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Mount Zion Community Church

159 Kreinbrook Hill Road

Church Statement of Faith:

- We believe in the word by word, complete (verbal, plenary) inspiration of the Bible as the only infallible and authoritative Word of God. We believe the Bible is the ultimate and final authority in faith and life. We accept the Authorized King James Version (translated from the Textus Receptus) as the best translation of the true Word of God.

- We believe in a sovereign, omnipotent, and omnipresent God - one consisting of three persons - Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

- We believe in the virgin birth of Christ, His deity, the complete justification of believers through His death by the shedding of His blood on the cross, His bodily resurrection, His ascension to sit at the right hand of the Father as our High Priest and Advocate, and His personal return in power and glory.

- We believe that man was created in the image of God, but because of man's sin nature, all mankind is helpless to please God. Because of his sin man is spiritually dead and separated from God.

- We believe salvation is through grace by faith in the completed work of the Lord Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God. We believe in the indwelling of the Holy Spirit who leads Christians in their daily life.

- We believe that all Christians are commanded to carry out the great commission to share the Gospel and to be soul winners.

- We believe that Christians should maintain a life of separation from sin, the world and those that live contrary to the Word of God.

- We believe that Satan is the literal, personal agent of the Fall and is the prince and power of the world. We also accept that there is a literal hell where those who die without Christ will be kept until they are raised, judged, and then consigned to the lake of fire which burns forever.

- We believe in the "blessed hope", which is the personal, bodily, imminent, pre - tribulation, pre - millennial coming of the Lord Jesus Christ for His redeemed ones. We believe in the resurrection of the saved into eternal life and in the eternal security of the believer.

- We believe that immersion is the only form of baptism as revealed and commanded in the Scriptures and that it has no saving power but is only for those already saved. We believe new birth comes through repentance and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ apart from any human works. Salvation is the Scriptural prerequisite for baptism.
