
Frigid New York Festival 2023

Arts and Entertainment

January 23, 2023

From: Frigid New York Festival

FRIGID Fringe is our flagship festival and something we all look forward to! It is an open and unjuried theater festival that gives artists an opportunity to let their ingenuity thrive in a venue that values freedom of expression and artistic determination. In true support of our Indie Theater Community, 100% of box office proceeds go directly to the artists whose work is being presented. FRIGID is here to chill out the New York independent theatre scene’s ideas of what a theatre festival can be!


Wednesday, February 15, 2023

6:30pm: Kingfish

J.J. Williams (Tyler Riley) is the best Bass Fisherman the game has ever seen. So, he knows, better than most, that anyone might be your partner in a mixed tournament. But even so, this rude, ignorant **** who eats, complains, and does no fishing is about to awaken J.J.'s famous temper. Till the stranger reveals his horns, cloven hooves, and identity. Old Scratch, A.K.A the devil (Lane McLeod Jackson), is itching for another soul to add to his mason jar collection. A contest atop the water will begin as J.J. realizes eternity might be only a few hours away.

Cost: $20.00

Location: Under St Marks

7:10pm: I AM MY OWN MILF

Both an homage and send-up to the Upper East Side lady & the gayz that inhabit her, this interpretatión of the life of Timon of Athens casts a middle-aged diva as hostess of Park Avenue’s biggest flop parade (yes gawd). I AM MY OWN MILF (TIMON BY TIMON OF ATHENS FOR TIMON BY TIMON IN COLLABORATION WITH TIMON FOR TIMON BY TIMON OF ATHENS) is a postmodern drag+dance collage that imagines a world where the rich have to pay their debts.??Part lipsync spectaculare, part nature vlog - I AM MY OWN MILF opens the purse of the self-destructive Diva and the society built to devour her. It’s giving. And giving. And giving. And giving. Xx

Conceived by Matthew Antoci, in collaboration with Lizz Mangan & Meaghan Robichaud

Directed by Andrew Mullins
Dramaturgy by James La Bella
Movement Direction by Alexandra Brokowski
Graphics by Beth Brownrigg
Garments by Ray Dondero
Additional choreography by Carly Jurman

Cost: $15.00 - $20.00

Location: Kraine Theater

8:10pm: Cold Feet - A Comedy Extravaganza

Need a laugh? This comedy showcase includes music, comedy and a strong fear of commitment. Multiple comics from far away places will dazzle and delight the senses while trying to work through intense psychological traumas. HAHA did I say traumas? I mean intensely humorous pajamas! They wear pajamas on stage! (note: comics have since stopped wearing pajamas.)

Cost: $10.00 - $20.00

Location: Under St Marks

8:50pm: @make_us_scream

These women would do anything for their following, but what happens when it gets too close? Three women have captivated their fan base by telling scary stories, but tonight they find themselves living in one.

Cost: $25.00

Location: Kraine Theater

9:50pm: Harmony Hall

A monk who has been banished to a remote monastery on an island off the coast of Italy for the past twenty years finds his world shaken when a sexy young poet with amnesia washes up on his shores during a storm, making him question whether his duty should be to his vocation or to himself.

Cost: $20.00

Location: Under St Marks

Thursday, February 16, 2023

7:10pm: Sadec 1965: A Love Story

Sadec 1965 is a powerful storytelling show about Flora's solo motorcycle trip across Vietnam where she makes sense of her difficult relationship with her estranged Vietnamese father. A riveting performance best described as "Motorcycle Diaries" meets "Eat, Pray, Love" set in Vietnam.

Cost: $15.00 - $20.00

Location: Kraine Theater

8:10pm: Emil Amok: Lost NPR Host Found Under St. Marks, and other stories

Emil Guillermo is Emil Amok a Filipino American with white privilege, white voice privilege. He sounded white enough to host "All Things Considered." Now he considers all he would have said on race and culture had he not been riffed by the pre-woke. Stories on $15.87 Filipino history, the media, affirmative action/Harvard, PETA, and a colo-meditation. A storytelling, standup, solo lumpia fest from the guy at www.amok.com

Cost: $15.00 - $20.00

Location: Under St Marks

8:50pm: The Parentheses

Sometimes we're looking for an explanation, tacking on afterthought, enriching what is already complete with a pair of rounded brackets. The Parentheses is a play about two women reconnecting and re-examining their relationship to one another. Already wholly complete and complex on their own, they look to explain, to explore, and to experience one evening together in an attempt to understand what they really mean to themselves and to each other.

Cost: $15.00 - $20.00

Location: Kraine Theater

9:50pm: Syncope

Join celebrated storyteller Will Clegg on his lifelong journey with marijuana and panic disorder! Hijinks ensue!

Cost: $10.00 - $15.00

Location: Under St Marks

Friday, February, 17, 2023

6:30pm: Meaningless

How do we find meaning in an upside-down world? What actions should we take? Do our efforts even matter? “Meaningless” presents the unedited, uncensored, ancient book of Ecclesiastes in a one-act, one-person performance by Rodney Brazil packed with timeless riddles and timely wisdom. From wine to wealth, concubines to snake charming, “Meaningless” examines the meaning of everything under the sun. This modern presentation of a 2,000-year-old meditation on the human experience weaves the universal themes of wisdom, foolishness, pleasure, and suffering into an unforgettable live performance that is at once funny, pensive, and tragic.

Cost: $25.00

Location: Under St Marks

6:50pm: Lightweight

The true story of a complicated young woman who struggles to survive a year-long stay in a 28-day addiction treatment center to overcome anorexia whilst attempting to maintain a debilitatingly positive attitude in post 9/11 New York City.

Cost: $15.00

Location: Kraine Theater

8:10pm: Death of a Salesman: a New Play

Death of Salesman a New Play is about death, sales, men, but most importantly, it is 100 percent brand new baby (Sunglasses Emoji). Watch in awe as the nation's two brightest entrepreneurs hustle, grind, backstab, and sacrifice everything they have to bring their vision to life (the vision is eco-friendly tennis balls).

Cost:  $5.00 - $20.0

Location: Under St Marks

8:30pm: I AM MY OWN MILF

Both an homage and send-up to the Upper East Side lady & the gayz that inhabit her, this interpretatión of the life of Timon of Athens casts a middle-aged diva as hostess of Park Avenue’s biggest flop parade (yes gawd). I AM MY OWN MILF (TIMON BY TIMON OF ATHENS FOR TIMON BY TIMON IN COLLABORATION WITH TIMON FOR TIMON BY TIMON OF ATHENS) is a postmodern drag+dance collage that imagines a world where the rich have to pay their debts.??Part lipsync spectaculare, part nature vlog - I AM MY OWN MILF opens the purse of the self-destructive Diva and the society built to devour her. It’s giving. And giving. And giving. And giving. Xx

Conceived by Matthew Antoci, in collaboration with Lizz Mangan & Meaghan Robichaud

Directed by Andrew Mullins
Dramaturgy by James La Bella
Movement Direction by Alexandra Brokowski
Graphics by Beth Brownrigg
Garments by Ray Dondero
Additional choreography by Carly Jurman

Cost: $15.00 - $20.00

Location: Kraine Theater

9:50pm: Running Scared

Bryan always hated running, but it kept finding ways into his life. Join Bryan as he takes you through the ups and downs with running and how it's shaped his work, community, and love life.

Cost: $10.00 - $15.00

Location: Under St Marks

Saturday, February 18, 2023

12:20pm: As I Eat The World

A Latine man confronts his mental health and eating disorders by attempting to eat THE WORLD.

Cost: $10.00 - $15.00

Location: Under St Marks

1:40pm: Lightweight

The true story of a complicated young woman who struggles to survive a year-long stay in a 28-day addiction treatment center to overcome anorexia whilst attempting to maintain a debilitatingly positive attitude in post 9/11 New York City.

Cost: $15.00

Location: Kraine Theater

2:00pm: TEST

How does one keep one’s identity when being forced to fit into society’s parameters? What and who is damaged when trying to follow society’s norm?

In today’s dynamic and unpredictably changing world, we as individuals face often pressuring challenges on so many levels. How do you deal with them? Have you ever felt pressured to conform, comply, and/or lose your identity? Do you easily adapt to whatever comes?

The play TEST, by the prominent Bulgarian playwright and poet Elin Rahnev, is a brilliant satirical metaphor of the struggle to keep or not to keep one’s identity in order to survive in this world. It will surprise you with its fresh unique sense of humor and your tears will grab you by the throat with the dramatic turning points.

This theatrical show, presented by two very talented professional actors, is fun to watch, and also philosophical enough to challenge your views about life.

Cost: $10.00 - $20.00

Location: Under St Marks

3:20pm: Sadec 1965: A Love Story

Sadec 1965 is a powerful storytelling show about Flora's solo motorcycle trip across Vietnam where she makes sense of her difficult relationship with her estranged Vietnamese father. A riveting performance best described as "Motorcycle Diaries" meets "Eat, Pray, Love" set in Vietnam.

Cost: $15.00 - $20.00

Location: Kraine Theater

3:40pm: A SCAR IS BORN

A Scar is Born is the humorous story of one misfit’s hopeful audition. She reviews for the casting director important moments of her life and her journey from France to America. In the face of rejection, she never gives up her passion for performing the music of words and language. A cycle of songs recounting life in Marseille, Paris, New York and Florida, intertwined with sketches about the absurdity of modern existence.

Cost: $10.00 - $15.00

Location: Under St Marks

5:00pm: Eleanor's Story: An American Girl In Hitler's Germany

“BEST OF FEST” Edmonton Fringe 2015
"BEST OF FEST" Victoria Fringe 2022
"BEST THEATRE" Adelaide Fringe 2015
"CRITICS CHOICE" Fringe World 2015
"JUROR'S CHOICE" Ottawa Fringe 2022
"BEST ACTRESS" San Diego Fringe 2016

Eleanor Ramrath Garner’s acclaimed memoir, detailing her youth as a U.S. citizen trapped in Nazi Berlin during WWII, has been adapted by granddaughter Ingrid Garner into an internationally award-winning performance. Eleanor's Story traces 9-year-old Eleanor’s path from America to Germany, where her family moves in pursuit of work during the Depression. But when war breaks out as they are crossing the Atlantic, return home becomes impossible. While desperate for Allied victory, Eleanor’s family must endure Allied bombings, hunger, gestapo threats, and finally, the horrors of Russian occupation.

This true story, with its themes of social and political turmoil, is strikingly relevant almost 80 years later. Ingrid Garner delivers an intimate and universal account of women and children in wartime. What unfolds is a child’s odyssey of survival as she struggles to maintain stability, hope, and identity in a world of terror and contrasts.

Cost: $20.00

Location: Kraine Theater

5:20pm: Emil Amok: Lost NPR Host Found Under St. Marks, and other stories

Emil Guillermo is Emil Amok a Filipino American with white privilege, white voice privilege. He sounded white enough to host "All Things Considered." Now he considers all he would have said on race and culture had he not been riffed by the pre-woke. Stories on $15.87 Filipino history, the media, affirmative action/Harvard, PETA, and a colo-meditation. A storytelling, standup, solo lumpia fest from the guy at www.amok.com

Cost: $15.00 - $20.00

Location: Under St Marks

6:40pm: Swinging on the Seine

Comedienne and cabaret artist D'yan Forest (currently Guinness World Records Title Holder for Oldest Female Comedian in the World) has always been ahead of her time. In 1963 she moved to Paris as a young, innocent, recently divorced Bostonian looking to make it big in the Parisian cabaret scene. Immersing herself in the glitz, glamour, and scandalous nightlife of the era, the naive D’yan was transported from a sheltered suburban existence to a life filled with underground sex clubs and the swinger’s scene. A coming of age story like you have never seen it. At 88, the audacious D'yan is still going strong. Come celebrate life, love, and the city of Paris with her!

"A delightful romp. Forest is a bit of scamp and her tales of naughty mischief are both entertaining and inspiring...she's a complete and total hoot." - Theatre Is Easy, Best Bet

Swinging on the Seine was written by D’yan Forest and Stephen Clarke (bestselling author of “A Year in the *****”). D’yan Forest has performed all over the world with notable performances in New York, Paris, Edinburgh and even Ethiopia. If there’s a stage, chances are she’s been on it.

Cost: $10.00 - $25.00

Location: Kraine Theater

7:00pm: Kingfish

J.J. Williams (Tyler Riley) is the best Bass Fisherman the game has ever seen. So, he knows, better than most, that anyone might be your partner in a mixed tournament. But even so, this rude, ignorant **** who eats, complains, and does no fishing is about to awaken J.J.'s famous temper. Till the stranger reveals his horns, cloven hooves, and identity. Old Scratch, A.K.A the devil (Lane McLeod Jackson), is itching for another soul to add to his mason jar collection. A contest atop the water will begin as J.J. realizes eternity might be only a few hours away.

Cost: $20.00

Location: Under St Marks

8:20pm: Pretty Beast

The True Tale of a (f*cked up) Japanese Family! Growing up with a schizophrenic mom and alcoholic dad in Japan, comedy became her shield—and ticket to freedom. In her solo comedic drama, Pretty Beast, Japanese comedian Kazu Kusano takes on family dysfunction, mental illness, societal sexism, and what it means to discover your own superpowers.

Cost: $20.00

Location: Kraine Theater

8:40pm: As You Will

Friends, foes, fools! Do you ever bemoan the fact that the 884,647 words William Shakespeare wrote have been performed already? Do you yearn for the experience of seeing the Bard's works for the first time? Then celebrate the glad tidings of As You Will and our unscripted Shakespeare show! These Shakespearean scholars are here to present all the monumental works the immortal Bard would’ve written if he hadn’t gone and died. Armed with a title given by the audience, the players of As You Will bring a Shakespearean comedy to life complete with Shakspeare's themes, language, poetic verse, and some scholarly footnotes thrown in for good measure. As You Will has performed such classics as “The Eight Merry Spiders,” “That Doth Not Go There,” “1601: A Space Odyssey,” and, though those shows will never be seen again, there’s always a Shakespearean world premiere in our makeshift Globe Theatre at Under St Marks.

Cost: $15.00 - $20.00

Location: Under St Marks

10:20pm: How to be an Ethical ****

Experience the ride of your life as an unethical **** penetrates lies, STDs, triads, orgies, and love in her musical journey to becoming an Ethical ****. Don’t miss this award-winning original one-woman cabaret-comedy show by and starring Brooke McCarthy.

Cost: $15.00 - $25.00

Location: Under St Marks

Sunday, February 19, 2023

12:20pm: A SCAR IS BORN

A Scar is Born is the humorous story of one misfit’s hopeful audition. She reviews for the casting director important moments of her life and her journey from France to America. In the face of rejection, she never gives up her passion for performing the music of words and language. A cycle of songs recounting life in Marseille, Paris, New York and Florida, intertwined with sketches about the absurdity of modern existence.

Cost: $10.00 - $15.00

Location: Under St Marks

1:40pm: blindsp.ts

a dramedy about a psychiatrist-in-training and psychotherapy patient herself, unraveling behind the scenes of professional life as she grapples with the everyday – her new professional identity, challenging patient encounters, dating and private affairs gone awry. the personal and professional end up having more overlap than she realizes.

the collage structure of this solo performance emphasizes the nonlinearity of the psychoanalytic growth process. a story about growing pains and meeting the maze of one’s inner child.

Cost: $12.00

Location: Kraine Theater

2:00pm: In The Beginning

In this Garden, we’re starting over. Inflatable friends. Ballet. Apocalyptic disco. A wild woman dum dum show where Adam floats by, The Fruit isn’t what you think, and a sheep proves labels create limits.

Using comedy, satire, non-traditional storytelling structures, puppets, and a pool party aesthetic, In The Beginning invites the audience to imagine the possibilities of their own genesis and to reclaim their beginnings alongside each other.

Cost: $25.00

Location: Under St Marks

3:20pm: Pretty Beast

The True Tale of a (f*cked up) Japanese Family! Growing up with a schizophrenic mom and alcoholic dad in Japan, comedy became her shield—and ticket to freedom. In her solo comedic drama, Pretty Beast, Japanese comedian Kazu Kusano takes on family dysfunction, mental illness, societal sexism, and what it means to discover your own superpowers.

Cost: $20.00

Location: Kraine Theater

3:40pm: Syncope

Join celebrated storyteller Will Clegg on his lifelong journey with marijuana and panic disorder! Hijinks ensue!

Cost: $10.00 - $15.00

Location: Under St Marks

5:00pm: The GynoKid

And you thought YOUR parents were up in everyone's business. As the child of small-town gynecologists, comedy writer Claire Ayoub (Empire Waist, Amy Poehler's Smart Girls) experienced an untraditional and often mortifying adolescence destined to end in therapy—and comedy. Join her for a delightfully cringeworthy walk down memory lane and learn what being a GynoKid is all about. To learn more, visit: www.claireayoub.com/thegynokid

Cost: $10.00 - $25.00

Location: Kraine Theater

5:20pm: As I Eat The World

A Latine man confronts his mental health and eating disorders by attempting to eat THE WORLD.

Cost: $10.00 - $15.00

Location: Under St Marks

6:30pm: @make_us_scream

These women would do anything for their following, but what happens when it gets too close? Three women have captivated their fan base by telling scary stories, but tonight they find themselves living in one.

Cost: $25.00

Location: Kraine Theater

7:00pm: Harmony Hall

A monk who has been banished to a remote monastery on an island off the coast of Italy for the past twenty years finds his world shaken when a sexy young poet with amnesia washes up on his shores during a storm, making him question whether his duty should be to his vocation or to himself.

Cost: $20.00

Location: Under St Marks

Monday, February 20, 2023

6:30pm: How to be an Ethical ****

Experience the ride of your life as an unethical **** penetrates lies, STDs, triads, orgies, and love in her musical journey to becoming an Ethical ****. Don’t miss this award-winning original one-woman cabaret-comedy show by and starring Brooke McCarthy.

Cost: $15.00 - $25.00

Location: Under St Marks

7:10pm: Eleanor's Story: An American Girl In Hitler's Germany

“BEST OF FEST” Edmonton Fringe 2015
"BEST OF FEST" Victoria Fringe 2022
"BEST THEATRE" Adelaide Fringe 2015
"CRITICS CHOICE" Fringe World 2015
"JUROR'S CHOICE" Ottawa Fringe 2022
"BEST ACTRESS" San Diego Fringe 2016

Eleanor Ramrath Garner’s acclaimed memoir, detailing her youth as a U.S. citizen trapped in Nazi Berlin during WWII, has been adapted by granddaughter Ingrid Garner into an internationally award-winning performance. Eleanor's Story traces 9-year-old Eleanor’s path from America to Germany, where her family moves in pursuit of work during the Depression. But when war breaks out as they are crossing the Atlantic, return home becomes impossible. While desperate for Allied victory, Eleanor’s family must endure Allied bombings, hunger, gestapo threats, and finally, the horrors of Russian occupation.

This true story, with its themes of social and political turmoil, is strikingly relevant almost 80 years later. Ingrid Garner delivers an intimate and universal account of women and children in wartime. What unfolds is a child’s odyssey of survival as she struggles to maintain stability, hope, and identity in a world of terror and contrasts.

Cost: $20.00

Location: Kraine Theater

8:10pm: In The Beginning

In this Garden, we’re starting over. Inflatable friends. Ballet. Apocalyptic disco. A wild woman dum dum show where Adam floats by, The Fruit isn’t what you think, and a sheep proves labels create limits.

Using comedy, satire, non-traditional storytelling structures, puppets, and a pool party aesthetic, In The Beginning invites the audience to imagine the possibilities of their own genesis and to reclaim their beginnings alongside each other.

Cost: $25.00

Location: Under St Marks

9:50pm: TEST

How does one keep one’s identity when being forced to fit into society’s parameters? What and who is damaged when trying to follow society’s norm?

In today’s dynamic and unpredictably changing world, we as individuals face often pressuring challenges on so many levels. How do you deal with them? Have you ever felt pressured to conform, comply, and/or lose your identity? Do you easily adapt to whatever comes?

The play TEST, by the prominent Bulgarian playwright and poet Elin Rahnev, is a brilliant satirical metaphor of the struggle to keep or not to keep one’s identity in order to survive in this world. It will surprise you with its fresh unique sense of humor and your tears will grab you by the throat with the dramatic turning points.

This theatrical show, presented by two very talented professional actors, is fun to watch, and also philosophical enough to challenge your views about life.

Cost: $10.00 - $20.00

Location: Under St Marks

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

6:30pm: As You Will

Friends, foes, fools! Do you ever bemoan the fact that the 884,647 words William Shakespeare wrote have been performed already? Do you yearn for the experience of seeing the Bard's works for the first time? Then celebrate the glad tidings of As You Will and our unscripted Shakespeare show! These Shakespearean scholars are here to present all the monumental works the immortal Bard would’ve written if he hadn’t gone and died. Armed with a title given by the audience, the players of As You Will bring a Shakespearean comedy to life complete with Shakspeare's themes, language, poetic verse, and some scholarly footnotes thrown in for good measure. As You Will has performed such classics as “The Eight Merry Spiders,” “That Doth Not Go There,” “1601: A Space Odyssey,” and, though those shows will never be seen again, there’s always a Shakespearean world premiere in our makeshift Globe Theatre at Under St Marks.

Cost: $15.00 - $20.00

Location: Under St Marks

7:10pm: The Parentheses

Sometimes we're looking for an explanation, tacking on afterthought, enriching what is already complete with a pair of rounded brackets. The Parentheses is a play about two women reconnecting and re-examining their relationship to one another. Already wholly complete and complex on their own, they look to explain, to explore, and to experience one evening together in an attempt to understand what they really mean to themselves and to each other.

Cost: $15.00 - $20.00

Location: Kraine Theater

7:45pm: Death of a Salesman: a New Play

Death of Salesman a New Play is about death, sales, men, but most importantly, it is 100 percent brand new baby (Sunglasses Emoji). Watch in awe as the nation's two brightest entrepreneurs hustle, grind, backstab, and sacrifice everything they have to bring their vision to life (the vision is eco-friendly tennis balls).

Cost:  $5.00 - $20.0

Location: Under St Marks

8:50pm: Lightweight

The true story of a complicated young woman who struggles to survive a year-long stay in a 28-day addiction treatment center to overcome anorexia whilst attempting to maintain a debilitatingly positive attitude in post 9/11 New York City.

Cost: $15.00

Location: Kraine Theater

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

6:30pm: Thank u, ex

Thank u,ex is a coming of age story about a young girls journey through her love life. Bringing you 90’s nostalgia forms of heartbreak, loss, love and of course the teenage mutant ninja turtles delicacy, pizza! Join Violet as she exams her past relationships, kicks her exes to the curb and finds her way to self discovery

Cost:  $10.00 - $15.00

Location: Under St Marks

7:10pm: Swinging on the Seine

Comedienne and cabaret artist D'yan Forest (currently Guinness World Records Title Holder for Oldest Female Comedian in the World) has always been ahead of her time. In 1963 she moved to Paris as a young, innocent, recently divorced Bostonian looking to make it big in the Parisian cabaret scene. Immersing herself in the glitz, glamour, and scandalous nightlife of the era, the naive D’yan was transported from a sheltered suburban existence to a life filled with underground sex clubs and the swinger’s scene. A coming of age story like you have never seen it. At 88, the audacious D'yan is still going strong. Come celebrate life, love, and the city of Paris with her!

"A delightful romp. Forest is a bit of scamp and her tales of naughty mischief are both entertaining and inspiring...she's a complete and total hoot." - Theatre Is Easy, Best Bet

Swinging on the Seine was written by D’yan Forest and Stephen Clarke (bestselling author of “A Year in the *****”). D’yan Forest has performed all over the world with notable performances in New York, Paris, Edinburgh and even Ethiopia. If there’s a stage, chances are she’s been on it.

Cost: $10.00 - $25.00

Location: Kraine Theater

8:10pm: A SCAR IS BORN

A Scar is Born is the humorous story of one misfit’s hopeful audition. She reviews for the casting director important moments of her life and her journey from France to America. In the face of rejection, she never gives up her passion for performing the music of words and language. A cycle of songs recounting life in Marseille, Paris, New York and Florida, intertwined with sketches about the absurdity of modern existence.

Cost: $10.00 - $15.00

Location: Under St Marks

8:50pm: blindsp.ts

a dramedy about a psychiatrist-in-training and psychotherapy patient herself, unraveling behind the scenes of professional life as she grapples with the everyday – her new professional identity, challenging patient encounters, dating and private affairs gone awry. the personal and professional end up having more overlap than she realizes.

the collage structure of this solo performance emphasizes the nonlinearity of the psychoanalytic growth process. a story about growing pains and meeting the maze of one’s inner child.

Cost: $12.00

Location: Kraine Theater

9:50pm: Harmony Hall

A monk who has been banished to a remote monastery on an island off the coast of Italy for the past twenty years finds his world shaken when a sexy young poet with amnesia washes up on his shores during a storm, making him question whether his duty should be to his vocation or to himself.

Cost: $20.00

Location: Under St Marks

Thursday, February 23, 2023

6:30pm: Emil Amok: Lost NPR Host Found Under St. Marks, and other stories

Emil Guillermo is Emil Amok a Filipino American with white privilege, white voice privilege. He sounded white enough to host "All Things Considered." Now he considers all he would have said on race and culture had he not been riffed by the pre-woke. Stories on $15.87 Filipino history, the media, affirmative action/Harvard, PETA, and a colo-meditation. A storytelling, standup, solo lumpia fest from the guy at www.amok.com

Cost: $15.00 - $20.00

Location: Under St Marks

7:10pm: Eleanor's Story: An American Girl In Hitler's Germany

“BEST OF FEST” Edmonton Fringe 2015
"BEST OF FEST" Victoria Fringe 2022
"BEST THEATRE" Adelaide Fringe 2015
"CRITICS CHOICE" Fringe World 2015
"JUROR'S CHOICE" Ottawa Fringe 2022
"BEST ACTRESS" San Diego Fringe 2016

Eleanor Ramrath Garner’s acclaimed memoir, detailing her youth as a U.S. citizen trapped in Nazi Berlin during WWII, has been adapted by granddaughter Ingrid Garner into an internationally award-winning performance. Eleanor's Story traces 9-year-old Eleanor’s path from America to Germany, where her family moves in pursuit of work during the Depression. But when war breaks out as they are crossing the Atlantic, return home becomes impossible. While desperate for Allied victory, Eleanor’s family must endure Allied bombings, hunger, gestapo threats, and finally, the horrors of Russian occupation.

This true story, with its themes of social and political turmoil, is strikingly relevant almost 80 years later. Ingrid Garner delivers an intimate and universal account of women and children in wartime. What unfolds is a child’s odyssey of survival as she struggles to maintain stability, hope, and identity in a world of terror and contrasts.

Cost: $20.00

Location: Kraine Theater

8:10pm: Meaningless

How do we find meaning in an upside-down world? What actions should we take? Do our efforts even matter? “Meaningless” presents the unedited, uncensored, ancient book of Ecclesiastes in a one-act, one-person performance by Rodney Brazil packed with timeless riddles and timely wisdom. From wine to wealth, concubines to snake charming, “Meaningless” examines the meaning of everything under the sun. This modern presentation of a 2,000-year-old meditation on the human experience weaves the universal themes of wisdom, foolishness, pleasure, and suffering into an unforgettable live performance that is at once funny, pensive, and tragic.

Cost: $25.00

Location: Under St Marks

8:50pm: Lightweight

The true story of a complicated young woman who struggles to survive a year-long stay in a 28-day addiction treatment center to overcome anorexia whilst attempting to maintain a debilitatingly positive attitude in post 9/11 New York City.

Cost: $15.00

Location: Kraine Theater

9:50pm: Cold Feet - A Comedy Extravaganza

Need a laugh? This comedy showcase includes music, comedy and a strong fear of commitment. Multiple comics from far away places will dazzle and delight the senses while trying to work through intense psychological traumas. HAHA did I say traumas? I mean intensely humorous pajamas! They wear pajamas on stage! (note: comics have since stopped wearing pajamas.)

Cost: $10.00 - $20.00

Location: Under St Marks

11:30pm: How to be an Ethical ****

Experience the ride of your life as an unethical **** penetrates lies, STDs, triads, orgies, and love in her musical journey to becoming an Ethical ****. Don’t miss this award-winning original one-woman cabaret-comedy show by and starring Brooke McCarthy.

Cost: $15.00 - $25.00

Location: Under St Marks

Friday, February 24, 2023

6:30pm: Running Scared

Bryan always hated running, but it kept finding ways into his life. Join Bryan as he takes you through the ups and downs with running and how it's shaped his work, community, and love life.

Cost: $10.00 - $15.00

Location: Under St Marks

6:50pm: Sadec 1965: A Love Story

Sadec 1965 is a powerful storytelling show about Flora's solo motorcycle trip across Vietnam where she makes sense of her difficult relationship with her estranged Vietnamese father. A riveting performance best described as "Motorcycle Diaries" meets "Eat, Pray, Love" set in Vietnam.

Cost: $15.00 - $20.00

Location: Kraine Theater

8:10pm: A SCAR IS BORN

A Scar is Born is the humorous story of one misfit’s hopeful audition. She reviews for the casting director important moments of her life and her journey from France to America. In the face of rejection, she never gives up her passion for performing the music of words and language. A cycle of songs recounting life in Marseille, Paris, New York and Florida, intertwined with sketches about the absurdity of modern existence.

Cost: $10.00 - $15.00

Location: Under St Marks

8:30pm: I AM MY OWN MILF

Both an homage and send-up to the Upper East Side lady & the gayz that inhabit her, this interpretatión of the life of Timon of Athens casts a middle-aged diva as hostess of Park Avenue’s biggest flop parade (yes gawd). I AM MY OWN MILF (TIMON BY TIMON OF ATHENS FOR TIMON BY TIMON IN COLLABORATION WITH TIMON FOR TIMON BY TIMON OF ATHENS) is a postmodern drag+dance collage that imagines a world where the rich have to pay their debts.??Part lipsync spectaculare, part nature vlog - I AM MY OWN MILF opens the purse of the self-destructive Diva and the society built to devour her. It’s giving. And giving. And giving. And giving. Xx

Conceived by Matthew Antoci, in collaboration with Lizz Mangan & Meaghan Robichaud

Directed by Andrew Mullins
Dramaturgy by James La Bella
Movement Direction by Alexandra Brokowski
Graphics by Beth Brownrigg
Garments by Ray Dondero
Additional choreography by Carly Jurman

Cost: $15.00 - $20.00

Location: Kraine Theater

9:50pm: Kingfish

J.J. Williams (Tyler Riley) is the best Bass Fisherman the game has ever seen. So, he knows, better than most, that anyone might be your partner in a mixed tournament. But even so, this rude, ignorant **** who eats, complains, and does no fishing is about to awaken J.J.'s famous temper. Till the stranger reveals his horns, cloven hooves, and identity. Old Scratch, A.K.A the devil (Lane McLeod Jackson), is itching for another soul to add to his mason jar collection. A contest atop the water will begin as J.J. realizes eternity might be only a few hours away.

Cost: $20.00

Location: Under St Marks

Saturday, February 25, 2023

12:20pm: Emil Amok: Lost NPR Host Found Under St. Marks, and other stories

Emil Guillermo is Emil Amok a Filipino American with white privilege, white voice privilege. He sounded white enough to host "All Things Considered." Now he considers all he would have said on race and culture had he not been riffed by the pre-woke. Stories on $15.87 Filipino history, the media, affirmative action/Harvard, PETA, and a colo-meditation. A storytelling, standup, solo lumpia fest from the guy at www.amok.com

Cost: $15.00 - $20.00

Location: Under St Marks

1:40pm: Eleanor's Story: An American Girl In Hitler's Germany

“BEST OF FEST” Edmonton Fringe 2015
"BEST OF FEST" Victoria Fringe 2022
"BEST THEATRE" Adelaide Fringe 2015
"CRITICS CHOICE" Fringe World 2015
"JUROR'S CHOICE" Ottawa Fringe 2022
"BEST ACTRESS" San Diego Fringe 2016

Eleanor Ramrath Garner’s acclaimed memoir, detailing her youth as a U.S. citizen trapped in Nazi Berlin during WWII, has been adapted by granddaughter Ingrid Garner into an internationally award-winning performance. Eleanor's Story traces 9-year-old Eleanor’s path from America to Germany, where her family moves in pursuit of work during the Depression. But when war breaks out as they are crossing the Atlantic, return home becomes impossible. While desperate for Allied victory, Eleanor’s family must endure Allied bombings, hunger, gestapo threats, and finally, the horrors of Russian occupation.

This true story, with its themes of social and political turmoil, is strikingly relevant almost 80 years later. Ingrid Garner delivers an intimate and universal account of women and children in wartime. What unfolds is a child’s odyssey of survival as she struggles to maintain stability, hope, and identity in a world of terror and contrasts.

Cost: $20.00

Location: Kraine Theater

2:00pm: How to be an Ethical ****

Experience the ride of your life as an unethical **** penetrates lies, STDs, triads, orgies, and love in her musical journey to becoming an Ethical ****. Don’t miss this award-winning original one-woman cabaret-comedy show by and starring Brooke McCarthy.

Cost: $15.00 - $25.00

Location: Under St Marks

3:40pm: Meaningless

How do we find meaning in an upside-down world? What actions should we take? Do our efforts even matter? “Meaningless” presents the unedited, uncensored, ancient book of Ecclesiastes in a one-act, one-person performance by Rodney Brazil packed with timeless riddles and timely wisdom. From wine to wealth, concubines to snake charming, “Meaningless” examines the meaning of everything under the sun. This modern presentation of a 2,000-year-old meditation on the human experience weaves the universal themes of wisdom, foolishness, pleasure, and suffering into an unforgettable live performance that is at once funny, pensive, and tragic.

Cost: $25.00

Location: Under St Marks

5:00pm: Pretty Beast

The True Tale of a (f*cked up) Japanese Family! Growing up with a schizophrenic mom and alcoholic dad in Japan, comedy became her shield—and ticket to freedom. In her solo comedic drama, Pretty Beast, Japanese comedian Kazu Kusano takes on family dysfunction, mental illness, societal sexism, and what it means to discover your own superpowers.

Cost: $20.00

Location: Kraine Theater

5:20pm: In The Beginning

In this Garden, we’re starting over. Inflatable friends. Ballet. Apocalyptic disco. A wild woman dum dum show where Adam floats by, The Fruit isn’t what you think, and a sheep proves labels create limits.

Using comedy, satire, non-traditional storytelling structures, puppets, and a pool party aesthetic, In The Beginning invites the audience to imagine the possibilities of their own genesis and to reclaim their beginnings alongside each other.

Cost: $25.00

Location: Under St Marks

6:40pm: The GynoKid

And you thought YOUR parents were up in everyone's business. As the child of small-town gynecologists, comedy writer Claire Ayoub (Empire Waist, Amy Poehler's Smart Girls) experienced an untraditional and often mortifying adolescence destined to end in therapy—and comedy. Join her for a delightfully cringeworthy walk down memory lane and learn what being a GynoKid is all about. To learn more, visit: www.claireayoub.com/thegynokid

Cost: $10.00 - $25.00

Location: Kraine Theater

7:00pm: TEST

How does one keep one’s identity when being forced to fit into society’s parameters? What and who is damaged when trying to follow society’s norm?

In today’s dynamic and unpredictably changing world, we as individuals face often pressuring challenges on so many levels. How do you deal with them? Have you ever felt pressured to conform, comply, and/or lose your identity? Do you easily adapt to whatever comes?

The play TEST, by the prominent Bulgarian playwright and poet Elin Rahnev, is a brilliant satirical metaphor of the struggle to keep or not to keep one’s identity in order to survive in this world. It will surprise you with its fresh unique sense of humor and your tears will grab you by the throat with the dramatic turning points.

This theatrical show, presented by two very talented professional actors, is fun to watch, and also philosophical enough to challenge your views about life.

Cost: $10.00 - $20.00

Location: Under St Marks

8:20pm: @make_us_scream

These women would do anything for their following, but what happens when it gets too close? Three women have captivated their fan base by telling scary stories, but tonight they find themselves living in one.

Cost: $25.00

Location: Kraine Theater

8:40pm: As I Eat The World

A Latine man confronts his mental health and eating disorders by attempting to eat THE WORLD.

Cost: $10.00 - $15.00

Location: Under St Marks

10:20pm: Cold Feet - A Comedy Extravaganza

Need a laugh? This comedy showcase includes music, comedy and a strong fear of commitment. Multiple comics from far away places will dazzle and delight the senses while trying to work through intense psychological traumas. HAHA did I say traumas? I mean intensely humorous pajamas! They wear pajamas on stage! (note: comics have since stopped wearing pajamas.)

Cost: $10.00 - $20.00

Location: Under St Marks

Sunday, February 26, 2023

12:20pm: As I Eat The World

A Latine man confronts his mental health and eating disorders by attempting to eat THE WORLD.

Cost: $10.00 - $15.00

Location: Under St Marks

1:40pm: Sadec 1965: A Love Story

Sadec 1965 is a powerful storytelling show about Flora's solo motorcycle trip across Vietnam where she makes sense of her difficult relationship with her estranged Vietnamese father. A riveting performance best described as "Motorcycle Diaries" meets "Eat, Pray, Love" set in Vietnam.

Cost: $15.00 - $20.00

Location: Kraine Theater

2:00pm: Syncope

Join celebrated storyteller Will Clegg on his lifelong journey with marijuana and panic disorder! Hijinks ensue!

Cost: $10.00 - $15.00

Location: Under St Marks

3:20pm: Swinging on the Seine

Comedienne and cabaret artist D'yan Forest (currently Guinness World Records Title Holder for Oldest Female Comedian in the World) has always been ahead of her time. In 1963 she moved to Paris as a young, innocent, recently divorced Bostonian looking to make it big in the Parisian cabaret scene. Immersing herself in the glitz, glamour, and scandalous nightlife of the era, the naive D’yan was transported from a sheltered suburban existence to a life filled with underground sex clubs and the swinger’s scene. A coming of age story like you have never seen it. At 88, the audacious D'yan is still going strong. Come celebrate life, love, and the city of Paris with her!

"A delightful romp. Forest is a bit of scamp and her tales of naughty mischief are both entertaining and inspiring...she's a complete and total hoot." - Theatre Is Easy, Best Bet

Swinging on the Seine was written by D’yan Forest and Stephen Clarke (bestselling author of “A Year in the *****”). D’yan Forest has performed all over the world with notable performances in New York, Paris, Edinburgh and even Ethiopia. If there’s a stage, chances are she’s been on it.

Cost: $10.00 - $25.00

Location: Kraine Theater

3:40pm: Running Scared

Bryan always hated running, but it kept finding ways into his life. Join Bryan as he takes you through the ups and downs with running and how it's shaped his work, community, and love life.

Cost: $10.00 - $15.00

Location: Under St Marks

5:00pm: Lightweight

The true story of a complicated young woman who struggles to survive a year-long stay in a 28-day addiction treatment center to overcome anorexia whilst attempting to maintain a debilitatingly positive attitude in post 9/11 New York City.

Cost: $15.00

Location: Kraine Theater

5:20pm: Thank u, ex

Thank u,ex is a coming of age story about a young girls journey through her love life. Bringing you 90’s nostalgia forms of heartbreak, loss, love and of course the teenage mutant ninja turtles delicacy, pizza! Join Violet as she exams her past relationships, kicks her exes to the curb and finds her way to self discovery

Cost:  $10.00 - $15.00

Location: Under St Marks

6:40pm: blindsp.ts

a dramedy about a psychiatrist-in-training and psychotherapy patient herself, unraveling behind the scenes of professional life as she grapples with the everyday – her new professional identity, challenging patient encounters, dating and private affairs gone awry. the personal and professional end up having more overlap than she realizes.

the collage structure of this solo performance emphasizes the nonlinearity of the psychoanalytic growth process. a story about growing pains and meeting the maze of one’s inner child.

Cost: $12.00

Location: Kraine Theater

7:00pm: Emil Amok: Lost NPR Host Found Under St. Marks, and other stories

Emil Guillermo is Emil Amok a Filipino American with white privilege, white voice privilege. He sounded white enough to host "All Things Considered." Now he considers all he would have said on race and culture had he not been riffed by the pre-woke. Stories on $15.87 Filipino history, the media, affirmative action/Harvard, PETA, and a colo-meditation. A storytelling, standup, solo lumpia fest from the guy at www.amok.com

Cost: $15.00 - $20.00

Location: Under St Marks

Monday, February 27, 2023

6:30pm: A SCAR IS BORN

A Scar is Born is the humorous story of one misfit’s hopeful audition. She reviews for the casting director important moments of her life and her journey from France to America. In the face of rejection, she never gives up her passion for performing the music of words and language. A cycle of songs recounting life in Marseille, Paris, New York and Florida, intertwined with sketches about the absurdity of modern existence.

Cost: $10.00 - $15.00

Location: Under St Marks

7:10pm: Pretty Beast

The True Tale of a (f*cked up) Japanese Family! Growing up with a schizophrenic mom and alcoholic dad in Japan, comedy became her shield—and ticket to freedom. In her solo comedic drama, Pretty Beast, Japanese comedian Kazu Kusano takes on family dysfunction, mental illness, societal sexism, and what it means to discover your own superpowers.

Cost: $20.00

Location: Kraine Theater

8:10pm: How to be an Ethical ****

Experience the ride of your life as an unethical **** penetrates lies, STDs, triads, orgies, and love in her musical journey to becoming an Ethical ****. Don’t miss this award-winning original one-woman cabaret-comedy show by and starring Brooke McCarthy.

Cost: $15.00 - $25.00

Location: Under St Marks

8:50pm: Sadec 1965: A Love Story

Sadec 1965 is a powerful storytelling show about Flora's solo motorcycle trip across Vietnam where she makes sense of her difficult relationship with her estranged Vietnamese father. A riveting performance best described as "Motorcycle Diaries" meets "Eat, Pray, Love" set in Vietnam.

Cost: $15.00 - $20.00

Location: Kraine Theater

9:50pm: Thank u, ex

Thank u,ex is a coming of age story about a young girls journey through her love life. Bringing you 90’s nostalgia forms of heartbreak, loss, love and of course the teenage mutant ninja turtles delicacy, pizza! Join Violet as she exams her past relationships, kicks her exes to the curb and finds her way to self discovery

Cost:  $10.00 - $15.00

Location: Under St Marks

Tuesday, February 28, 2023

6:30pm: Death of a Salesman: a New Play

Death of Salesman a New Play is about death, sales, men, but most importantly, it is 100 percent brand new baby (Sunglasses Emoji). Watch in awe as the nation's two brightest entrepreneurs hustle, grind, backstab, and sacrifice everything they have to bring their vision to life (the vision is eco-friendly tennis balls).

Cost:  $5.00 - $20.0

Location: Under St Marks

7:45pm: As You Will

Friends, foes, fools! Do you ever bemoan the fact that the 884,647 words William Shakespeare wrote have been performed already? Do you yearn for the experience of seeing the Bard's works for the first time? Then celebrate the glad tidings of As You Will and our unscripted Shakespeare show! These Shakespearean scholars are here to present all the monumental works the immortal Bard would’ve written if he hadn’t gone and died. Armed with a title given by the audience, the players of As You Will bring a Shakespearean comedy to life complete with Shakspeare's themes, language, poetic verse, and some scholarly footnotes thrown in for good measure. As You Will has performed such classics as “The Eight Merry Spiders,” “That Doth Not Go There,” “1601: A Space Odyssey,” and, though those shows will never be seen again, there’s always a Shakespearean world premiere in our makeshift Globe Theatre at Under St Marks.

Cost: $15.00 - $20.00

Location: Under St Marks

8:50pm: The Parentheses

Sometimes we're looking for an explanation, tacking on afterthought, enriching what is already complete with a pair of rounded brackets. The Parentheses is a play about two women reconnecting and re-examining their relationship to one another. Already wholly complete and complex on their own, they look to explain, to explore, and to experience one evening together in an attempt to understand what they really mean to themselves and to each other.

Cost: $15.00 - $20.00

Location: Kraine Theater

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

6:30pm: Cold Feet - A Comedy Extravaganza

Need a laugh? This comedy showcase includes music, comedy and a strong fear of commitment. Multiple comics from far away places will dazzle and delight the senses while trying to work through intense psychological traumas. HAHA did I say traumas? I mean intensely humorous pajamas! They wear pajamas on stage! (note: comics have since stopped wearing pajamas.)

Cost: $10.00 - $20.00

Location: Under St Marks

8:10pm: TEST

How does one keep one’s identity when being forced to fit into society’s parameters? What and who is damaged when trying to follow society’s norm?

In today’s dynamic and unpredictably changing world, we as individuals face often pressuring challenges on so many levels. How do you deal with them? Have you ever felt pressured to conform, comply, and/or lose your identity? Do you easily adapt to whatever comes?

The play TEST, by the prominent Bulgarian playwright and poet Elin Rahnev, is a brilliant satirical metaphor of the struggle to keep or not to keep one’s identity in order to survive in this world. It will surprise you with its fresh unique sense of humor and your tears will grab you by the throat with the dramatic turning points.

This theatrical show, presented by two very talented professional actors, is fun to watch, and also philosophical enough to challenge your views about life.

Cost: $10.00 - $20.00

Location: Under St Marks

8:50pm: Pretty Beast

The True Tale of a (f*cked up) Japanese Family! Growing up with a schizophrenic mom and alcoholic dad in Japan, comedy became her shield—and ticket to freedom. In her solo comedic drama, Pretty Beast, Japanese comedian Kazu Kusano takes on family dysfunction, mental illness, societal sexism, and what it means to discover your own superpowers.

Cost: $20.00

Location: Kraine Theater

9:50pm: Thank u, ex

Thank u,ex is a coming of age story about a young girls journey through her love life. Bringing you 90’s nostalgia forms of heartbreak, loss, love and of course the teenage mutant ninja turtles delicacy, pizza! Join Violet as she exams her past relationships, kicks her exes to the curb and finds her way to self discovery

Cost:  $10.00 - $15.00

Location: Under St Marks

Thursday, March 2, 2023

6:30pm: Syncope

Join celebrated storyteller Will Clegg on his lifelong journey with marijuana and panic disorder! Hijinks ensue!

Cost: $10.00 - $15.00

Location: Under St Marks

7:10pm: The GynoKid

And you thought YOUR parents were up in everyone's business. As the child of small-town gynecologists, comedy writer Claire Ayoub (Empire Waist, Amy Poehler's Smart Girls) experienced an untraditional and often mortifying adolescence destined to end in therapy—and comedy. Join her for a delightfully cringeworthy walk down memory lane and learn what being a GynoKid is all about. To learn more, visit: www.claireayoub.com/thegynokid

Cost: $10.00 - $25.00

Location: Kraine Theater

8:10pm: Cold Feet - A Comedy Extravaganza

Need a laugh? This comedy showcase includes music, comedy and a strong fear of commitment. Multiple comics from far away places will dazzle and delight the senses while trying to work through intense psychological traumas. HAHA did I say traumas? I mean intensely humorous pajamas! They wear pajamas on stage! (note: comics have since stopped wearing pajamas.)

Cost: $10.00 - $20.00

Location: Under St Marks

8:50pm: blindsp.ts

a dramedy about a psychiatrist-in-training and psychotherapy patient herself, unraveling behind the scenes of professional life as she grapples with the everyday – her new professional identity, challenging patient encounters, dating and private affairs gone awry. the personal and professional end up having more overlap than she realizes.

the collage structure of this solo performance emphasizes the nonlinearity of the psychoanalytic growth process. a story about growing pains and meeting the maze of one’s inner child.

Cost: $12.00

Location: Kraine Theater

9:50pm: In The Beginning

In this Garden, we’re starting over. Inflatable friends. Ballet. Apocalyptic disco. A wild woman dum dum show where Adam floats by, The Fruit isn’t what you think, and a sheep proves labels create limits.

Using comedy, satire, non-traditional storytelling structures, puppets, and a pool party aesthetic, In The Beginning invites the audience to imagine the possibilities of their own genesis and to reclaim their beginnings alongside each other.

Cost: $25.00

Location: Under St Marks

11:30pm: Thank u, ex

Thank u,ex is a coming of age story about a young girls journey through her love life. Bringing you 90’s nostalgia forms of heartbreak, loss, love and of course the teenage mutant ninja turtles delicacy, pizza! Join Violet as she exams her past relationships, kicks her exes to the curb and finds her way to self discovery

Cost:  $10.00 - $15.00

Location: Under St Marks

Friday, March 3, 2023

6:40pm: Eleanor's Story: An American Girl In Hitler's Germany

“BEST OF FEST” Edmonton Fringe 2015
"BEST OF FEST" Victoria Fringe 2022
"BEST THEATRE" Adelaide Fringe 2015
"CRITICS CHOICE" Fringe World 2015
"JUROR'S CHOICE" Ottawa Fringe 2022
"BEST ACTRESS" San Diego Fringe 2016

Eleanor Ramrath Garner’s acclaimed memoir, detailing her youth as a U.S. citizen trapped in Nazi Berlin during WWII, has been adapted by granddaughter Ingrid Garner into an internationally award-winning performance. Eleanor's Story traces 9-year-old Eleanor’s path from America to Germany, where her family moves in pursuit of work during the Depression. But when war breaks out as they are crossing the Atlantic, return home becomes impossible. While desperate for Allied victory, Eleanor’s family must endure Allied bombings, hunger, gestapo threats, and finally, the horrors of Russian occupation.

This true story, with its themes of social and political turmoil, is strikingly relevant almost 80 years later. Ingrid Garner delivers an intimate and universal account of women and children in wartime. What unfolds is a child’s odyssey of survival as she struggles to maintain stability, hope, and identity in a world of terror and contrasts.

Cost: $20.00

Location: Kraine Theater

11:30pm: TEST

How does one keep one’s identity when being forced to fit into society’s parameters? What and who is damaged when trying to follow society’s norm?

In today’s dynamic and unpredictably changing world, we as individuals face often pressuring challenges on so many levels. How do you deal with them? Have you ever felt pressured to conform, comply, and/or lose your identity? Do you easily adapt to whatever comes?

The play TEST, by the prominent Bulgarian playwright and poet Elin Rahnev, is a brilliant satirical metaphor of the struggle to keep or not to keep one’s identity in order to survive in this world. It will surprise you with its fresh unique sense of humor and your tears will grab you by the throat with the dramatic turning points.

This theatrical show, presented by two very talented professional actors, is fun to watch, and also philosophical enough to challenge your views about life.

Cost: $10.00 - $20.00

Location: Under St Marks

6:30pm: Running Scared

Bryan always hated running, but it kept finding ways into his life. Join Bryan as he takes you through the ups and downs with running and how it's shaped his work, community, and love life.

Cost: $10.00 - $15.00

Location: Under St Marks

8:10pm: Emil Amok: Lost NPR Host Found Under St. Marks, and other stories

Emil Guillermo is Emil Amok a Filipino American with white privilege, white voice privilege. He sounded white enough to host "All Things Considered." Now he considers all he would have said on race and culture had he not been riffed by the pre-woke. Stories on $15.87 Filipino history, the media, affirmative action/Harvard, PETA, and a colo-meditation. A storytelling, standup, solo lumpia fest from the guy at www.amok.com

Cost: $15.00 - $20.00

Location: Under St Marks

8:20pm: Swinging on the Seine

Comedienne and cabaret artist D'yan Forest (currently Guinness World Records Title Holder for Oldest Female Comedian in the World) has always been ahead of her time. In 1963 she moved to Paris as a young, innocent, recently divorced Bostonian looking to make it big in the Parisian cabaret scene. Immersing herself in the glitz, glamour, and scandalous nightlife of the era, the naive D’yan was transported from a sheltered suburban existence to a life filled with underground sex clubs and the swinger’s scene. A coming of age story like you have never seen it. At 88, the audacious D'yan is still going strong. Come celebrate life, love, and the city of Paris with her!

"A delightful romp. Forest is a bit of scamp and her tales of naughty mischief are both entertaining and inspiring...she's a complete and total hoot." - Theatre Is Easy, Best Bet

Swinging on the Seine was written by D’yan Forest and Stephen Clarke (bestselling author of “A Year in the *****”). D’yan Forest has performed all over the world with notable performances in New York, Paris, Edinburgh and even Ethiopia. If there’s a stage, chances are she’s been on it.

Cost: $10.00 - $25.00

Location: Kraine Theater

9:50pm: Thank u, ex

Thank u,ex is a coming of age story about a young girls journey through her love life. Bringing you 90’s nostalgia forms of heartbreak, loss, love and of course the teenage mutant ninja turtles delicacy, pizza! Join Violet as she exams her past relationships, kicks her exes to the curb and finds her way to self discovery

Cost:  $10.00 - $15.00

Location: Under St Marks

Saturday, March 4, 2023

12:20pm: Meaningless

How do we find meaning in an upside-down world? What actions should we take? Do our efforts even matter? “Meaningless” presents the unedited, uncensored, ancient book of Ecclesiastes in a one-act, one-person performance by Rodney Brazil packed with timeless riddles and timely wisdom. From wine to wealth, concubines to snake charming, “Meaningless” examines the meaning of everything under the sun. This modern presentation of a 2,000-year-old meditation on the human experience weaves the universal themes of wisdom, foolishness, pleasure, and suffering into an unforgettable live performance that is at once funny, pensive, and tragic.

Cost: $25.00

Location: Under St Marks

1:40pm: @make_us_scream

These women would do anything for their following, but what happens when it gets too close? Three women have captivated their fan base by telling scary stories, but tonight they find themselves living in one.

Cost: $25.00

Location: Kraine Theater

2:00pm: Harmony Hall

A monk who has been banished to a remote monastery on an island off the coast of Italy for the past twenty years finds his world shaken when a sexy young poet with amnesia washes up on his shores during a storm, making him question whether his duty should be to his vocation or to himself.

Cost: $20.00

Location: Under St Marks

3:20pm: The GynoKid

And you thought YOUR parents were up in everyone's business. As the child of small-town gynecologists, comedy writer Claire Ayoub (Empire Waist, Amy Poehler's Smart Girls) experienced an untraditional and often mortifying adolescence destined to end in therapy—and comedy. Join her for a delightfully cringeworthy walk down memory lane and learn what being a GynoKid is all about. To learn more, visit: www.claireayoub.com/thegynokid

Cost: $10.00 - $25.00

Location: Kraine Theater

3:40pm: Running Scared

Bryan always hated running, but it kept finding ways into his life. Join Bryan as he takes you through the ups and downs with running and how it's shaped his work, community, and love life.

Cost: $10.00 - $15.00

Location: Under St Marks

5:00pm: The Parentheses

Sometimes we're looking for an explanation, tacking on afterthought, enriching what is already complete with a pair of rounded brackets. The Parentheses is a play about two women reconnecting and re-examining their relationship to one another. Already wholly complete and complex on their own, they look to explain, to explore, and to experience one evening together in an attempt to understand what they really mean to themselves and to each other.

Cost: $15.00 - $20.00

Location: Kraine Theater

5:20pm: As You Will

Friends, foes, fools! Do you ever bemoan the fact that the 884,647 words William Shakespeare wrote have been performed already? Do you yearn for the experience of seeing the Bard's works for the first time? Then celebrate the glad tidings of As You Will and our unscripted Shakespeare show! These Shakespearean scholars are here to present all the monumental works the immortal Bard would’ve written if he hadn’t gone and died. Armed with a title given by the audience, the players of As You Will bring a Shakespearean comedy to life complete with Shakspeare's themes, language, poetic verse, and some scholarly footnotes thrown in for good measure. As You Will has performed such classics as “The Eight Merry Spiders,” “That Doth Not Go There,” “1601: A Space Odyssey,” and, though those shows will never be seen again, there’s always a Shakespearean world premiere in our makeshift Globe Theatre at Under St Marks.

Cost: $15.00 - $20.00

Location: Under St Marks

6:40pm: I AM MY OWN MILF

Both an homage and send-up to the Upper East Side lady & the gayz that inhabit her, this interpretatión of the life of Timon of Athens casts a middle-aged diva as hostess of Park Avenue’s biggest flop parade (yes gawd). I AM MY OWN MILF (TIMON BY TIMON OF ATHENS FOR TIMON BY TIMON IN COLLABORATION WITH TIMON FOR TIMON BY TIMON OF ATHENS) is a postmodern drag+dance collage that imagines a world where the rich have to pay their debts.??Part lipsync spectaculare, part nature vlog - I AM MY OWN MILF opens the purse of the self-destructive Diva and the society built to devour her. It’s giving. And giving. And giving. And giving. Xx

Conceived by Matthew Antoci, in collaboration with Lizz Mangan & Meaghan Robichaud

Directed by Andrew Mullins
Dramaturgy by James La Bella
Movement Direction by Alexandra Brokowski
Graphics by Beth Brownrigg
Garments by Ray Dondero
Additional choreography by Carly Jurman

Cost: $15.00 - $20.00

Location: Kraine Theater

10:20pm: Emil Amok: Lost NPR Host Found Under St. Marks, and other stories

Emil Guillermo is Emil Amok a Filipino American with white privilege, white voice privilege. He sounded white enough to host "All Things Considered." Now he considers all he would have said on race and culture had he not been riffed by the pre-woke. Stories on $15.87 Filipino history, the media, affirmative action/Harvard, PETA, and a colo-meditation. A storytelling, standup, solo lumpia fest from the guy at www.amok.com

Cost: $15.00 - $20.00

Location: Under St Marks

7:00pm: Death of a Salesman: a New Play

Death of Salesman a New Play is about death, sales, men, but most importantly, it is 100 percent brand new baby (Sunglasses Emoji). Watch in awe as the nation's two brightest entrepreneurs hustle, grind, backstab, and sacrifice everything they have to bring their vision to life (the vision is eco-friendly tennis balls).

Cost:  $5.00 - $20.0

Location: Under St Marks

8:40pm: Syncope

Join celebrated storyteller Will Clegg on his lifelong journey with marijuana and panic disorder! Hijinks ensue!

Cost: $10.00 - $15.00

Location: Under St Marks

11:59pm: Cold Feet - A Comedy Extravaganza

Need a laugh? This comedy showcase includes music, comedy and a strong fear of commitment. Multiple comics from far away places will dazzle and delight the senses while trying to work through intense psychological traumas. HAHA did I say traumas? I mean intensely humorous pajamas! They wear pajamas on stage! (note: comics have since stopped wearing pajamas.)

Cost: $10.00 - $20.00

Location: Under St Marks            

Sunday, March 5, 2023

12:20pm: In The Beginning

In this Garden, we’re starting over. Inflatable friends. Ballet. Apocalyptic disco. A wild woman dum dum show where Adam floats by, The Fruit isn’t what you think, and a sheep proves labels create limits.

Using comedy, satire, non-traditional storytelling structures, puppets, and a pool party aesthetic, In The Beginning invites the audience to imagine the possibilities of their own genesis and to reclaim their beginnings alongside each other.

Cost: $25.00

Location: Under St Marks

2:00pm: Cold Feet - A Comedy Extravaganza

Need a laugh? This comedy showcase includes music, comedy and a strong fear of commitment. Multiple comics from far away places will dazzle and delight the senses while trying to work through intense psychological traumas. HAHA did I say traumas? I mean intensely humorous pajamas! They wear pajamas on stage! (note: comics have since stopped wearing pajamas.)

Cost: $10.00 - $20.00

Location: Under St Marks

3:20pm: The GynoKid

And you thought YOUR parents were up in everyone's business. As the child of small-town gynecologists, comedy writer Claire Ayoub (Empire Waist, Amy Poehler's Smart Girls) experienced an untraditional and often mortifying adolescence destined to end in therapy—and comedy. Join her for a delightfully cringeworthy walk down memory lane and learn what being a GynoKid is all about. To learn more, visit: www.claireayoub.com/thegynokid

Cost: $10.00 - $25.00

Location: Kraine Theater

3:40pm: Kingfish

J.J. Williams (Tyler Riley) is the best Bass Fisherman the game has ever seen. So, he knows, better than most, that anyone might be your partner in a mixed tournament. But even so, this rude, ignorant **** who eats, complains, and does no fishing is about to awaken J.J.'s famous temper. Till the stranger reveals his horns, cloven hooves, and identity. Old Scratch, A.K.A the devil (Lane McLeod Jackson), is itching for another soul to add to his mason jar collection. A contest atop the water will begin as J.J. realizes eternity might be only a few hours away.

Cost: $20.00

Location: Under St Marks

5:00pm: Swinging on the Seine

Comedienne and cabaret artist D'yan Forest (currently Guinness World Records Title Holder for Oldest Female Comedian in the World) has always been ahead of her time. In 1963 she moved to Paris as a young, innocent, recently divorced Bostonian looking to make it big in the Parisian cabaret scene. Immersing herself in the glitz, glamour, and scandalous nightlife of the era, the naive D’yan was transported from a sheltered suburban existence to a life filled with underground sex clubs and the swinger’s scene. A coming of age story like you have never seen it. At 88, the audacious D'yan is still going strong. Come celebrate life, love, and the city of Paris with her!

"A delightful romp. Forest is a bit of scamp and her tales of naughty mischief are both entertaining and inspiring...she's a complete and total hoot." - Theatre Is Easy, Best Bet

Swinging on the Seine was written by D’yan Forest and Stephen Clarke (bestselling author of “A Year in the *****”). D’yan Forest has performed all over the world with notable performances in New York, Paris, Edinburgh and even Ethiopia. If there’s a stage, chances are she’s been on it.

Cost: $10.00 - $25.00

Location: Kraine Theater

5:20pm: Meaningless

How do we find meaning in an upside-down world? What actions should we take? Do our efforts even matter? “Meaningless” presents the unedited, uncensored, ancient book of Ecclesiastes in a one-act, one-person performance by Rodney Brazil packed with timeless riddles and timely wisdom. From wine to wealth, concubines to snake charming, “Meaningless” examines the meaning of everything under the sun. This modern presentation of a 2,000-year-old meditation on the human experience weaves the universal themes of wisdom, foolishness, pleasure, and suffering into an unforgettable live performance that is at once funny, pensive, and tragic.

Cost: $25.00

Location: Under St Marks

Date: Wednesday, February 15, 2023 - Sunday, March 5, 2023


Kraine Theater - 85 East 4th Street, New York, NY 10003
Under St Marks - 94 St. Marks Place, New York, NY 10009

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