
Booger Jim's Hollow Haunted House Attraction 2023

Arts and Entertainment

October 12, 2023

From: Booger Jim's Hollow Haunted House

Welcome To Booger Jim’s Hollow
Our Haunted House Attractions Have Been Horrifying the People of Blacksburg, SC Since 2006.
Booger Jim’s Hollow LLC is a Blacksburg Haunted House and haunted trail surrounding the legend of Booger Jim. Visit us on select nights during haunt season for a Halloween experience we guarantee you will never forget.

Our Attractions:
Booger Jim’s Hollow LLC is separated into three main attractions – the Clown House, the Doll House and the Haunted Trail – all of which you can access for one great low price! We offer something to chill the blood in anyone’s veins, whether it be ghouls, goblins, demons, or our group of psychotic clowns or even the twisted Booger JIM himself.

The Legend Of Booger Jim
Booger Jim was a very odd and anti-social man who roamed the streets of the old mill town of Cherokee Falls, never really speaking to anyone. Despite his foul disposition, he did have a family: a wife and a very young infant.

One night, Booger and his wife got into an argument and it was like something snapped in his mind and he began to beat his wife. Tired of his abuse, his wife fought back to no avail. Consumed by his fury, Booger Jim ended up strangling his wife to death. Booger Jim’s child, with all the commotion and seeing his mother murdered before him, began to scream and cry. Booger turned upon his child and resumed his harrowing onslaught of bloody violence in an attempt to silence the boy. When his son fell silent and stopped struggling, becoming limp in his hands, he snapped back into reality and realized what he had done.

Booger Jim's HollowJIM’S 7th Grade School Picture
As his frenzy subsided, Booger Jim was confronted with the ugly reality of what he had wrought. Consumed with remorse, he stumbled to the bridge in Cherokee Falls and hanged himself with a set of jumper cables, a picture of his wife and son crushed in his raw and twisted hand.

The old folk of Cherokee Falls say that if you go to the infamous Booger Jim Bridge at midnight, turn off your car everybody gets out and repeats the words Booger Jim three times he will appear, consumed by rage and grief and howling at the sky. Many have reported sounds of footsteps under the bridge and even moans from where the cable crushed his neck coming from beneath the bridge; some have even seen red, glowing eyes peering out of the woods surrounding the bridge. Anyone who has been there on a dark night knows that there is a darkness there that no light can penetrate.

Date and Time:

7:00 p.m - Midnight: October 13-14, 20-21, 27-28, Noveber 3-4, 2023
7:00 p.m - 10:30 p.m: October 22, 29, 31, 2023


Booger Jim's Hollow
278 Doolittle Street
Blacksburg, SC 29702


Standard admission price is just $25 per person.
RIP passes includes 1 general admission ticket 1 no tough medallion 1 Fast pass and includes the Hay ride for $35.
our fast pass is just $10 extra.
The No Touch Medallions are only $5.
Our Skip the walk hay ride is only $3 per car load.

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