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Sanctuary 1010 - Lutheran Church

1001 75th St
630 968 3112

Who are We?

a community that believes God makes a difference in our lives

friends who find strength, support, and encouragement in God and each other

worshipers who serve God all week and gather at hollywood blvd theater in woodridge, il @ 1010am on sundays (sw corner 75th s. and lemont rd.)

What happens Here?

respect - for who you are, wherever you are on your spiritual journey

freedom - wear what you like, refill your coffee when you like, talk if you like, sit back and chill if you like, come and go as you like

experiencing God - through multimedia,  discussion groups, singing, challenging teaching, take-home life application, worship, and God's intervention in the Word, Baptism, and Communion

interaction - especially in Face2Face, we meet God just as we are:  through the Bible, prayer, making a commitment, and Holy Communion. 

 What do we believe?

in one God:  Father, Son, and Holy Spirit

in Jesus:  who restored our relationship with God through his death on the cross and his resurrection on the third day

in love:  as the perfect expression of the life of God

in the Bible:  it reveals who God is and what He thinks about this world

in a personal God:  who meets us personally in worship to change our lives

in purpose:  that God made us to make eternal differences in this world