrity: We know the start budget will hit a fiscal cliff before long, so it’s good the Governor didn’t propose reaching into the Rainy Day Fund this year…I’m also encouraged by his support for workforce development, including investments in technical education and manufacturing. Additionally, I appreciate his attention paid to senior on fixed incomes, law enforcement, first responders and frontline workers.

Sen. Sharif Street: Locally farmed fresh produce supports our small businesses and reduces our carbon footprint. That’s why we worked hard to ensure Urban Agricultural Grants. Good to hear @GovernorShapiro cite this as a budget priority! #pabudget

Sen. Amanda Cappelletti: Our minimum wage in PA is shameful. We must #RaiseTheWage and ensure our workers have what they need to provide for themselves and their families. I’m glad to hear @GovernorShapiro call for a $15 minimum wage during today’s budget address.

PA House Democrats: House Democrats stand with @GovernorShapiro — it’s time to #RaiseTheWage and make sure workers can afford to be customers so we can get more money to grow our communities and our economy!

Rep. Jessica Benham: I’m grateful the Governor is emphasizing lowering costs for Pennsylvanians, because I’ve seen firsthand the ways that inflation is impacting working families in my district.

I’m especially thrilled to hear his plan to expand the property tax/rent rebate program, which helps our seniors and Pennsylvanians with disabilities make ends meet.  

Rep. Malcolm Kenyatta: Excited that Gov. Shapiro leads with increasing relief for seniors and disabled Pennsylvanians by expanding the property tax/rent rebate program. I’m ready to work with @GovernorShapiro to get that done for Pennsylvania.

PA House Democrats: House Democrats stand with @GovernorShapiro’s #PABudget to invest in Public Defenders and help slash the recidivism rate — making sure the people who earned a second chance get it without red tape getting in the way while keeping the dangerous criminals off the street.

PA House Democrats: We need more nurses. We need more police officers. We need more teachers. We’re standing with @GovernorShapiro’s #PABudget to get more of them on the job with tax credits for people joining those careers and build #BetterSchools and #SaferCommunities.

Rep. Dan Frankel: Our communities desperately need them, and many people want to be teachers – they are called to it. What we need to do, and what Governor Shapiro is working to do, is to ensure that they are able to answer that calling without sacrificing other parts of their lives.

Pennsylvania Leaders:

Pennsylvania Chamber of Business and Industry: We proudly stood today with @GovernorShapiro & administration officials as they announced a new one-stop shop for economic development in PA. Our members tell us they want regulatory & permitting reform – and the governor is delivering! Our press release: https://bit.ly/3JgpmH9

The Chamber of Commerce for Greater Philadelphia: We’re thrilled that @GovernorShapiro is taking steps to foster inclusive growth through today’s executive order creating the Office of Transformation and Opportunity. Learn more from the @PennCapitalStar: https://penncapital-star.com/government-politics/shapiro-establishes-office-of-transformation-and-opportunity/

PA AFL-CIO: #PAAFLCIO President Angela Ferritto joined @GovernorShapiro as he signed an Executive Order creating the Pennsylvania Office of Transformation and Opportunity and the Economic Development Strategy Group today. #1u #UnionStrong #Union

PA Association of Nurse Anesthetists (PANA): Gov @JoshShapiroPA wants to address the lag time related to the state’s licensing process, including a “money back” guarantee if it takes too long. This includes initial & renewal application processes for #nursinglicenses, which have some of the longest wait times in the country  

Agencies have 90 days to catalogue licenses and come up with a plan to cut red tape. Read more on our blog: https://panaforqualitycare.com/single-post/gov-josh-shapiro-addresses-lag-times-in-licensing

Pennsylvania Coalition of Nurse Practitioners: Earlier today, @GovernorShapiro signed an executive order making #Pennsylvania’s state licensing, permitting, & certification processes quicker & more efficient.

“We cannot have #nurses kept off the job because of paperwork delays,” said Gov. Shapiro.

Pennsylvania State Troopers Association (PSTA) President David Kennedy: Gov. Shapiro recognizes the first duty of government is the safety of its citizens. We would like to commend him for providing a dedicated funding stream for the Pennsylvania State Police and proposing four new cadet classes in the next state budget to hire 384 new troopers, as well as the additional steps he wants to take to provide more law enforcement officers for Pennsylvania’s communities.

Chamber of Commerce for Greater Philadelphia President and CEO Chellie Cameron: The Chamber is pleased to see the Governor’s call for investments in Pennsylvania’s education and workforce, public safety, and energy development.  We share the Governor’s vision for the Commonwealth as a leader in innovation, job creation, and economic development through a more competitive business tax and regulatory climate.

Hospital and Healthsystem Association of Pennsylvania (HAP) President and CEO Andy Carter: HAP and Pennsylvania’s hospitals thank Governor Shapiro for calling attention during his budget address to the importance of investing in the health care workforce, Pennsylvanians’ mental health, and access to care in rural communities.  

API-PA Executive Director Stephanie Catarino Wissman: We look forward to working with Gov. Shapiro and his administration to accelerate economic growth in our state’s energy sector and attract new investment while protecting our environment – priorities that will build a stronger Pennsylvania.

AFSCME Council 13 Executive Director David Henderson: As the governor pointed out, Pennsylvania is facing a budget surplus, which presents many opportunities for investments in this commonwealth. Our union will be strongly advocating for our members – the public employees who keep the state running – to be included in those investments.

Philadelphia Federation of Teachers President Jerry Jordan: I congratulate Governor Shapiro on delivering a thoughtful budget address that outlines a host of investments in critical resources. Specifically, we are hopeful that the urgency Governor Shapiro conveyed surrounding our Commonwealth’s constitutional and moral obligation to provide every child with a ‘thorough and efficient’ system of public education was recognized and taken to heart by legislators throughout the Commonwealth.

PA Women’s Health: Ending the Maternal Mortality Crisis is a cornerstone of WHC’s platform. We are pleased to see @GovernorShapiro’s budget proposal include a $2.3M investment into the Maternal Mortality Review Committee to expand programming and address this crisis.

PA State System of Higher Education Board Chairwoman Cynthia Shapira: We are thankful to Gov. Shapiro for his support of State System universities and his efforts to evaluate higher education funding in Pennsylvania. With nearly 90 percent of our students being from (the) commonwealth, and the vast majority staying here after graduation, funding for the State System is an investment in the future of Pennsylvania. We look forward to working with the governor and General Assembly on investments this year and beyond that prepare students for success and meet the needs of the workforce.

PASSHE Chancellor Dr. Daniel Greenstein: We appreciate Gov. Shapiro’s commitment to PASSHE and fully support his proposal to review structural challenges with post-secondary education funding and other issues. These challenges are confronting states across the country and leave too many jobs unfilled due to a lack of qualified workers and leave behind too many people and communities. This is an opportunity for Pennsylvania to be a national leader in addressing the cost of higher education, aligning programs to workforce needs and opening doors of opportunity for hardworking students and adults in every community.

PSEA: Third-grade teacher Jess Porter from North Hills School District is in the house for today’s #PABudget address, and @GovernorShapiro just recognized her and expressed his appreciation for all that she is doing for her students. #PSEAProud

Americans For Prosperity: We agree, @GovernorShapiro: we need to lower the corporate net income tax. We’re excited about Senator @wgregrothman and @SenatorAument to accelerate this reduction. #PABudget

Center for Children’s Justice: Investment in public defenders as sought by @GovernorShapiro is investment in children who have a parent connected to criminal justice system, often for non violent offenses, which then often leads child to spend time in #fostercare

Clean Water Action PA: We applaud @GovernorShapiro for including as part of his #budget address financing for capturing #methane  by plugging orphaned & abandoned #oilandgas wells, investing in @PennsylvaniaDEP & getting #NorfolkSouthern to commit to a floor for making our communities whole again.

Center For Children’s Justice: “We need to listen to our children” especially as it relates to mental health. Absolutely spot on @GovernorShapiro

Jerry Zahorchak, Former Pennsylvania Secretary of Education: Excellent! Great budget for all children and families! Investing in PA the Shapiro way will create an enormous ROI for all of us!  Wow, talk about comprehensive and systemic choices!  

Level Up PA: “Last month, President Judge Renée Cohn Jubelirer of the Commonwealth Court issued a ruling declaring Pennsylvania’s system for funding public education unconstitutional. That ruling was a call to action. Literally.” We couldn’t agree more @GovernorShapiro #PABudget

Hospital and Healthsystem Association of Pennsylvania: “PA hospitals thank @GovernorShapiro for calling attention during his budget address to the importance of investing in the health care workforce, Pennsylvanians’ mental health, and access to care in rural communities,” HAP Pres/CEO Andy Carter said. More: http://bit.ly/3L607bG  

Philadelphia School District Superintendent Tony Watlington Sr: We applaud Gov. Shapiro for putting forward an ambitious proposal. We are looking forward to engaging with Gov. Shapiro and members of the General Assembly in hopes of reaching a final budget that provides Philadelphia with an adequate and equitable level of funding.

Pennsylvania State Troopers Association President David Kennedy: Gov. Shapiro recognizes the first duty of government is the safety of its citizens. We would like to commend him for providing a dedicated funding stream for the Pennsylvania State Police and proposing four new cadet classes in the next state budget to hire 384 new troopers, as well as the additional steps he wants to take to provide more law enforcement officers for Pennsylvania’s communities.

Planned Parenthood PA Executive Director Signe Espinoza: Governor Shapiro has proposed a budget here that invests in communities, future generations, and essential services and programs. We know that a budget is bigger than the numbers on a page; it’s a statement of priorities. We hear politicians tell us what they care about every election season, but when they propose a budget, they’re showing us what really matters. Governor Shapiro has shown us that he cares about our families, and we thank him for that.

Chief Executive Officer for Philadelphia Charters for Excellence Scott Peterman: PCE applauds Governor Shapiro for standing behind his campaign promise to ‘invest in public education and empower parents to put their kids in the best opportunity for them to succeed. PCE, on behalf of Philadelphia’s 83 public brick-and-mortar charter schools – serving 65,000 students – is encouraged by the Governor’s proposal which, unlike his predecessor, respects the educational choices made by families and does not attack public charter schools.

PennFuture: The Governor’s budget provides an excellent starting point for moving us toward the Commonwealth’s clean energy potential. Pennsylvanians can seize the opportunity to use less carbon-producing energy, grow the green job sector, and clean up our grid.

AARP Pennsylvania State Director Bill Johnston-Walsh: On behalf of our 1.8 million members and all Pennsylvanians age 50-plus, we commend Governor Shapiro for proposing a budget that recognizes the critical role that the state’s network of area agencies on aging – often referred to as “triple A’s” – play in assisting older adults to live with independence and dignity in their homes and communities.

Family Friendly Pennsylvania State Director Rachele Fortier: Governor Shapiro’s proposed investments in Child Care Works and to address child care staffing shortages are a step towards stabilizing Pennsylvania’s child care industry and recognize the need for increased access to affordable child care. Additionally, his proposed investments in home and community based services will work to lower costs and improve quality of life for seniors and disabled Pennsylvanians.

Allegheny County Executive Rich Fitzgerald: I want to thank the Governor for the initiative in putting forth to increase funding for education to encourage more people to get into teaching. We know in our region right now, in Allegheny County, we have all these jobs and opportunities that are growing, but unless our children and young people have the skills and the ability to get these jobs, they might as well be separated by millions of miles. I was at Governor Shapiro’s budget address a couple of weeks ago, and his commitment to education, to try to level the playing field, is really important.

Congresswoman Summer Lee: Governor Shapiro understands that every child deserves to be taught by well-qualified and well-paid teachers, and every teacher deserves to live with dignity.

Pittsburgh Colfax K-8 Principal Dr. Tamara Sanders-Woods: We are ecstatic to learn about specific attention and proposals that include supports to rebuild our workforce and that offers opportunities to those who aspire to a career in education. It is our hope that these efforts will help recruit and retain quality educators into our schools. Our students deserve it, educators deserve it, and our world needs it.

Student Teacher Megan Ost: It is important to note that Pennsylvania is in deep need for great, passionate, and hardworking educators. To help incentivize this in his budget, the Governor is proposing a refundable tax credit of up to $2,500 each year, every year for three years for anyone who earns a new license or certification in teaching. I believe this can really impact new educators and help those passionate about teaching.

Scranton Police Chief Thomas Carroll: I am very passionate about public service, and more importantly, about public safety. The difficulty of maintaining public safety increases when staffing shortfalls exist. Our dedicated officers will always face the challenges and cover those shortfalls, but it’s not sustainable. I, like my fellow public safety counterparts, am concerned about the impact of the shortfalls to our operations over time. For the first time in our history, we have developed a comprehensive recruiting initiative to motivate good people to accept the challenges of policing and join our forces. Governor, we appreciate you understanding the seriousness of our staffing needs, promoting law enforcement’s legitimacy, and proposing recruitment incentives for public safety positions.

Mercyhurst Police Academy Cadet Jose Montes: Our class of cadets come from many walks of life of varying ages and different stages of their careers, but we all have one common goal – and that is to serve the communities that we love and treasure. We are very fortunate to have like-minded people also serving in the government like Governor Shapiro and his staff. We’re thankful that Governor Shapiro is innovative and taking actionable steps to put us in a better position to serve and protect, like introducing a tax credit for new officers in Pennsylvania.

Gwynedd Mercy University President Deanne D’Emilio: This bold initiative recognizes the very real need to attract and retain more highly qualified nursing professionals in PA. We are grateful for the Governor’s commitment to strengthening the workforce in the Commonwealth and we are delighted to be part of the solution to this pressing need.

Gwynedd Mercy University Student Brooke: I’m here today to have a conversation with Governor Shapiro about his recent tax proposal. So I actually work as a tech in a hospital currently and I definitely see how short staffing can negatively affect the patient outcome at the end of the day. Short staffing directly relates to patient safety. When you don’t have enough nurses to take care of all of their patients adequately, it’s not going to have as beneficial of an outcome for the patients at the end of the day. What he’s doing with targeting the younger generation and the people who are going to lead our future – I think it’s very important to have that conversation and to kind of start there and be able to just get perspective. Perspective is so, so, so vital and important in these situations. I mean, we see firsthand in the field, what’s going on, we have that firsthand experience and knowledge, so to be able to get that is vital.

County Commissioners Association of Pennsylvania President and Venango County Commissioner Chip Abramovic: Our number one priority as county commissioners and all 67 counties across this Commonwealth is 9-1-1 funding. That’s bipartisan, apolitical, and is one of the key things that we need. This is critical to every single resident in our Commonwealth to get that funding.”

Deputy Director of Emergency Communications for Montgomery County Jennifer Cass: Welcome home, Governor Shapiro, and thank you for bringing attention to the important topic of 9-1-1 funding in Pennsylvania. The heart of our 9-1-1 system is composed of county based 9-1-1 centers and their highly trained staff of telecommunicators. Governor Shapiro’s budget recognizes the challenges counties and 9-1-1 dispatchers face and invests over $50 million in that system and ties that funding to the cost of living, so we’ll keep up with rising costs.

Altoona Fire Chief Adam Free: Governor Shapiro’s investment in public safety across the Commonwealth will directly impact the budget and staffing shortfalls that so many public safety agencies face. Without this necessary funding, the safety and security of our citizens could be in jeopardy. I would like to thank Governor Shapiro for his commitment to public safety and for understanding our difficulties.

City of Altoona Fire Fighter & Western Vice President, Pennsylvania Professional Fire Fighters Association Pat Miller: Within days of taking office, Governor Shapiro and his team met with the Pennsylvania Professional Fire Fighters Association (PPFFA) in Harrisburg, asking what needed to be done to improve the fire and EMS services in Pennsylvania. The members of International Association of Fire Fighters Local 299 and the PPFFA want to thank Governor Shapiro for the continued support, understanding our needs and concerns, and working to improve emergency services across this great Commonwealth.

Lancaster Mayor Danene Sorace: We need partnership to be able to ensure that we’re able to meet the most basic needs of Pennsylvanians every day, and we are looking to the Governor and appreciate his partnership coming here today and helping us bring this message to Harrisburg. Governor Shapiro’s budget offers needed support to cities like Lancaster to maintain and elevate our fire bureau’s work.

Lancaster City Bureau of Fire Chief Todd Hutchinson: We must recognize the vital role that our firefighters, EMS providers, and 911 dispatch centers play in keeping our communities safe. I would like to thank Governor Shapiro for his support and dedication for making all of Pennsylvania a safer place to live and continuing to give our first responders the tools and resources needed to do our jobs.