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St. Patrick's Anglican Catholic Church

85 Jones Street

About Us:

Our Morning Prayer and Evening Prayer services are based on the 1928 Book of Common Prayer. Our Eucharist service, which we call the Mass, is also based on the 1928 BCP, supplemented by additional material from the American Missal. Our hymns are all chosen from the 1940 Hymnal.

All those who have been baptized, who have been confirmed by a bishop in the Apostolic Succession, and who are prepared by prayer, confession of sin to God, and a brief period of fasting prior to Communion are welcome to receive Holy Communion with us. If you cannot receive Holy Communion when you visit with us, please feel free to come forward to the altar rail to be blessed; just cross your hands on your breast as you kneel at the rail.

We desire to worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness and to bring others to faith in Our Lord Jesus Christ. The Blessed Sacrament is kept reserved in the tabernacle on the altar within the sanctuary, making our church itself a consecrated space.

Every week we pray the Anglican liturgy in the Book of Common Prayer, using words written by other men as a true vehicle for our own love and worship.

Therefore we cry out to God with all angels and with all the blessed company of heaven, "Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God of hosts! Heaven and earth are full of Thy glory. Glory be to thee, O Lord most high!"
