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Monroe/Westchester Branch of Women Fun and Friendship

Women Fun and Friendship is a national social organization for women of ALL ages who want to make new friends, get out of the house and have some FUN.

Since 2004 we have introduced hundreds of women to their new best friends so we must be doing something right. 


MONROE Branch Link:

As of this writing we have 6 branches nationwide that can be found on our website.

We have found the need for what we do to be universal.  Women everywhere have expressed their difficulty in finding girlfriends with which to socialize, and we have been filling this void one branch at a time.  There are now several branches of our organization all over the U.S., and we will start others wherever they are wanted.

While we have many working women in our organization we also have stay-at-home-moms and everything in between.  We leave networking and charitable events for other groups to handle.  We are strictly your FUN directors!  

We offer a variety of events each month at various times of the day and week to fit most everyone's time schedules.  And we value our member's input since we want to book events that the majority will want to attend. 

Once we get a branch going with a few public events, we do like to book in-home get togethers, too since these are the places where the lasting friendships have been formed.

And honestly, no one cares if your home, condo or apartment wasn't decorated by HGTV.  We just want a place to get together and laugh. And we always bring an appetizer or dish to pass plus our own drinks so that no hostess is burdened financially.

Our members can attend activities at any of our other branches when they travel to those areas and can add even more new friends to their circle this way.

We hope you will consider joining us!  All positive, happy women welcome!