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Trinity Hill Baptist Church

4798 Buford Highway

Baptism is for believers only and consists of immersion in water, In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. It is not a sacrament of salvation but symbolizes the death, burial and resurrection of our Saviour and our death to our old self and willingness to now live for Him.

The Lord's Supper consists of unleavened bread and the fruit of the vine, (non-alcoholic grape juice). The elements are symbolic only of Christ's body and blood which were broken and shed on the cross for us. It serves as a memorial of Christ's sacrifice for us,and a declaration of faith in His promised.It is to be observed by the saved, baptized members of a local assembly.

We believe in Bible separation from the world, sin, self, and Satan, as well as being separated unto the glory of Christ. We believe one should be born of the Spirit, , walk in the Spirit, ; be filled with the Spirit, that by His power and grace we may show forth the fruit of the Spirit, we believe in living so as not to grieve the Holy Spirit of God by being separated from bitterness, wrath, anger, clamour, evil-speaking, malice, covetousness, and any other sin of the flesh or spirit, We believe In being separated from the world and the world's philosophy; therefore not practicing or partaking of alcoholic beverages, drugs, (except for medicinal purposes), tobacco, immodesty, the dance, mixed swimming, the lodge, worldly movies, gambling, or anything else that would bring shame to or dishonor our Lord, and that the male and female roles ought to be distinct and clearly defined by ones daily living,

We believe that all believers are to witness to the lost for Christ,that each believer has a God given gift or gifts, and are to be good stewards before God, Those who have rejected the gospel or never heard the gospel are eternally lost, and every believer is responsible to help get the Gospel to everyone,

We believe that the command to give the Gospel to the world is clear and unmistakable and that this commission was given to the church, We believe that missionaries are to be called by God, commissioned by the local church as led by the Holy Spirit, sent into the regions beyond to preach the gospel, and are to be supported financially by local Bible believing churches,

We believe that scriptural giving is one of the fundamentals of the faith. We are commanded to bring our gifts into the storehouse, (common treasury of the church) on the first day of the week,Under grace we give the tithe, and we give it cheerfully in a manner that pleases God,

We reject the teaching of the charismatic/Pentecostal movement. We deny that all spirit filled believers will speak in tongues as evidence of spirit fullness, and that the gift of tongues is for today, Spirit fullness is evidenced by witnessing, and living a joyful Christ centered life according to the dictates of the Holy Scriptures,The Bible very plainly teaches that tongues will cease, when that which is perfect, (the complete Bible), is come
