
City Of Belmont Weekly News - September 16, 2022

Government and Politics

September 20, 2022

From: City of Belmont

Belmont's City Hall will be the meeting place to kick off our annual Coastal Cleanup Day here in Belmont. 

We're all working together to help to keep our shorelines stay clean of debris that harms wildlife, and us!

Residents are encouraged to make Saturday, Sept. 17 a day to give back to the planet's health right here in Belmont. 

9 a.m. to Noon

Don't Forget: Please complete and bring with you the following waivers:

Coastal Cleanup Day
California Coastal Cleanup

Check-in at City Hall (One Twin Pines Lane) at 8:30 a.m. We encourage volunteers to bring their own gloves and cleanup supplies. Limited cleanup supplies will be available at time of check-in. 

Once signed in, choose your shoreline in Belmont to clean of debris

Belmont City Council welcomed California Assembly Speaker Pro Tempore Kevin Mullin to its Tuesday, Sept. 14, 2022 City Council meeting for a special presentation. (Left to Right), City of Belmont Associate Engineer Matthew Hoang, Sequoia Union High School District Board member Alan Sarver, City of Belmont Councilmember Davina Hurt, City of Belmont Mayor Julia Mates, City of Belmont Public Works Director Peter Brown, Assemblymember Kevin Mullin, City of Belmont Vice Mayor Warren Lieberman, City of Belmont Councilmember Charles Stone, and City of San Carlos Mayor Sara McDowell.

On Tuesday, we were very pleased to welcome California Assembly Speaker Pro Tempore Kevin Mullin to our City Council meeting.

Assemblymember Mullin is a great advocate for our communities and we thank him for securing $3.5 million from the State toward our Belmont and San Carlos Alameda de las Pulgas Corridor Project, a significant step to gathering the rest of the funding needed to complete our safety project.

While at the meeting, Mr. Mullin congratulated the project team including our partners in San Carlos, Sequoia Union High School District, San Carlos School District, our consultants, staff and our Four Corners working group. He recognized the team for continuing to work and advocating for this years long interagency project aimed at creating a safer experience for all users of the corridor.

The project addresses congestion and mobility through roadway safety improvements. Improved on-site and near-site school drop-off and pick-up circulation for Carlmont High School and Tierra Linda Middle School, improved bicycle/pedestrian safety, circulation and access near housing, shopping and schools, and improved, transit enhancement and enhanced stormwater capture are elements of the project.

To find out more, visit our webpage: www.belmont.gov/AlamedaCorridor.

How Prepared Are You For a Disaster?
2022 National Preparedness Month Survey

It can happen to anyone, at any time, and anywhere they might be. A disaster can strike all of us; are you prepared? 

September is National Preparedness Month, a chance for everyone to take stock of their resources, family plans, contact information. 

Do you have an up-to-date go kit? Is the water in your survival kit still safe? Are the batteries in your flashlights running low? 

Our city benefits when our residents are prepared for a disaster. In an emergency, our first responders must choose their responses wisely. 

Our friend at San Mateo Consolidated Fire Department have created a survey that will help you assess your readiness. 

Take the Quiz Now

Need other tips and resources? Click here

National Night Out Raffle - Sept. 27 City Council Meeting

We'll choose the three winners of the National Night Out raffle prizes at our Sept. 27 City Council meeting. You can join us live to see if you're selected, but you don't have to. We'll follow up with the winners to let them know and make arrangements to collect their prizes after Sept. 27, 2022. 

September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month

Suicidal thoughts, much like any mental health condition, can affect anyone.

If you or someone you know is experiencing a mental health crisis, please call or text 988 immediately. 

Save the Date: Monday, Oct. 31, 2022
Watch This Space For Details

How long has it been since you or the kids in your life went trick or treating? Keep your eyes peeled on this ENews for an exciting event we're announcing soon. 

Hold Monday, Oct. 31 from 3-6 p.m. open in your trick or treat dance card for a special invitation just for Belmont residents. 

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