
City Of Smithville Updates - March 10, 2023

Government and Politics

March 10, 2023

From: City Of Smithville

The Big Takeaways - March 7, 2023

The Board of Aldermen met on Tuesday evening in work session where they received a presentation on the Police Department’s new drone program by Sergeant Dan Gearhart.  The Board also received an update on utility projects form HDR Engineering and a three-month budget update from Finance Director Stephen Larson.

Work session information may be found here.

In regular session, the Board of Aldermen took the following action:

- Approved the February 21 Work Session minutes.
- Approved the February 21 Regular Session minutes.
- Approved on second reading an ordinance approving the conceptual plan for Fairview Crossing North.
- Approved on second reading an ordinance approving the rezoning of the Northeast Corner of Second Creek and Lowman Road from A-1 to R-1B and R-3.
- Approved as an emergency ordinance on first and second readings an ordinance amending certain provisions of Chapter 155, Article I, Section 155.010(D) of the Municipal Code pertaining to TIF Commission composition.
- Approved as an emergency ordinance on first and second reading an ordinance maintaining Gross Receipts Tax/Payment of License Fees under Section 735.010 of the City Ordinances.
- Approved as an emergency ordinance on first and second reading an ordinance amending the FY2023 Budget to add $165,000 to the expenditure budget in the Transportation Sales Tax Fund.
- Approved on first reading an ordinance condemning certain lands for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a sewer line.
- Approved on first reading an ordinance condemning certain lands for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a sewer line.
- Approved a resolution authorizing and directing the Mayor to enter into an agreement with Smithville Senior Center for the use of the building at 113 West Main Street.
- Approved a resolution awarding Bid No. 23-04 Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation to SAK Construction, LLC in the amount of $143,200.
- Approved a resolution approving the final plat for Fairview Crossing North Subdivision.
- Approved a resolution approving a Preliminary Plat for a 70-lot residential subdivision to be called Second Creek Meadows.
- Approved a resolution approving Amendment No. 1. to Authorization No. 89 with HDR Engineering, Inc. in the amount of $24,140 for engineering and construction services for the Raw Water Pump, Valve Vault and Zebra Mussel Control for the Raw Water Pump Station.
- Approved a resolution approving Amendment No. 1 to Authorization No. 99 with HDR Engineering, Inc. in an amount of $127,800 for engineering design of the Smith Fork Sanitary Sewer Force Main.
- Approved a resolution awarding the bid to Menke Excavating in an amount of $42,408 to replace the service lines at 211, 213, and 215 Bridge Street for Streetscape Phase III.
- Approved a resolution awarding RFP 23-03, 4th Street and 4th Terrace Improvements to Menke Excavating in an amount of $885,740.13.

For more information on actions view the agenda

The City Administrator’s Report may be found here.