
Yolo County Identifies its First Case of MPX

Government and Politics

August 17, 2022

From: Yolo County Government

(Woodland, CA) – Yolo County Health and Human Services Agency’s Community Health Branch has confirmed the first case of MPX (formerly known as monkeypox; pronounced M-P-X or M pox) in a Yolo County resident.  

With the identification of MPX in a resident, Yolo County becomes the 33rd local health jurisdiction in California to report a case of MPX. The current MPX outbreak involves over 31,000 cases in at least 89 countries. The United States has identified 11,890 cases of MPX to date, 1,945 of which are in California. MPX virus (MPXV) is not a new virus, having been first identified in 1958, but it was rarely found outside of Africa until the current outbreak began in May.

“Given the recent detection of MPX cases in many nearby counties, it is not surprising that Yolo County has now identified its first case of MPX,” said Yolo County Health Officer, Dr. Aimee Sisson. “The MPX virus can infect anyone. The overall risk level is currently low, but it is important for everybody to understand how the virus spreads and how to protect against infection. MPX virus is typically spread through direct contact with infectious sores, often through sex. Many of the cases in the current outbreak have occurred in men who have sex with men, and members of these communities are especially advised to take steps to protect themselves against infection.”

MPX is an infectious disease caused by the MPX virus, which spreads by close physical contact, including sexual contact, with someone who has symptoms or by touching contaminated items, like clothing and bedding. MPX can also be spread through respiratory secretions during prolonged face-to-face interactions (i.e., several hours) with an infected person. MPX is not spread through casual conversations or by walking past someone with MPX.

MPX might start with symptoms like the flu, with fever, low energy, swollen lymph nodes, and general body aches. Within one to three days (sometimes longer) after the appearance of fever, the person can develop a rash or sores. The sores will go through several stages, including blisters, pustules, and scabs, before healing. The sores may be painful or itchy. The rash or sores may be located on or near the genitals or anus, but could also be on the hands, feet, chest, or face. People with MPX may experience all or only a few of these symptoms, although nearly all people with MPX will get the rash or sores. It can take several weeks for all sores to heal and the scabs to fall off, at which point the person is no longer infectious. In California, 2-3% of persons with MPX have been hospitalized during the current outbreak.  

MPX infection can be prevented by talking to sexual partners about any recent illness or sores and by avoiding close contact, including sex, with people who have sores or rashes. Anyone experiencing symptoms consistent with MPX should contact their healthcare provider for testing and treatment. Antiviral treatments are available for persons infected with MPX virus, and vaccines are available for close contacts of infected persons, including their sexual partners.

For more information and resources, visit Yolo’s County MPX webpage, the California Department of Public Health or the CDC’s monkeypox response webpages.