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Olson-Larsen Galleries

Olson-Larsen Galleries
203 Fifth Street

About Us:

Established in 1979, Olson-Larsen Galleries is a contemporary gallery representing 70 professional Midwestern artists.

These artists are distinguished by full-time commitment to their careers, national honors, and competitive placements in regional, national, and international exhibitions. Most have either shown their work in major museums or have work included in permanent collections throughout the country. Recipients of NEA grants, Fulbright fellowships, other prestigious awards, and subjects of feature articles in arts journals, Olson-Larsen artists are recognized as among the best in their various fields. The majority are residents of Iowa or have strong connections to the Midwest and visit on a regular basis.

Working in a wide range of both two- and three-dimensional media, Olson-Larsen artists offer paintings, photography, sculpture, various types of prints, and mixed media work. The gallery presents a diverse and extensive inventory of art to the discriminating collector and first-time buyer.

In addition to individuals and hundreds of smaller businesses, our clients have included major corporations, such as Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Farm Bureau Financial Services, Allied Group, and Sprint. We have worked with architectural and design firms in Iowa and neighboring states on both large and small projects. Olson-Larsen also assists facilities personnel, art committees, and officially designated individuals with the selection of public and private collections or major acquisitions.

Olson-Larsen is a full service gallery providing everything from initial assessment, proposals, and selection of art to conservation framing, delivery and installation, documentation, and appraisals on artwork sold. All services are rendered by an excellent in-house staff, educated and experienced in the arts.

Olson-Larsen offers the same attention and quality services to individuals as to businesses and assists homeowners with everything from on-site consultations to formal proposals to art out-on-approval to installation. We encourage interested individuals to ask for assistance and to explore our inventory.
