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Westmoreland County Chamber Of Commerce


Give the opportunity for the business community to network with each other, sharing ideas and providing a forum to establish mutual interests and needs.

Create a contact point for new businesses and individuals seeking information when relocating to our area or planning a visit to our area.

Be a voice of the business community to government, to include Town Council, Board of Supervisors and State Legislature.

Facilitate the coordination with other organizations to share ideas and establish resources.

Provide a Directory of Chamber of Commerce members to person and/or businesses relocating to Westmoreland County.

Include membership in the Virginia State Chamber of Commerce and the Northern Neck Regional Chamber of Commerce.

The Westmoreland County Chamber of Commerce has been organized to promote the economic growth, welfare and civic improvement of  Westmoreland County. It will be committed to fostering mutually beneficial relationships between county businesses, organizations and individuals.

As responsible citizens, the Chamber desires to promote the natural and commercial resources of Westmoreland County as the County continues to grow. As representatives of the community, the Chamber will work toward being an informed and proactive participant on town, county and state government.