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San Joaquin Elementary School

22182 Barbera

At San Joaquin Elementary School, we are constantly striving to give students the best education possible. Here are some of our highlights from 2012-2015:

  • 100% of our teachers hold valid California teaching credentials and are considered "highly qualified".
  • We have implemented grade level data teams, where we collect and analyze data collaboratively to improve instruction.
  • We have built a school garden to engage students in critical thinking and hands-on science lessons.
  • We have become a 1:1 school for technology devices. Every student at our school has an iPad or ChromeBook to use in their classroom.
  • We have dedicated 30 minutes every morning to English Language Development or English Enrichment classes. Using CELDT scores and writing performance tasks, students are grouped by ability to maximize their language development.
  • We employ a literacy coach that dedicates her time at our school to keeping us up to date with the latest in literacy research, modeling strategies to use in the classroom, and helping teachers to better reach and challenge each student.
  • We send our 6th graders to a one-week Outdoor Science Camp to experience earth and physical sciences within a natural setting in the San Bernadino Mountains. 
  • We have a highly trained faculty and administration, that have participated in Common Core Math & Language Arts workshops, classroom management seminars, and safety trainings, among other things. 
  • Many of our teachers are curriculum leaders with specialized training in maximizing instruction.
  • In our 2013-2014 Facilities report, we scored an overall "exemplary" rating.
  • 100% of our textbooks are standards-aligned and up to date (from the most recent official adoption). Also, we have a 1:1 ratio with student textbooks.
  • We hold monthly emergency drills to make sure our students and teachers are prepared for any emergencies.
  • Despite budget cuts in California, we have made sure that our classes still enjoy educational field trips, as well as a Meet the Masters art program.
