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Jefferson Elementary School

About Us:

We are a quaint school offering academia to students in Kindergarten through Grade Six with enrollment of approximately 75 students.  Our location on 27 acres of land with a gorgeous view of Mount Washington affords our students many opportunities not only inside, but outside of the classroom!

Jefferson Elementary School is a place where our members are part of a learning community in one of the best schools in New Hampshire!  For over twelve years, our school has been known as a school of academic excellence as our students have continually made growth not only on district assessments but on New Hampshire’s state assessment, the New England Common Assessment Program (NECAP).  During this upcoming school year our new state assessment known as Smarter Balanced will be administered to students in grades three through six.  Additional information will be provided to families as the spring arrives.

In addition to academic excellence, our school follows the Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) philosophy in which students and staff partake in the Jefferson Giant STEPS (Safe choices, Take responsibility, Encourage friendships, Positive attitudes, Self-control) in our pursuit of high standards in personal conduct. Additionally, we have seven dispositions (Curiosity, Gratitude, Grit, Optimism, Self-Regulation, Social Intelligence, Zest) that we feel go hand in hand with our STEPS which we expect all members of our school family to embrace.

Another added feature is our state-of-the-art playground that was put in a few years ago.  This project, that took three years to come to fruition, was designed and implemented through the efforts of our PTA, help from community volunteers, and supported financially in-part by our School Board. 
