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Middlesex Retirement Board

25 Linnell Circle

About Us:

The System serves the multi-employer defined benefit retirement plan for the members/employees, retirees and beneficiaries of 31 municipalities and 37 other governmental subdivisions within Middlesex County. The Middlesex Retirement Board oversees the management of the retirement system, invests the assets of the system, adopts actuarial assumptions necessary to properly fund the System, counsels members and administers retirement, disability and death benefits. The System was established on December 2, 1911 by Chapter 634 of the Acts of 1911, and is governed by Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 32.

This site was developed to provide the System´s members with information about their retirement plan and benefits. Please visit as often as you would like. The Board is excited about the opportunities this site will provide to its membership.

Feel free to estimate your retirement allowance. If you encounter any problems with the website, please click on "web support" to report the problem.

The site continues to be a work in progress. At a later date, the Board intends to provide information on Member´s and Retiree´s accounts which will be updated routinely at the end of every month. Your response to this new site would be appreciated.
