
City Of Smithville : The Big Takeaways - July 19, 2022

Government and Politics

July 23, 2022

From: City Of Smithville

The big takeaways from the July 19 Board of Aldermen Work Session and Regular Meeting.

The Board of Aldermen met on Tuesday evening in work session.  The Board reviewed work of the Economic Development Committee in drafting a revised Economic Development Incentive Policy.  The Board concurred with work of the EDC.

The Board discussed changes to terms of office for Mayor and Board of Aldermen.  Any changes to terms of office are required to be taken to voters for approval.  The Board directed staff and the City Attorney to bring back information relating to term limits and expanding the term of office for both the Mayor and members of the Board of Aldermen to four years for potential placement of a question on the November 2022 ballot.

The Board received a report from Parks and Recreation Director Matt Denton regarding use of the Senior Center and requesting Board direction on discussions with the Smithville Senior Citizen Center regarding renewal of the use contract for the facility.  The contract expires in 2023.  The Board directed staff to work with the Senior Citizens in ensuring their continued use while continuing to provide rental opportunities outside Senior Citizen use of the facility.  

The Board discussed sale of parkland at 111 North Bridge Street.  The Board has previously reviewed this information and requested that the item be brought back for discussion.  Following discussion, the Board directed that staff and the City Attorney work to develop an RFP for lease of this land for use for outdoor dining space.

Assistant City Administrator Anna Mitchell provided an overview of the 2022 Employee Compensation Plan developed with assistance from McGrath Consulting who earlier this year completed the employee Classification and Compensation Plan.  The Compensation Plan sets the pay scale and includes job descriptions for all city positions.  Adoption of the final plan will come to the Board for consideration with other budget documents this fall, to be effective November 1, 2022.

For more information on these items, view the agenda. You may also watch the meeting video.

In regular session, the Board took the following action.

-Recognized Robert Matthews for 40 years of consecutive employment with the City of Smithville. Mr. Matthews began work with the City in 1971 as a Police Officer,resigning in 1978.In 1982, Robert returned to the City as a maintenance worker in the Street Department, where he has worked since that time.
-Approved a resolution authorizing and directing the Mayor to enter into an agreement with the Smithville Warrior Youth Football Club for the use of city park land.
-Approved a resolution adopting amendments to the Employee Handbook.
-Approved a resolution approving the issuance of a special event permit to the Eric Craig Real Estate team for “Festiville” to be held in the downtown courtyard on Saturday, August 13, 2022.
-Approved a resolution declaring certain city items as surplus.
-Approved a resolution approving the purchase of a John Deere Cold Planer from Heritage Tractor through the cooperative purchase agreement for the Street Department.
-Approved a resolution authorizing repairs to the Senior Center.
-Approved on second reading an ordinance approving the creation of the Donation Fund to hold donations to the city for the intended purpose.
-Approved on second reading an ordinance rezoning 211 North Bridge Street from R-3 to B-4.
-Approved on second reading an ordinance rezoning Dibbens Estate at 13916 North Virginia from A-1 to A-R.
-Approved on first reading an ordinance amending the General Fund Reserve Policy adjusting the General Fund Reserve from 40% of budgeted operating expenses to 25%.
-Approved on first reading an ordinance approving rezoning Eagle Ridge Commercial property at 561 South Commercial from B-1P to B-3.
-Approved a resolution approving the final plat for Dibbens Estate to create two additional lots at the southwest corner of Amory Rod and Virginia Avenue.
-Approved the appointment of Hailey Kellerstrauss and reappointment of Dani Wilson to the Parks and Recreation Committee.

For more information on actions view the agenda.

The City Administrator’s Report may be found here. You may also watch the meeting video.