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AuTrain-Onota Public Schools

N8790 Deerton Road

About Us :

The AuTrain-Onota Public School is a small, rural, K-6 school located in Alger County in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. The school also includes a preschool program for three and four year old students. A full curriculum, including technology, is offered to all students in Kindergarten-Sixth grade. There are a total of thirty-seven students in the K-6 program and 11 students in the preschool program. All students and classes are contained in one building. The building is located in Deerton, Michigan. The building houses five general education classrooms, one library, one Learning Disabilities classroom, one administration office shared by the administrator and administrative assistant/business manager, one staff’/Board of Education room, one gymnasium/cafeteria, one kitchen, two student bathroom facilities and one adult bathroom facility. There are electrical and heating source rooms, a staff workroom and storage rooms. One of the classrooms also serves as a technology lab. Each classroom has at least two (2) desktop computers and all classrooms have daily access to a mobile computer lab. The teaching staff includes three full-time teachers, two part time teachers, one teaching administrator (total 6 teaching staff members). Fifty-one percent of our students receive free and/or reduced lunch benefits. The AuTrain-Onota Public School district serves students in AuTrain and Onota Townships, as well of school of choice students from surrounding areas.

School Improvement Visioin And Mission Statement :

The AuTrain-Onota School District recognizes that technology must be integrated into the curriculum, and that we must continue to provide technology-enhanced programs that reflect engaged learning. We will use technology to strengthen bonds, to supplement and enhance communications between parents, students and teachers.
