
White Memorial Conservation Center Calendar Of Events - September 2023

Clubs and Organizations

August 9, 2023

From: White Memorial Conservation Center

September 2

Loving Haight with Gerri Griswold

Pack a snack and some water! Explore this beautiful piece of property that is laced with babbling brooks, towering trees, a bevy of birds, and a view of the vineyard. 10:00 a.m., Meet in front of the A. B. Ceder Room. FREE…donations will be accepted to help defray the Conservation Center’s programming expenses.

September 4

Labor Day

Offices and Museum Closed

September 7
Ages 3-6 years

Nature’s Nursery Series
Join us on the first Thursday of each month from May-August for an hour-long program designed just for your young nature lovers. Every session will include a story, an encounter with a live animal, and an activity or craft. Parents/Caregivers, we ask that you stay for the duration of the program. Meet in the A.B. Ceder Room. 4-5pm. Advanced registration is required. To register, please call 860-567-0857 or visit whitememorialcc.org. Space is limited. Please inquire about financial aid as needed. Members: $9/child per session or $30/whole series, Non-Members: $13/child per session or $50/whole series 

September 8 – 22

The 41st Annual Family Nature Day Upscale Tag Sale Online Auction

Our upscale tag sale includes something for everybody…mixtures of old and new! Beautiful pottery, antiques, books, nature themed collectibles for adults and children, cozy wool blankets made by Native American designers, Icelandic Wool Sweaters,, hand-crafted walking sticks, and fun services like an Owl Prowl with Fran Zygmont, Fancy dinners at Gerri Griswold’s cozy Lodge, and tickets to The Black Bear Music Festival. Bid often! Holidays are coming! Bidding begins September 8 at 7:00 a.m. and ends September 22 at 7:00 p.m. Visit https://www.32auctions.com/whitememorial41natureday and browse our every-growing list of offerings. Donations will be accepted through September 1, 2023. If you would like to donate to the auction, please contact Gerri Griswold:  [email protected] Donations are tax-deductible.

September 9

Fall Guys: A Road Trip to Kent Falls, Campbell Falls and Dean Ravine with Gerri Griswold

Let’s hit the road today and explore some coveted properties gifted to the State of Connecticut by Alain and May White! We’ll begin early in the day at glorious Kent Falls. We’ll wind along the Housatonic River, drive over the covered bridge in West Cornwall and stop at Dean Ravine in Cornwall. This is a lesser known property but very charming with beautiful winding trails and its own little waterfall. Our final stop will take us over Canaan Mountain, through Great Mountain Forest and Norfolk to our final destination, Campbell Falls. Meet at Kent Falls off of Route 7 in Kent at 9:00 A.M. We’ll caravan to our watery wonderlands.  Expect to be on the road until 3:00 p.m. Dress for the weather. Bring a bagged lunch and plenty of water! Members: FREE Non-members: $10.00. You must pre-register by calling 860-567-0857 or you can register online: www.whitememorialcc.org

September 14 – 20

Museum Children Free Week

In Memory of Louise W. Willson. Free admission to children ages twelve and under when accompanied by an adult.

September 15


This astronomy program is organized by members of the Litchfield Hills Amateur Astronomy Club and the Mattatuck Astronomical Society. Weather permitting, there will be star gazing after the program. 8:00 p.m., A. B. Ceder Room. Children under 16 must be accompanied by an adult. You are invited to bring your own telescope or binoculars. FREE… Donations will be accepted to help defray the Conservation Center’s programming expenses.

September 16

Meet White Memorial’s Animal Ambassadors with Colleen Harrak

WMCC Environmental Educator Colleen Harrak introduces you to the most popular members of our staff, our Animal Ambassadors! Tippy the American Toad, Sal the Yellow Spotted Salamander, Rocky the Box Turtle, Dottie the Spotted Turtle, Gordon the Eastern Garter Snake, and Ophelia the Barred Owl will all be on hand! Colleen will discuss their stories and give you a behind-the-scenes glimpse into their lives at White Memorial. 2:00 p.m., A. B. Ceder Room, FREE… Donations will be accepted to help defray the Conservation Center’s programming expenses.

September 16

Jaisalmer ~ India’s Golden City with Gerri Griswold

Join globe-trotting Gerri for a travelogue about her recent journey to India during the famous Desert Festival. The annual event takes place each February in the beautiful desert city of Jaisalmer, Rajasthan. Jaisalmer is also known as “The Golden City”. It stands on a ridge of yellowish sandstone and is home to the mighty Jaisalmer Fort, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The buildings are intricately carved and a marvel to behold! The celebrations of the festival make the desert come alive with color. Meet the beautiful people who call Jaisalmer home. Learn what Camel Beautification is all about and see Gerri’s friend Tom grab third prize in the Festival’s Turban Tying Contest! This cultural event has many highlights all colorfully captured, so you won’t have to endure the 23-hour flight to get there! Enjoy some delicious vegetable Samosas during the presentation provided by Avon Indian Grill. 7:00 p.m., A. B. Ceder Room, Members: $10.00, Non-Members: $20.00 Pre-registration and pre-payment are required. Call 860-567-0857 or register online: www.whitememorialcc.org

September 21

Babies in Backpacks with Kelly Orr

For Ages 6 months to 2 years!

Come and explore the great outdoors in a way that your child can get excited about! The third Thursday of every month we will enjoy a hike with your child in a babywearing carrier or follow their pace if they are mobile.  There will only be expectations of exploring the world around us, not of a mile mark or speed.  Depending on the energy level of the group we will use our bodies to move in nature for 30 minutes, followed by an activity.  We will read books about the outdoors, enjoy touch and feel stations, use sand and water bins and more! This will be a year-round program. The goal is to encourage family time outdoors in all seasons.  We will still play outside in rain, snow, heat, and cold.  Unsafe weather will push us indoors.  Plan to get a little dirty, and come with weather appropriate clothing, sunscreen and bug spray as needed.  Caretakers must stay for the duration of the program. Please park in the horse trailer parking and meet in the Pollinator Garden. 

10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m., Members: $9/child per session or $30/whole series, Non-Members: $13/child per session or $50/whole series Pre-registration is required by calling 860-567-0857 or register online here: www.whitememorialcc.org  Space is limited. Please inquire about financial aid as needed. 

September 23

The 41st Annual Family Nature Day!

Our annual celebration of Mother Nature is a must for folks of all ages. This edition is chock full of the greatest presenters! Brain Bradley will be here with his beautiful free-flying hawks and falcons. Riverside Reptiles’ Brian Kleinman is perhaps the greatest mind in reptiles in our state. Come visit the many friends he’ll be bringing along. Visit with our native turtles…The Turtle’s Back is…er…back! Learn all about North America’s only marsupial with Ferncroft Wildlife Rescue and their Opossum Ambassadors! Meet a Bald Eagle, Golden Eagle, and more with Horizon Wings Raptor Rehabilitation and Education Center!  Gerri Griswold, The Bat Lady returns with Betty the Big Brown Bat!  The Stamford Museum and Nature Center presents EDIBLE INSECTS! Music will be provided by ! The day is filled with live animals, guided nature walks, information booths, horse drawn wagon rides, and yummy food! JAKE THE MOOSE MAN WILL BE HERE! The PIE SALE is extremely popular! Shop until you drop at the artisan market. Our Upscale Tag Sale Online Auction runs from September 8 – 23. Check out https://www.32auctions.com/whitememorial41natureday for more information and to browse our beautiful offerings!  Lots of nature crafts for the kiddies too! Who will be the winner of a trip for two to ICELAND (donated by Krummi Travel LLC) with Gerri Griswold in June 2024 or use a $2000 gift card to AirBNB that can be used anywhere in the world! One lucky winner gets a $500 gift card to L.L. Bean! These are the three prizes up for grabs in our annual raffle! So much to do!  Feed your mind, body, and soul! 11:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M., Admission: $6.00, Center Members and children under 12 are FREE! 

September 28 – October 4

Museum Children Free Week

Courtesy of Joan and Jack Benham. Free admission to children ages twelve and under when accompanied by an adult. 

September 30

The Pandemic Pantry ~ Sixty Minute Meals! with Gerri Griswold

WHAT???? Ant Francis is dropping by for dinner tonight????  Put that phone away! You aren’t ordering take-out! The Pantry has your back with a trio of exciting entrees that will have dinner on the table in sixty minutes: Steak Diane, Butternut Squash Ravioli with Creamy Fennel Sauce, and Baked Chicken Fajitas along with a delicious and unusual Warm Rosemary Brie Cake with Peach Preserves and a sinfully decadent Chocolate Almond Torte. Get Ant Francis to bring a side dish and a salad…and her check book! It’s the least she can do!

12:00 p.m., ZOOM and Facebook Live, FREE…Donations will be accepted to help defray the Conservation Center’s programming expenses.