
Wisconsin Democrats Slam Extreme MAGA Agenda During Republican Party of Wisconsin Convention

Government and Politics

May 18, 2024

MADISON, Wis. — On May 18th, Wisconsin elected officials, leaders, and community advocates held a press call to slam Republicans in Wisconsin for their attacks on democracy and reproductive freedom and highlight the stakes of the November election. 

For the past decade, Wisconsin Republicans have tried to hide their extreme agenda behind ultra-partisan, gerrymandered maps. Now, thanks to new, fair maps, Democrats in Wisconsin are holding them accountable. Donald Trump, Eric Hovde, and MAGA Republicans in the State Legislature are pursuing policies that will harm Wisconsinites, including banning abortion, threatening Social Security and Medicare, and attacking unions. 

President Joe Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris, Senator Tammy Baldwin, and Democrats up and down the ballot are fighting to lower costs, protect our fundamental freedoms, and safeguard democracy. And with 47 coordinated offices in every corner of the state and over 100 full-time staffers on the ground, they have the infrastructure they need to share their accomplishments with Wisconsinites and win this November.


“Here’s the headline this weekend: the Republican Party of Wisconsin is bankrupt in every sense of the word. They’re broke, they’re beholden to Donald Trump and his bankrupt ideas, and they’re politically bankrupt, representing an extreme agenda that has no resonance with the people of Wisconsin,” said Democratic Party of Wisconsin Chair Ben Wikler. “The difference in organization, infrastructure, message, and resources between Democrats and Republicans in this moment is stark on the day of the GOP convention, in terms of party strength and in terms of the strength of our convictions.” 

“The MAGA agenda is simple: threaten health care for millions, put Social Security and Medicare on the chopping block, and push for a national abortion ban,” said Wisconsin State Senate Democratic Leader Dianne Hesselbein. “President Biden, Vice President Harris, Senator Baldwin, and Democrats have fought to ensure that Wisconsinites don’t have to choose between putting food on the table and the health care they need to survive.” 

“In the state Assembly, we’re going on the offense, with strong, local candidates who are ready to share the message that MAGA Republicans led by Donald Trump have waged an all-out assault on our democracy and our freedoms,” said Wisconsin Assembly Democratic Leader Greta Neubauer. “President Biden, Senator Baldwin, and Democrats up and down the ballot are fighting for our children to enjoy a future with more freedoms—not less. Wisconsinites have rejected their anti-democratic, anti-abortion agenda at the ballot box over and over. And we’re ready to do it here in November.” 

“Trump and his allies’ extreme agenda will do nothing for the Latino community but raise costs, jeopardize Social Security, and strip away their rights and separate our families,” said Milwaukee Community Outreach Manager Patricia Ruiz-Cantu. “For me, ultimately, who wins up and down the ticket will come down to who is delivering on the issues that matter to our community and to my family, and who is actively working to tear down our community. Joe Biden is fighting for us, while Donald Trump and MAGA Republicans are not.”