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Albritton Middle School

Normandy Drive, Building 4-3331

About Us:

Albritton Middle School was built in 1983 to accommodate about 700 students.    It is one of eleven schools located on Fort Bragg. For many years, Albritton served Fort Bragg and Pope Air Force Base as a junior high school with grades 7-9.  With the addition of Shughart Middle School in the Linden Oaks community, Albritton was reorganized as a 6-8 school in  2011-2012. A new addition was added to our school in 2012, which houses our 8th grade students and a studio for video productions.  A new gym floor was constructed in 2013 to  accommodate our sports’ programs.  

Albritton had a 25% turnover of  students during the 2012-2013 academic year.   Most children spend no more than three years in the system; a large percentage of our student body does not remain for the complete school year.

As part of the  Fort Bragg Community, Mid-Atlantic District, DoDEA Americas, Albritton is also part of the larger government educational system known as DDESS which stands for Department of Defense Elementary and Secondary Schools.  DDESS  consists primarily of the military school systems located stateside.  Military systems overseas are administered by  DoDDS (Department of Defense Dependent Schools).   Both DDESS and DoDDS are placed under the  overarching umbrella known as DoDEA, which stands for Department of Defense  Education Activity.

To be a part of  the Fort Bragg Schools, students need to have one parent serving as the military sponsor and live in on-post housing.   Based on these criteria, all students have at least one parent, who is fully employed, with all the benefits ascribed to them by the Federal government.