
WATCH: Governor Dunleavy Highlights Landmark Energy Legislation at Alaska Sustainable Energy Conference

Government and Politics

May 22, 2024

From: Alaska Governor Mike Dunleavy

On May 22, 2024 during the Alaska Sustainable Energy Conference Governor Mike Dunleavy highlighted legislation recently passed by the Alaska Legislature.

Bills passed will enable Alaska to capitalize on the State’s tremendous capabilities for carbon storage, allow Railbelt customers to access lowest-cost power, and establish a Green Bank to help Alaskans finance energy efficiency improvements in their homes and businesses.

“This is just the beginning. There is so much we can get done on the policy front to unleash Alaska’s enormous resource potential,” Governor Dunleavy said. “I’ve got to give credit to the legislature and the state departments. On some of these critical issues they came together and the result is what we have today.”

Click here to watch the Governor’s remarks.