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Middlecreek Christian Church

343 Dorshimer Road

About Us:

Middlecreek is a small white church in the beautiful landscape of Pennsylvania. People come from as far away as Lehighton, Stroudsburg, Wind Gap, Palmerton to find a friendly and welcoming family of faith. We are from diverse backgrounds yet have a common faith in Jesus Christ and a hunger for the truth of God’s Word.

The Gospel of Jesus Christ is central to all we do at MCC. God’s Word is taught with compassion & without compromise.

Middlecreek is one of the hardest working groups you will find anywhere. Your help is welcomed!

– In the Spring and Fall proceeds from rummage sales provide funds to help people and families facing financial stress. A well stocked food pantry is also there for those in need!

– The Middlecreek West End Fair presence provides food at affordable prices. We are famous for our “apple dumpling gang” that make and bake them fresh throughout the week. The “bean bake” is my favorite! And the sausage sandwich has been rated #1 at the fair. We enjoy the week of hard work serving people, and especially enjoy praying with those who make needs known to us.

– Fusion is a family weekend of music, testimony, Bible study, crafts & games. Camping on the hillside, hot meals served out of the pavilion, a pig roast on Saturday evening (mmm! good!).

– VBS is a part of our summer ministries to families. We desire to provide every opportunity for families to come along with us on our journey of faith. We have some of the craftiest ladies on the planet!

– MCC women hold a Bible study in both the Spring and Fall.

– MCC men meet for nine months out of the year on Monday evenings for ISI (iron sharpons iron), we take the summer off.

– Two small groups meet in homes, an open group for all ages and stages of life, and a young adult group.

– The MCC Choir meets on Wednesday evenings and performs throughout the year, especially during the Holiday seasons.

-Alien Youth meet on Saturday evenings twice a month during the school year for grades 6th through 12th.

– Kidzstyle worship teaches the Bible to our children while their parents are in worship!

 – Fall Family Fun Fest:  October 7 from noon to 5p.m.  Everything is FREE.

Free games and prizes, food,crafts, facepainting, pumpkin decorating, balloons, popcorn. There will be a hay ride, Bounce House, Fire truck and bike safety  demo with bike helmet giveaways. 


God’s Word 

-Is inspired & inerrant, timeless & relevant truth that we need not apologize for and must not compromise.

One God 

– Has revealed Himself to us in three distinct persons: God the Father, God the Son & God the Holy Spirit.

God created 

-All things ex-nihilo (out of nothing) and is sovereign over all creation. God is the author and finisher of  all human life. Life is a gift that is sacred and all of our days are ordained of God before even one of them came into being.

Jesus Christ 

-Was conceived by the Holy Spirit, was born of Mary, a virgin, was crucified and died upon the cross, was buried, was bodily resurrected and ascended into Heaven; He came from and returned to Heaven’s glory!

All humanity is sinful from birth 

-And God’s enemies deserving the righteous wrath of Holy God. God is justified in condemning sinful humans to Hell.

Salvation is a free gift 

-Received by faith in God’s Son, Jesus Christ. Jesus satisfied the righteous requirement of Holy God by offering Himself as the sinless sacrifice for the sin of humanity (He who was without sin became sin for us). We, who were once spiritually dead in our sin, are now spiritually alive by faith in the Person & work of Jesus Christ!

The Holy Spirit 

-Generates spiritual life through His indwelling all who believe in God’s Son. The Spirit endows every believer with ministry gifts for the edification of (building) Christ’s Church. Through the Spirit’s presence & power the Church continues the ministry of Jesus Christ on Earth to the glory of God, the Father!


-Is a covenant relationship between a man and a woman, and the marriage bed should be kept pure. The Church is the bride of Christ, and marriage is to reflect Christ’s love and faithfulness.

Jesus Christ will return 

-to earth to judge and His return is immanent. Therefore, the Church’s mission of the proclamation of the gospel is paramount and urgent. While we look forward to His coming, we must be going into the world in both word and deed living for His glory!
