
City Of Belmont Weekly News - September 8, 2022

Government and Politics

September 12, 2022

From: City of Belmont

City Council Back in Session

City Council who what? That's right, fall is almost officially here and just like our school kids are back in the classroom, so too is our City Council back to the dais this Tuesday.

Tuesday's City Council will meet at 7 p.m. for a robust agenda, and a very special guest.

To learn more about what will keep the Council busy on Sept. 13, go to: agendas.

ON THE AGENDA: Prop 218 Proposed Rates Increase

It's Prop 218 season again and that means City Councils everywhere are considering proposed rate increases for 2023 solid and organic waste collection from Recology San Mateo. For Belmont rate payers, the anticipated rate increase is well under 4 percent, which is less than last year’s change and about half of current inflation rates.

Did you know? A public hearing for the proposed rates will be held on Nov. 22, 2022; rate notices will be mailed, but you don't have to wait. You can always comment at this week's City Council meeting, the item is on the agenda.

Click on the link above for more details about the council meeting, or go to our webpage for waste collection proposed rate increase details.

National Night Out Raffle - Sept. 27 City Council Meeting

We'll choose the three winners of the National Night Out raffle prizes at our Sept. 27 City Council meeting. You can join us live to see if you're selected, but you don't have to. We'll follow up with the winners to let them know and make arrangements to collect their prizes after Sept. 27, 2022.
Suicide Prevention Month banner

September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month

Suicidal thoughts, much like any mental health condition, can affect anyone.

If you or someone you know is experiencing a mental health crisis, please call or text 988 immediately.
Breathing through a pretty sunset

You're All Energy Consumption Superstars Well Done, Belmont

Thank you to all Belmont residents and businesses who reduced their energy consumption this week. Our forecasters tell us that the worst of the summer 2022 heat wave is now behind us, but we hope you'll keep the good habits all year long.

Here's some quick tips to encourage others to be as energy-consumption conscious as you are. Prepare for potential outages and reduce energy consumption during the Flex Alerts with these steps:

-If you must use major appliances, do so before 3 p.m.
-Close your window coverings to keep indoors cooler.
-If you have air conditioning, “pre-cool” your home prior to 3 p.m., then increase the thermostat to least 78 degrees or shut off the air conditioning altogether.
-Charge your devices before 3 p.m.

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