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Durango Christian Church

255 East 11th Street

Mission Statement:

Durango Christian Church exists to bring people to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ and fellowship in His Church, educate them to a sincere faith in Him, help them to employ their gifts in Christian service and prepare them to actively engage the community to reach others for Christ!

Worship Is Celebrating The Presence Of God Jesus said love with heart, soul, mind and strength that requires our whole self and life. Worship is our lifestyle, not just a hour on Sunday morning.

Fellowship Is Building Up The Body Of Christ (Church) When we live out loving one another, we are experiencing fellowship.  That’s the essence of love your neighbor.

Ministry Is Demonstrating God’s Love To Others Christ commanded us to “Go.” In essence he called us to a lifestyle or the avocation of ministry. Whatever you do, where every you go - you are to demonstrate God’s love to others by serving.

Evangelism Is Communicating God’s Truth Each of us is called to live our testimony every day that we believe that Jesus is the Son of God! As we live a life (with words and deeds) that reflect our faith, we can help others to find God as well.

Discipleship Is Becoming More Like Jesus Through studying the Bible, practicing all that we learn, trusting God in all the circumstances of life and living in community with other believers, God begins to transform us, in our character into the image of Jesus Christ. A disciple is a “student.” If we are His disciple, then He is our Master!

Core Values:

Absolute Authority Of The Bible

The Word of God is the ultimate authority for the church and standard of right living for the christian. We are dedicated to proclaiming the truth of the scriptures to the world through this body and utilizing any reasonable strategy to help believers become fully committed and developed disciples of Jesus Christ.

Courageous Leadership:

Leadership within the body of Christ ought to reflect a courageous walk of faith. We believe that Christian leadership is simply following Christ first.  Courageous leadership means leading with vision, serving with compassion, learning with diligence, sacrificing with love and walking with accountability. Courageous leadership calls us to empower others to soar using the gifts that God has given to advance the kingdom of God.

Pursuing Intimacy With God

As believers our first priority is to pursue an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ.  We do this through the personal intimate communion of prayer, scripture meditation, sacrificial giving, personal worship and spiritual discipline. As a body we pursue intimacy together through corporate worship, loving and serving one another and passionately praying for one another.

Authentic Christian Fellowship:

Christian fellowship is all about sharing our lives at a deep, meaningful level. It means we walk through life’s joys and heartaches together. God has given us a wonderful gift by giving us a church family it is our great pleasure to cherish one another, build one another up and meet the needs of the Body of Christ wherever they are found.

Active Commitment To World Missions:

The Kingdom of God is advancing throughout this world - to the glory of Christ. We take seriously our co mission with the universal body of Christ to “go” and make disciples. Our commitment to world missions includes sending long term missionaries overseas to reach un churched people groups as well as raising up and sending out people from among this body for short term missions as well. We are called to love, support and pray for our missionaries and minister to their needs as they minister in places around the world were we cannot.

Compassionate Community Evangelism:

Every believer is called to share their faith in a way that will advance the cause of Christ right in their own community.  We desire to reach the community with the love and message of Christ through serving the community in any way we can, meeting the needs of those in need, welcoming newcomers into the church and making a difference in people’s lives wherever we are able to.

Mobilizing Members For Ministry

Every believer is a minister. Every Christian is called to serve.  Through personal introspection and Bible study, we want to help every believer discover the specific nature of their calling and help them to employ their God given gifts in a ministry that will make a difference in the Kingdom and bring fulfillment and joy to their life as well.
