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Aliso Creek Church

2A Liberty


Our vision is to know Christ and make him known through the gospel that captivates us and compels us to reach others with God’s truth and grace.


We value the Gospel

The Gospel is the good news that God has sent his only Son into the world, not to condemn it but to save it. John Stott says: “Sin is man substituting himself for God, while salvation is God substituting himself for man.” The true, thrilling Story of salvation runs like a golden thread throughout the Bible and all our ministries.  Redemptive history is our history. 

We value Trinitarian worship

The essence of worship is connecting with the God who is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Worship is a dialogue: God speaks to us through his Word, and we respond to him with prayers of praise and confession. Our Christ-centered preaching addresses the heads and hearts of believers and non-believers, while our beautiful music supports congregational singing rather than eclipsing it.  We enjoy the Lord’s Supper every week, because when we eat and drink by faith, we share in the body and blood of Jesus and experience Jesus’s work for us. God uses communion to help us commune with him. 

We value applied truth 

We believe that the Bible is God’s infallible Word and our ultimate rule for faith and practice. Secondarily but importantly we treat the historic Westminster Confession of Faith and the Westminster Larger and Shorter Catechisms as faithful applicable summaries of the Scripture. We are committed to ministries that foster our relationship with Jesus Christ and help us dig into God’s Word as it digs into us; that encourage us to imitate him; and that equip us to be faithful leaders in our homes, church, and communities.  A compartmentalized faith is a contradiction in terms, because justification always leads to sanctification.  

We value prayer 

God’s strength is made perfect in our weaknesses, and his grace shines bright through our brokenness. Therefore we are committed to individual and corporate prayer, expressing our praise, struggles, and requests to our Heavenly Father through the mediation of the Son and power of the Holy Spirit.   

We value meaningful relationships 

Christianity is not our solo thing with God; we can’t “bowl alone.” Therefore, we are committed to relationships based not on political, economic, or personality similarities but on our shared life in Jesus. Theological unity is expressed through our diversity.  Our diaconal (service) ministry helps us care for people in our church and others in tangible, physical ways.  Followers of Christ should aim to “befriend the friendless” as he did. 

We value lay ministry under the loving care of elders 

We affirm the “priesthood of all believers,” that is, the freedom of every member to minister through his or her unique spiritual gifts within the biblical system of our Presbyterian government.    

We value personal outreach

We are committed to ministries that call people to know Christ and make him known. We are privileged to be part of God’s reclamation project for us and the world, rejoicing that everything will be summed up in Christ (Ephesians 1:10).
