
Woodland Opera House News - July 27, 2023

Arts and Entertainment

July 27, 2023

From: Woodland Opera House Theatre

Long Time WOH Theatre Operations Manager, Cathy Oliver, Retires

Our dear friend and Theatre Operations Manager for over 27 years, Cathy Oliver, is retiring at the end of the month. Yes – 27 years! Actually, over 27 years as her service anniversary was April 1. Says Cathy, “My kids were of similar age to my grandchildren now, when I started! My son, Camron was 7 and son Jeff, was 11 then. Both participated in the summer The Wizard of Oz production that year. And now I have grandson, Koven, who is 9, and granddaughter, Remy who is 8. Remy just took the stage in the Show Biz Kidz production. She and I appeared in the same playbill – my last, and her first!”

We will miss Cathy’s sense of humor, her smile, and how she “knows everything and everyone in the community,” as one of our staff members recently commented. Here’s a special message direct from Cathy:

"I feel very comfortable retiring now because the WOH is in great hands. Thank you all for making my time at our theatre so enjoyable and special. I appreciate each and every one of you, from the backstage tech crew, to the Board, actors, my co-workers, and to the ticket holders. I look forward to seeing you when I come to the shows!"

Please join us in thanking Cathy for her years of dedication to making the Opera House what it is today!