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Church At The Crossroads

236 La Lata Drive

Our Purpose: (Why we exist)

To be a community of believers where God is Real, Love is Felt, and Lives are Changed.

Our Passions: (Core values we strive to live out)

Putting Jesus First
Uniting Together as Believers
Living The Great Commission and Great Commandment
Shaping The Next Generation
Empowering People For Service

Our Principle: (Biblical truths that guide us)

Intimacy With God - Practicing spiritual habits that foster closeness with God.

Spirit-Filled Life - Discovering the power of the Holy Spirit in every day life.

Authentic Christian Living - Allowing Jesus to become the passion of our heart in an attempt to know him intimately.

Relational Evangelism - Influencing people distant from God by investing in personal relationships (Invest and Invite)

Excellence In Ministry - Striving to ensure that all we do is done to the best of our ability for the glory of God. This includes being personal with people and professional with our programs and facilities.

Intentional Mentoring - Entrusting to others the knowledge, skills, and opportunities given to us.

Building Bridges To The Unreached - Investing our time and resources to reach our neighbors and the nations for Christ.

Stewardship - Embracing the truth that God owns everything and all blessings (life, family, work, finances, possessions, etc.) come from Him, and that, as followers of Christ, we serve as his stewards, managing it all for God.

Our Plan: (Our strategy for carrying vision out)

Grow warmer through fellowship, deeper through discipleship, stronger through worship, broader through ministry, and larger through evangelism.

Our Provisions: (The ministries, activities, and events that help fulfill vision and fit into our plan)
