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Alaska Governor Mike Dunleavy

P.O. Box 110001

Governor Mike Dunleavy arrived in Alaska in 1983 as a young man looking for opportunity, and he found it. His first job was working in a logging camp in Southeast Alaska. Later on, Governor Dunleavy pursued his dream of becoming a teacher. He earned his teacher’s certificate, and then a master of education degree from the University of Alaska Fairbanks. He spent nearly two decades in northwest Arctic communities working as a teacher, principal, and superintendent.

Governor Dunleavy’s wife Rose is from the Kobuk River Valley community of Noorvik. Together, they have three children – Maggie, Catherine, and Ceil – who were raised in both rural and urban Alaska.

Governor Dunleavy and his family moved to Wasilla in 2004, where he owned an educational consulting firm and worked on a number of educational projects statewide. Dunleavy served on the Mat-Su Borough School Board, with two years as Board President, and then as a state senator for five years.

The Dunleavys enjoy spending time together as a family, often in Alaska’s great outdoors. Hunting, fishing, snowmachining, and camping are all favorite activities.

Governor Dunleavy is focused on moving Alaska forward and believes that our greatest years are yet to come if we work together to maximize our potential.

Recent News

Governor Dunleavy Provides Statement on Foreign Operations Off Alaska

On September 17, 2024 Alaska Governor Mike Dunleavy issued the following statement following a series of Russian and Chinese operations near Alaska. “Once again our military has had to respond to activities by our nation’s adversaries.…

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Forensic Science Week

WHEREAS, quality forensic science plays an essential role in investigating crimes, from exonerating the innocent to identifying the guilty; and WHEREAS, forensic science plays a critical role in public outreach and crime prevention, and is…

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Alaska Adult Education and Family Literacy Week

WHEREAS, all Alaskans deserve access to opportunities to gain the academic, technical, and employability skills necessary to lead prosperous and productive lives; and WHEREAS, Alaska Adult Education and Literacy programs have been serving Alaskans…

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Patriot Day - September 11, 2024

WHEREAS, today marks 23 years since the American people faced the worst terrorist attack on United States soil on September 11, 2001; and WHEREAS, while the attacks were meant to divide our Great Nation, Americans responded by banding together in…

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Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders Awareness Day

WHEREAS, providing healthy environments for infants and children to develop and grow is essential in ensuring the well-being and productivity of future generations of Alaskans; and WHEREAS, consuming alcohol at any stage of pregnancy can cause…

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Suicide Prevention Week

WHEREAS, protecting the health and wellness of all Alaskans is key to ensuring a stronger future for our families and communities; and WHEREAS, suicide is the most tragic consequence of mental and emotional illness and distress, and is one of the…

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Patriot Day - September 6, 2024

WHEREAS, today marks 23 years since the American people faced the worst terrorist attack on United States soil on September 11, 2001; and WHEREAS, while the attacks were meant to divide our Great Nation, Americans responded by banding together in…

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Governor Dunleavy Signs Four Bills in Fairbanks

On September 5, 2024 in Fairbanks Governor Mike Dunleavy signed four pieces of legislation that benefit Alaskan trappers, disabled hunters, university students, and the economic development of Nenana. HB 272 authorizes the Alaska Board of Game…

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MMIP Legislation Signed by Governor Dunleavy

Creates review commission for MMIP cases, cultural training for investigators Governor Dunleavy signed into law legislation that continues Alaska’s effort to solve more Missing and Murdered Indigenous Peoples cases. Sponsored by Senator…

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Childhood Cancer Awareness Month

WHEREAS, our most precious resource is our children, and their well-being is vital to a bright future for Alaska; and WHEREAS, receiving a cancer diagnosis is distressing at any age, but it is even more heartbreaking when the patient is a child;…

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Recovery Month

WHEREAS, it is imperative for all Alaskans to understand the critical need for affordable, accessible, and high-quality substance abuse treatment; and WHEREAS, substance abuse, co-occurring mental disorders, and co-existing physical illnesses are…

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Alaska Blood Donation Week

WHEREAS, the State of Alaska is committed to protecting its residents and those visiting our Great State by ensuring that our medical centers have a safe and sufficient supply of blood; and WHEREAS, a local in-state accessible blood supply is…

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Alaska Hydropower Day

WHEREAS, Alaska is a State rich in energy and embraces development of all its resources for the benefit of its people; and WHEREAS, hydropower is a cornerstone of Alaska’s energy sector, providing 20 percent of in-State electricity; and…

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Governor Signs Agricultural Bills at the Alaska State Fair

Governor Mike Dunleavy signed three bills this afternoon at the Alaska State Fair in Palmer. Two that promote Alaska’s growing agricultural sector, and a third that modernizes the storage, distribution, sale, and safe use of fireworks.…

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Fentanyl Prevention and Awareness Day

WHEREAS, fentanyl is a highly addictive synthetic opioid that is 50 times more potent than heroin and 100 times more potent than morphine. It is made legally and used pharmaceutically, but has also become a prevalent substance in counterfeit pills…

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Governor Dunleavy Hosts U.S. House Committee on Natural Resources Members for Tour of Alaska

On August 13, 2024 Governor Mike Dunleavy welcomed members of the House Committee on Natural Resources to Alaska to learn more about Alaska’s gold standard for responsible resource development, the opportunities natural resource development…

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Governor Dunleavy Surveys Juneau Flood Damage

On August 7, 2024 Governor Mike Dunleavy surveyed the aftermath of the 2024 Juneau Glacier Flood with state officials and local leaders. “The damage caused by the flood damage is significant and is affecting hundreds of Alaskans. I’m…

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United States Coast Guard Appreciation Day

WHEREAS, the United States Coast Guard has courageously protected our country’s shores since August 4, 1790, and is the nation’s oldest continuous seafaring service; and WHEREAS, nearly three-quarters of Alaskans reside along our…

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Farmers Market Week

WHEREAS, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) proclaimed the first National Farmers Market Week in 1999 to raise awareness of efforts nationwide for producers to sell directly to customers; and WHEREAS, a farmers market is an…

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Community Health Center Week

WHEREAS, for over fifty years, community health centers have provided accessible and affordable healthcare to underserved and uninsured members of communities across the Nation; and WHEREAS, a community health center’s Board is comprised of…

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Shooting Sports Month

WHEREAS, Alaskans enjoy a variety of outdoor activities year round. From hiking to hunting, many of those activities involve the use of firearms; and WHEREAS, countless Alaskans rely on and take pride in the ability to use firearms to feed and…

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Legislation Passed After the Constitutional Deadline Vetoed by Governor Dunleavy

Governor Mike Dunleavy has vetoed the five bills (HB 19, 29, 122, 189, 203) passed by the Alaska Legislature after the constitutionally mandated deadline to adjourn the session at midnight, May 16, 2024. “I understand the Legislature’s…

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Governor Mike Dunleavy Signs Alaska Energy Bills

On July 31, 2024 in Anchorage Alaska Governor Mike Dunleavy signed three energy bills into law. HB 50 creates a regulatory framework for the State of Alaska to utilize its geologic resources for carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS).…

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Alaska National Guard Day

WHEREAS, since before World War II, the Alaska National Guard has acted as a first line of defense for the United States of America; and WHEREAS, the Alaska National Guard serves our Nation when called by federal service, and Alaska National Guard…

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Governor Dunleavy Signs Four Bills From Interior Legislators Into Law

This afternoon, Governor Mike Dunleavy visited Fairbanks and signed four pieces of legislation addressing health care, timber sales, military affairs, and motor vehicles. Each bill was sponsored by a member of the Alaska Legislature’s interior…

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Rural Transit Day

WHEREAS, Alaska celebrated Rural Transit Day for the first time on July 16, 2020, to focus on what agencies have done and are doing to recognize the specialized needs of rural passengers and staff; and WHEREAS, as the reliance on rural transit has…

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Governor Mike Dunleavy Signs Landmark Omnibus Bill to Combat Crime and Protect Crime Victims

On July 11, 2024 Alaska Governor Mike Dunleavy signed House Bill 66, a comprehensive omnibus crime bill. This landmark legislation enhances public safety and provides robust support for victims and law enforcement throughout Alaska.…

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Independence Day

WHEREAS, over 200 years ago, a group of visionaries - our founding fathers - set out and established a new and independent nation, unlike any other, based on the philosophies of a representative democracy to affirm and safeguard each citizen’s…

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Drunk Driving Victims Remembrance Day

WHEREAS, Alaska’s extensive road systems allow for transportation of Alaskans and visitors for work, school, or leisure with the reasonable expectation of respectful and attentive treatment from fellow drivers; and WHEREAS, impaired driving…

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ATV/Off-Highway Vehicle Safety Awareness Month

WHEREAS, Alaska is a State with many outdoor recreational opportunities that attract residents and visitors to a world-class setting; and WHEREAS, these opportunities include winter and summer activities, such as hiking, hunting, mountaineering,…

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BBQ Month

WHEREAS, Alaska summers bring longer days and many opportunities for outdoor activities to enjoy with family and friends; and WHEREAS, barbecuing is one such opportunity, being a distinctively American culinary tradition universally identified…

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Korea-Alaska Friendship Day

WHEREAS, the State of Alaska is thankful for the continuation of strong international relations with the Republic of Korea, and Alaskans appreciate the Korean community’s many contributions to the economic and cultural diversity of our Great…

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Governor Dunleavy Signs Fiscal Year 2025 Budget Prioritizing Education, Energy, and Public Safety for Alaskans

On June 28, 2024, Governor Mike Dunleavy transmitted the Fiscal Year 2025 state operating and capital budgets. Governor Dunleavy line-item vetoed and signed the appropriation bills Thursday afternoon. The result is a fiscally-responsible budget that…

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Alaska Pollinator Week

WHEREAS, Alaska has an abundance of plant and animal species that make up the natural beauty of our Great State and contribute to the health of our ecosystems and industries; and WHEREAS, bees, birds, butterflies, bats, beetles, and other…

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Juneteenth Day

WHEREAS, on June 19, 1865, Union Soldiers led by Major General Gordon Granger arrived in Galveston, Texas under General Order No. 3 to enforce President Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation; and WHEREAS, on the anniversary of the Galveston…

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Governor Dunleavy and First Lady Mourn the Passing of Former Alaska Representative Ann Spohnholz

Governor Mike Dunleavy and First Lady Rose Dunleavy extend their heartfelt condolences to the family, friends, and constituents of former Alaska Representative Ann Spohnholz who passed away on June 9. In 1989, Spohnholz was appointed to the Alaska…

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Alaska Invasive Species Awareness Week

WHEREAS, the scenic mountains, meadows, rivers, and coastal bays of Alaska are prized for their diverse and abundant wild plants, fish, and wildlife, drawing more than two million visitors annually ; and WHEREAS, we rely on native flora and fauna,…

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Alaska Realizes Boost in Early Literacy Following Alaska Reads Act Implementation

Governor Mike Dunleavy is pleased to announce new data demonstrates that Alaska’s youngest students are experiencing significant advances in early literacy as a result of the Alaska Reads Act. The landmark legislation, co-sponsored by…

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Dutch Harbor Remembrance Day

WHEREAS, on June 3, 1942, six months after the attack on Pearl Harbor, World War II arrived in Alaska when Dutch Harbor on Amaknak Island was bombed by Japanese aircraft – the first aerial attack by an enemy on the continental United States;…

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Great Outdoors Month

WHEREAS, Alaska is known for its expansive landscapes, and people from around the world come to experience the breathtaking views and diverse wildlife the Last Frontier has to offer; and WHEREAS, throughout Alaska’s changing seasons,…

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National Foundation for Governors' Fitness Councils Selects Three Alaskan Schools to Receive Don't Quit Fitness Centers

On May 30, 2024 the National Foundation for Governors’ Fitness Councils announced three Alaska schools that were selected to each receive a DON’T QUIT! Fitness Center. The DON’T QUIT! Campaign has named Mears Middle School and…

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Memorial Day

WHEREAS, America was founded on the principles of liberty and justice for all, and we recognize the generations of brave, patriotic men and women who have served in the military and have given their lives to protect and defend our Nation; and…

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Memorial Day

From the upcoming state proclamation: NOW THEREFORE, I, Mike Dunleavy, GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OF ALASKA, do hereby proclaim May 27, 2024, as Memorial Day in Alaska and encourage all Alaskans to remember and honor those who have sacrificed themselves…

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Third Annual Alaska Sustainable Energy Conference Charts Course for Alaska's Energy Future

This week, around 900 leaders, innovators, policy makers and other people interested in shaping the future of energy in Alaska and the world convened in Anchorage for the third annual Alaska Sustainable Energy Conference. The conference…

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WATCH: Governor Dunleavy Highlights Landmark Energy Legislation at Alaska Sustainable Energy Conference

On May 22, 2024 during the Alaska Sustainable Energy Conference Governor Mike Dunleavy highlighted legislation recently passed by the Alaska Legislature. Bills passed will enable Alaska to capitalize on the State’s tremendous capabilities…

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Arbor Day

WHEREAS, Arbor Day was first recognized by the State of Alaska in 1966 with the intent to increase public awareness of the importance of the conservation and propagation of trees and forests to the ecosystem and the daily life of the citizens of…

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Emergency Medical Services Week

WHEREAS, Emergency Medical Services (EMS) are a vital public service, and reliable access to fast, quality emergency medical care dramatically improves the survival and recovery rate of those who experience sudden and life-threatening illness or…

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Safe Boating Week

WHEREAS, Alaska offers numerous outdoor water activities including kayaking, river rafting, sport fishing, and boating on a multitude of available waterways, and Alaska’s lakes, rivers, and coastline are used for recreation, work, subsistence,…

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Governor Dunleavy Highlights Successes of the 33rd Alaska Legislature

Governor Mike Dunleavy extends his appreciation to the Alaska Legislature for a collaborative and successful 2024 session. Crucial legislation addressing energy, carbon capture, food security and public safety all passed this session. “We…

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Governor Dunleavy to Welcome Global Leaders at Third Annual Alaska Sustainable Energy Conference

Next week, Governor Mike Dunleavy will welcome global leaders to Anchorage for the 2024 Alaska Sustainable Energy Conference. The week will kick off on Monday, May 20, with a pre-conference event in partnership with the Department of Energy Arctic…

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Peace Officers Memorial Day - May 15, 2024

WHEREAS, in 1962, President John F. Kennedy signed a proclamation designating May 15 as National Peace Officers Memorial Day, and the week in which it falls as National Police Week. WHEREAS, we preserve and uphold this tradition of recognition and…

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Peace Officers Memorial Day - May 14, 2024

The Governor’s Proclamation for Alaska Law Enforcement Week and Peace Officers Memorial Day can be found here: Alaska Law Enforcement Week The Presidential Proclamation can be found here: Proclamation on Peace Officers Memorial Day and…

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Alaska Law Enforcement Week

WHEREAS, in 1962, President John F. Kennedy signed a proclamation designating May 15 as National Peace Officers Memorial Day, and the week in which it falls as National Police Week. WHEREAS, we preserve and uphold this tradition of recognition and…

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Alaska Mining Day

WHEREAS, Alaska’s expansive landscapes are known to contain tremendous deposits of gold, silver, lead, zinc, copper, coal, gravel, rare earth minerals, and other critical and strategic minerals that are an essential component of our…

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Child Care Provider Appreciation Day

WHEREAS, children are Alaska’s most valuable asset, and quality care, stimulating learning environments, and positive early experiences help prepare them for a bright and successful future; and WHEREAS, although parents are the most…

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State Employee Appreciation Day

WHEREAS, a career in public service is an investment in the wellbeing of Alaska’s communities, families, and people; and WHEREAS, public service employees build and maintain the framework and infrastructure on which Alaska’s schools,…

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School Nurses Day

WHEREAS, nurses are a critical component of our health care system, and the dedicated and compassionate professionals in this field are vital in maintaining a high quality of life for all; and WHEREAS, to be a nurse, one must have a commitment to…

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Agriculture Day

WHEREAS, agriculture plays an integral role in the success of every civilization and was instrumental to the settlement of Alaska. From farmers feeding the miners of the 1800s gold rush to the settlers of the Tanana Valley, Alaskan agricultural…

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Governor Dunleavy Congratulates Appointees Confirmed by Legislature

Today, the Alaska State Legislature confirmed Governor Mike Dunleavy’s appointees to lead two state departments and dozens of appointees to boards and commissions. Maj. Gen. Torrence Saxe, Commissioner of the Department of Military and…

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Nurses Week

WHEREAS, nurses are a critical component of our health care system, and the dedicated and compassionate professionals in this field are vital in maintaining a high quality of life for all; and WHEREAS, to be a nurse, one must have a commitment to…

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First Lady's Volunteer Award Ceremony Honors Seven Alaskans

Today, First Lady Rose Dunleavy congratulated seven Alaskans at the First Lady’s Volunteer Award ceremonial luncheon at the Governor’s Residence in Juneau, Alaska. First Lady Dunleavy and her selection committee are honored to continue…

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Alaska Youth Apprenticeship Week

WHEREAS, youth apprenticeship programs play a vital role in providing job opportunities and pathways to Alaskans by allowing youth apprentices to earn while they learn, advance into good, quality jobs and well-paying careers, and the ability to…

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Missing and Murdered Indigenous People Awareness Day

WHEREAS, all Alaskans have the right to safety and justice, and the elevated rates of missing and murdered Indigenous persons in Alaska is a serious problem; and WHEREAS, in 2023, Alaska reported 155 cases of missing and murdered Indigenous…

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Correctional Officers Week

WHEREAS, Correctional Officers are trained law enforcement professionals dedicated to maintaining safe and secure correctional facilities and ensuring public safety; and WHEREAS, the duties of Correctional Officers include the supervision, care,…

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Public Service Recognition Week

WHEREAS, a career in public service is an investment in the wellbeing of Alaska’s communities, families, and people; and WHEREAS, public service employees build and maintain the framework and infrastructure on which Alaska’s schools,…

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Wildland Fire Prevention and Preparedness Week

WHEREAS, public and firefighter safety is the first priority in all wildland fire management activities within our State, and agencies and organizations in Alaska share common goals to provide protection and reduce loss of life and property while…

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National Firefighters Memorial Day

The Presidential Proclamation can be read here:…

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National Day of Prayer

WHEREAS, in 1952, a joint resolution by Congress declared an annual day of prayer, and in 1988, the law was amended to permanently set the day as the first Thursday in May each year; and WHEREAS, faith has played a significant role in American…

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Alaska Native Plant Month

WHEREAS, native plants are indigenous species that occur naturally in particular geographic regions, ecosystems, and habitats; and WHEREAS, native plants support healthy, diverse, and sustainable communities and ecosystems and are critical for…

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Older Americans Month

WHEREAS, Alaskan seniors, who numbered 156,832 in 2023, representing 21 percent of the State’s total population , have strengthened and enriched our communities through their diverse life experiences, social engagement, and valued…

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Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month

WHEREAS, nearly 86,000 persons who trace their roots to Asia and the Pacific Islands make their home in Alaska; and WHEREAS, the languages, beliefs, and traditions of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders enrich our communities and our State; and…

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Aviation Appreciation Month

WHEREAS, aviation is an essential part of the Alaskan way of life because eighty-two percent of Alaska’s communities are inaccessible by road and they rely heavily on aviation for commerce, transportation, emergency medical services, shipment…

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Building Safety Month

WHEREAS, Alaskans are committed to recognizing that our growth and strength depends on the safety and effectiveness of our homes, buildings, and infrastructure, in everyday life and when disasters strike; and WHEREAS, our confidence in the…

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Foster Parent Appreciation Month

WHEREAS, children are Alaska’s most precious resource, and every child deserves a safe, loving, and stable home where they can grow, learn, and play; and WHEREAS, children in our communities who must be temporarily removed from their home to…

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Mental Health Awareness Month

WHEREAS, mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being and affects how we think, feel, and act, as well as how we handle stress, relate to others, and make choices ; and WHEREAS, four percent of adults today live with…

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Motorcycle and Motor Scooter Awareness Month

WHEREAS, Alaska’s road systems provide some of the most beautiful views in the world, making Alaska an excellent location for motorcycle and motor scooter use; and WHEREAS, many registered motorcyclists, who undergo extensive training and…

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Water Safety Month

WHEREAS, Alaska is renowned for the beautiful lakes, rivers, and thousands of miles of coastline that provide Alaskans and visitors alike a wide variety of water-related activities to enjoy as part of the unique outdoor experience that life in the…

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Alaska Bike Month

WHEREAS, Alaska offers breathtaking scenery for biking and recreation on a multitude of roads and trails; and WHEREAS, established in 1956 and sponsored by the League of American Bicyclists, May is National Bike Month and is celebrated in…

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Elks National Youth Week

WHEREAS, it is our duty to guide, inspire, and encourage our youth to go forth and serve America by becoming productive citizens; and WHEREAS, to achieve this worthy objective, we must demonstrate our understanding of the dreams and aspirations of…

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Small Business Week

WHEREAS, America’s success is driven by pioneers who think big, take risks, and work hard, and in Alaska, we recognize that our small business sector is one of the greatest strengths of our prosperous State; and WHEREAS, from mom-and-pop…

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Governor Dunleavy Proposes Tax Relief for Alaska Agriculture and Timber Businesses

On April 26, 2024 Governor Mike Dunleavy introduced legislation to support Alaska’s agriculture and timber industries. HB 399 / SB 265 reduces the tax burden of businesses in the agriculture and timber industry in Alaska. The bill exempts…

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Governor Dunleavy Announces Power Panel at the Third Annual Alaska Sustainable Energy Conference

Governor Mike Dunleavy welcomes a high-level presentation and panel The Wyoming Case Study: Attracting Investment in Advanced Nuclear Power on Thursday, May 23 at the Alaska Sustainable Energy Conference. Wyoming has been at the forefront of…

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Denim Day

WHEREAS, Denim Day originated in April 1999 as a symbol of protest in response to an Italian high court decision to overturn a rape conviction because the victim was wearing tight denim pants; and WHEREAS, Denim Day is intended to draw attention…

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Crime Victims' Rights Week

WHEREAS, throughout our country, millions of people of all ages and from all cultural and socioeconomic backgrounds are victimized by crime each year; and WHEREAS, those who have fallen victim to crime are not always identified or open about their…

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Education and Sharing Day

WHEREAS, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson worked tirelessly to advocate for the values of education, morality, and civic duty throughout his life, and in 1978, the United States Congress validated Rabbi Schneerson’s efforts with the…

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Governor Dunleavy Condemns Biden Bureau of Land Management's Barrage of Anti-Alaska Actions and Announcements

On April 19, 2024 Governor Mike Dunleavy condemned the Biden Administration for actions by the Bureau of Land Management that will deprive Alaskans of the opportunity for good-paying jobs and prevent Alaska from upholding its constitutional mandate…

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Public Safety Telecommunicators Week

WHEREAS, situations that require the assistance of law enforcement, firefighters, or emergency medical responders can occur at any time; and WHEREAS, when an emergency occurs, the quick response of law enforcement officers, firefighters, and…

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Flood Preparedness Week

WHEREAS, spring in Alaska brings the potential for devastating floods caused by ice jams in rivers, coastal storm surges, high precipitation, and rapid thawing of winter snow and ice that endangers lives, property, and community economies along…

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Former Prisoners of War Recognition Day

WHEREAS, for nearly two and a half centuries, men and women in the United States Armed Forces have served our Nation with courage, honor, devotion, and sacrifice; and WHEREAS, on this day in 1942, the largest number of Americans to ever surrender…

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Statewide Public Opinion Poll Finds Overwhelming Support for Education Reform in Alaska

Today Governor Mike Dunleavy released the results from a statewide public opinion poll on education in Alaska. The poll revealed strong support for increasing education funding, yet as a general approach to improving education outcomes, Alaskans…

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The Week of the Young Child

WHEREAS, children are our most precious resource, and the early years of a child’s life are fundamental for social and cognitive development; and WHEREAS, a brighter future for Alaska depends on the quality of early childhood experiences…

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Governor Dunleavy Announces Appointees to Board of Fisheries and Board of Game

Governor Mike Dunleavy appointed two Alaskans to fill open seats on the Alaska Board of Game and made one reappointment and one appointment to the Board of Fisheries. All appointments begin on July 1, 2024. Board of Fisheries Marit Carlson-Van Dort…

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School Nurses Day

WHEREAS, nurses are a critical component of our health care system, and the dedicated and compassionate professionals in this field are essential in maintaining a high quality of life for all; and WHEREAS, the prerequisites of nursing include a…

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State Employee Appreciation Day

WHEREAS, public servants play a critical role in providing and supporting the framework within which Alaska’s schools, businesses, and communities can thrive; and WHEREAS, Alaska is home to thousands of federal, state, and local public…

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Alaska Mining Day

WHEREAS, Alaska’s expansive landscapes are known to contain tremendous deposits of gold, silver, lead, zinc, copper, coal, gravel, rare earth minerals, and other critical and strategic minerals that are an essential component of our…

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Alaska Legislature Confirms Governor Dunleavy's Commissioners

Today, The Alaska State Legislature has confirmed all of Governor Mike Dunleavy’s appointees to lead state departments. In addition, Commissioner Jason Brune of the Department of Environmental Conservation was confirmed unanimously to be the…

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Wildland Fire Prevention and Preparedness Week

WHEREAS, general public and firefighter safety is a priority within wildland fire management, and several agencies and organizations in Alaska share a common goal of providing protection while preserving and enhancing the health of forests and…

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Public Service Recognition Week

WHEREAS, public servants play a critical role in providing and supporting the framework within which Alaska’s schools, businesses, and communities can thrive; and WHEREAS, Alaska is home to thousands of federal, state, and local public…

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Correctional Officers Week

WHEREAS, Correctional Officers are trained law enforcement professionals dedicated to maintaining safe and secure correctional facilities and ensuring public safety; and WHEREAS, the duties of Correctional Officers include the supervision, care,…

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Nurses Week

WHEREAS, nurses are a critical component of our health care system, and the dedicated and compassionate professionals in this field are essential in maintaining a high quality of life for all; and WHEREAS, the prerequisites of nursing include a…

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Missing and Murdered Indigenous People Awareness Day

WHEREAS, all Alaskans have the right to safety and justice, and the elevated rates of missing and murdered Indigenous persons (MMIP) in Alaska continues to be an issue; and WHEREAS, in 2021, Alaska reported 229 cases of missing and murdered…

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Governor Dunleavy's Postpartum Medicaid Bill Passes Legislature

Today, the Alaska State Legislature passed Senate Bill 58, Governor Mike Dunleavy’s postpartum Medicaid legislation. The legislation extends postpartum Medicaid coverage for new mothers from 60 days to 12 months. “Postpartum health…

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National Day of Prayer

WHEREAS, in 1952, a joint resolution by Congress declared an annual day of prayer, and in 1988, the law was amended to permanently set the day as the first Thursday in May each year; and WHEREAS, faith has played a significant role in American…

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Agriculture Day

WHEREAS, from farmers feeding the miners of the 1800s gold rush to feeding the settlers of the Tanana Valley, Alaskan agricultural frontiersman have been instrumental in the development of sustainable Alaskan communities; and WHEREAS,…

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Denim Day

WHEREAS, Denim Day was created in April 1999 as a symbol of protest in response to an Italian high court decision to overturn a rape conviction because the victim was wearing tight denim pants; and WHEREAS, Denim Day is intended to draw attention…

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Governor Dunleavy to Welcome Global Leaders to Anchorage for the Alaska Sustainable Energy Conference May 22-25

Erin Brockovich to Headline Conference Kickoff Celebration Next month Governor Mike Dunleavy will welcome global leaders from both the public and private sectors to Anchorage for the 2023 Alaska Sustainable Energy Conference. “Alaska is…

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Crime Victims' Rights Week

WHEREAS, throughout our country, millions of people of all ages, and from all cultural and socioeconomic backgrounds, find themselves victimized by crime each year; and WHEREAS, those who have fallen victim to crime are not always identified or…

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Governor Dunleavy Introduces Legislation Creating Two Funds to Provide Resources for Opioid Remediation

This morning, Governor Mike Dunleavy introduced legislation establishing two new state funds to combat opioid addiction in the state. This bill creates the Opioid Settlement Investment Fund (OSIF) and the Opioid Remediation Fund (ORF). To date, the…

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Sustainable Energy Starts with Developing Resources at Home

Like all my fellow Governors, I’ve sworn an oath to uphold our state and federal constitutions, but that responsibility is a little different here in Alaska. In Alaska, our resources collectively belong to the people and my charge as…

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Flood Preparedness Week

WHEREAS, spring in Alaska brings the potential for devastating floods caused by ice jams in rivers, coastal storm surging, high precipitation, and rapid thawing of winter snow and ice that threatens lives, property, and community economies along…

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Purple Up! For Military Kids

WHEREAS, many brave Alaskans serve in the United States military, and military members sacrifice time with their families to protect the security and freedom of our great nation; and WHEREAS, Alaskans recognize and commend the children in our…

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Former Prisoners of War Recognition Day

WHEREAS, for more than two centuries, men and women in the United States Armed Forces have served our nation with courage, honor, devotion, and sacrifice; and WHEREAS, on this day in 1942, the largest number of Americans to ever surrender were…

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Public Safety Telecommunicators Week

WHEREAS, situations that require the assistance of law enforcement, firefighters, or emergency medical responders can occur at any time; and WHEREAS, when an emergency occurs, the prompt response of law enforcement officers, firefighters, and…

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Governor Dunleavy Establishes Task Force on Child Care

Today Governor Mike Dunleavy issued Administrative Order 346, establishing the Governor’s Task Force on Child Care. The order takes effect immediately. The task force is charged with developing a plan to improve the availability and…

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Governor Introduces Legislation Creating the Alaska Energy Independence Fund

This morning, Governor Mike Dunleavy introduced legislation creating the Alaska Energy Independence Fund to increase Alaska’s energy independence and security. Senate Bill 125 and House Bill 154 will allow the Alaska Housing Finance…

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National Public Health Week

WHEREAS, the week of April 3-9, 2023, is National Public Health Week, and the theme is “Centering and Celebrating Cultures in Health.”; each day of the week has a unique theme, and so this year’s themes are Community, Violence…

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Second Chance Month

WHEREAS, every person is entitled to the inalienable right of being treated with dignity and compassion, and those who have fallen should be given the opportunity to become contributing members of our great nation once again; and WHEREAS,…

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The Week of the Young Child

WHEREAS, children are our most precious resource, and the early years of a child’s life are vital in promoting social skills and cognitive development; and WHEREAS, parents, community volunteers, mentors, coaches, day care providers, and all…

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Education and Sharing Day

WHEREAS, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson worked tirelessly to advocate for the values of education, morality, and civic duty throughout his life, and in 1978, United States Congress validated Rabbi Schneerson’s efforts with the proclamation…

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Arab American Heritage Month

WHEREAS, the cultural diversity of Alaska is comprised of many languages, belief systems, and traditions that strengthen the social fabric of our state; and WHEREAS, we respect the heritage and traditions of all cultures in our communities, and we…

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Sexual Assault Awareness Month

WHEREAS, on the 22nd anniversary of Sexual Assault Awareness Month, Alaskans are reminded that we must keep working together to increase public consciousness of this issue and reinforce the network of support groups that provide resources to…

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Month of the Military Child

WHEREAS, many brave Alaskans serve in the United States military, and military members sacrifice time with their families to protect the security and freedom of our great nation; and WHEREAS, Alaskans recognize and commend the children in our…

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Bear Awareness Month

WHEREAS, Alaska is blessed with an abundance of wildlife and the state’s healthy wildlife populations have a significant impact on the Alaskan way of life; and WHEREAS, our state is notably home to all three species of North American bears,…

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Child Abuse Prevention Month

WHEREAS, every child is entitled to love, care, security, and protection from abuse, exploitation, and neglect, and we must protect our children’s inalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; and WHEREAS, child abuse is…

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Governor Dunleavy Signs Fast Track Legislation for SNAP Benefits and Legal Services

Governor Mike Dunleavy has signed the FY23 Fast Track Supplemental Budget (House Bill 79). The legislation will speed up recertifications for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and address case backlogs at the Public Defender…

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State, labor, and utilities are aligned on modernizing the Railbelt grid

By Governor Mike Dunleavy and Doug Tansy Today, Alaska has a once-in-a-generation opportunity to capture federal infrastructure dollars and stabilize Alaska’s aging Railbelt electrical grid, bringing it up to modern standards. If the…

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Vietnam Veterans Day

WHEREAS, throughout the history of our Great State and Nation, countless courageous individuals have bravely answered our Country’s call to patriotic duty; and WHEREAS, the Vietnam War lasted for almost two decades, making it one of the…

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Great Alaska Good Friday Earthquake Remembrance Day

WHEREAS, emergency preparedness is vital to survival in times of crisis, and as one of the world’s most seismically-active regions, Alaska is highly vulnerable to earthquakes; and WHEREAS, of the 20 largest earthquakes in United States…

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Tsunami Preparedness Week

WHEREAS, emergency preparedness at state, regional, and local levels is extremely vital for survival in times of crisis; and WHEREAS, Alaska has the most coastline of any U.S. State and its coastline contains many communities that are vulnerable to…

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Great Alaska Good Friday Earthquake Remembrance Day

WHEREAS, emergency preparedness is vital to survival in times of crisis, and as one of the world’s most seismically-active regions, Alaska is highly vulnerable to earthquakes; and WHEREAS, of the 20 largest earthquakes in United States…

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Governor Dunleavy Announces Energy Security Task Force Members

Today, Alaska Governor Mike Dunleavy revised the Alaska Energy Security Task Force and announced its members. The Governor issued Administrative Order 344 on February 23, 2023, establishing the task force. The task force has been revised to include…

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Don Young Day

WHEREAS, born the middle son of Lawhead Young Sr. and Arlene Young-Harris on June 9, 1933, in Meridian, California, Donald Edwin Young was the fourth Congressman to represent Alaska and the 45th Dean of the United States House of Representatives;…

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An Accurate Portrayal of Parental Rights isn't Controversial

When presented accurately, the rights of parents to be involved and informed about what their children are being taught in school should not be controversial. For mothers and fathers, the question is simple: Should you be the ones who decide what…

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Governor Dunleavy Announces Susan McKenzie's Decision to Decline DEED Commissioner Appointment

Governor Mike Dunleavy has announced that Susan McKenzie has decided to not accept the position of Commissioner for the Alaska Department of Education and Early Development. “I was so blessed to have been chosen to lead Alaska Department of…

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Governor Dunleavy Issues Statement on King Cove Road

Today Interior Secretary Deb Haaland withdrew a land exchange that had been authorized in 2019 to build an 11-mile gravel road connecting the communities of King Cove and Cold Bay. Currently, when a resident in King Cove needs a medical…

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Governor Dunleavy Welcomes Approval of the Willow Project, but New Oil and Gas Restrictions in NPR-A will Harm Alaska

Today the U.S. Bureau of Land Management issued a Record of Decision approving an alternative for ConocoPhillips’ Willow Project on the North Slope that permits three drill pads. In a separate move, the Biden administration announced that it…

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Governor Dunleavy Announces Bills to Pay Teachers Recruitment and Retention Incentive, Ensure Parental Rights in Schools

Today Governor Mike Dunleavy announced two education bills which will be filed this week. One bill is a teacher recruitment and retention incentive that will provide full-time, certified classroom teachers a cash payment each July for a period of…

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2023 First Lady Volunteer of the Award

Serving as Alaska’s First Lady has given me the opportunity to meet many truly inspiring Alaskans. Reflecting on this time, I feel a deep sense of gratitude to call Alaska home and to be surrounded by such dedicated and inspiring individuals.…

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Women in Construction Week

WHEREAS, our nation has been shaped by the actions of women of every socioeconomic background, and women play a role in every field of professional employment, representing a significant portion of the workforce; and WHEREAS, construction…

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Governor Dunleavy Announces Appointments to Boards and Commissions

Alaska Governor Mike Dunleavy today announced the appointment of Alaskans to various State boards and commissions. Alaskans interested in applying for a vacant position on a board or commission can apply here. Alaska Labor Relations Agency …

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Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month

WHEREAS, developmental disabilities affect more than an estimated 11,500 Alaskan children, adults, and families; and WHEREAS, a developmental disability is a lifelong, chronic mental or physical impairment that manifests itself before a person…

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85th Anniversary of March of Dimes

WHEREAS, founded by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1938, March of Dimes funded the development of two vaccines that virtually eliminated the crippling disease of polio; and WHEREAS, in 1958, the organization shifted its attention from polio to…

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American Red Cross Month

WHEREAS, as one of the nation’s oldest and most recognized humanitarian organizations, the American Red Cross has long been a symbol of the compassion and selflessness that defines the American way of life; and WHEREAS, the American Red…

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Governor Dunleavy Welcomes Rachel Bylsma as Deputy Chief of Staff

Today Governor Mike Dunleavy welcomes Rachel Bylsma as his new Deputy Chief of Staff. “I am confident in Ms. Bylsma’s ability to help manage the day-to-day operations of our office and to keep my Administration moving forward,”…

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Rare Disease and Disorder Day

WHEREAS, a rare disease or disorder is a physical condition that affects fewer than 200,000 people. Approximately 25 million people in the United States and 400 million worldwide are affected by Rare Diseases and Disorders; and WHEREAS, there are…

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Governor Dunleavy Approves Susan McKenzie as DEED Commissioner

The Alaska State Board of Education and Early Development has selected, and Governor Mike Dunleavy has approved Susan McKenzie as the new Commissioner for the Alaska Department of Education and Early Development (DEED). Heidi Teshner, who has served…

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Governor Dunleavy Introduces Bill to Help Licensed Professionals Transition to Working in Alaska

Today Governor Mike Dunleavy introduced SB83 to provide people who work in a licensed occupation temporary, limited license reciprocity so that they begin working in Alaska sooner. The bill will allow individuals with “clean licenses”…

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Governor Dunleavy Introduces Bill to Update Permanent Fund Dividend Eligibility and Modernize Department of Revenue Procedures

Today Governor Mike Dunleavy introduced SB 85, updating eligibility requirements for the Permanent Fund Dividend and modernizing the way the Department of Revenue can issue a notice of levy and conduct background checks on Department employees.…

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Governor Dunleavy Creates Alaska Energy Security Task Force to Create Comprehensive Statewide Energy Plan

Today Governor Mike Dunleavy issued Administrative Order 344, establishing the Alaska Energy Security Task Force. The purpose of the task force is to develop a comprehensive statewide energy plan that will evaluate the energy generation,…

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Elizabeth Peratrovich Day

WHEREAS, born on July 4, 1911 in Petersburg, Alaska, Elizabeth Peratrovich was an Alaskan Native woman of the Tlingit nation that was instrumental in the campaign against ending the discrimination that plagued the Alaska territory, and in doing so,…

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Governor Dunleavy Introduces Bills to Increase Access to Geothermal Resources and Reduce Barriers for Contractors to Engage in Large Scale Projects

Today Governor Mike Dunleavy introduced bills to increase access to Alaska’s geothermal resources and to cut red tape related to a specific insurance requirement that hinders large scale infrastructure projects. HB74/SB69 removes obstacles…

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Governor Dunleavy's Budget Amendments Strengthen the Public Defender Agency, the Office of Public Advocacy, and the Ferry System

Alaska Governor Mike Dunleavy introduced $117 million in total Undesignated General Fund (UGF) Amendments as part of a package of budget amendments introduced to the Legislature today. “Today’s amended budget proposal reflects that we…

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Governor Dunleavy Champions Economic Opportunities for Alaska Workers, Orders Removal of Four-Year Degree Requirements for Most State Jobs

Today Governor Mike Dunleavy issued Administrative Order 343 to address unprecedented workforce shortages in state jobs by removing the requirement of a four-year college degree for most state jobs. “The State of Alaska is not the immune…

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Governor Dunleavy Issues Statement on Unidentified Object Shot Down Over Alaska

Alaska Governor Mike Dunleavy issued the following statement today regarding the unidentified object shot down this morning over Alaskan waters. “Today’s announcement by the Pentagon that an unidentified object was shot down by an F-22…

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Governor Dunleavy Targets Sex Traffickers, Drug Dealers with New Crime Legislation

People First Bills will protect vulnerable Alaskans Today Governor Mike Dunleavy introduced three public safety bills as part of the People First Initiative. The trio of bills will fight overdose related deaths, protect victims of sex trafficking,…

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Ronald Reagan Day

WHEREAS, President Ronald Wilson Reagan was a prominent leader who was dedicated to representing American values on a global scale; and WHEREAS, President Reagan, 40th President of the United States, helped reshape national politics with his…

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Nominations Open for First Lady's Volunteer of the Year Awards

First Lady Rose Dunleavy invites Alaskans to recognize their fellow citizens who have performed extraordinary volunteer service by nominating them for the First Lady’s Volunteer of the Year Awards. The annual awards recognize volunteers who…

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Cancer Awareness Day

WHEREAS, the well-being of Alaskans is of the utmost importance, and is greatly enhanced through increased awareness of threats to personal health; and WHEREAS, cancer is the second-leading cause of death worldwide, while in Alaska, cancer has…

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Governor Dunleavy Introduces Postpartum Medicaid Expansion, Adult Home Care Bills

Today, Governor Mike Dunleavy introduced three bills which are components of Alaska’s Healthy Families Initiative. HB 59 would allow the extension of postpartum Medicaid coverage from the required 60 days to 12 months. HB 58 would establish an…

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Black History Month

WHEREAS, in 1976, as Americans celebrated the national bicentennial, President Gerald Ford urged the nation to “seize the opportunity to honor the too-often neglected accomplishments of Black Americans in every area of endeavor throughout our…

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Career and Technical Education Month

WHEREAS, in the Great State of Alaska, we seek the betterment of our citizens and look to provide every individual with access to quality educational opportunities; and WHEREAS, career and technical education (CTE) provides students with the…

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Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Month

WHEREAS, all Alaskans have the right to healthy and safe relationships, and it is of utmost importance that adequate education about healthy relationships be available to Alaska’s youth, as well as safe shelter for those who are experiencing…

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Cathy Munoz Named Acting Labor Department Commissioner

Today, Governor Mike Dunleavy appointed Cathy Munoz acting commissioner of the Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development. Commissioner Dr. Tamika Ledbetter submitted her resignation to Governor Dunleavy this morning. Dr. Ledbetter was…

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EPA's Preemptive Veto Sets Dangerous Precedent

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, (EPA), issued its final 404(c) preemptive veto today on 309 square miles of State-owned land in the Bristol Bay area, including the proposed Pebble project, imposing a blanket prohibition on development and…

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Governor Dunleavy Appoints Alaskans to Statewide Broadband Advisory Board

Governor Dunleavy Appoints Alaskans to Statewide Broadband Advisory Board Governor Mike Dunleavy is releasing the roster of Alaskans appointed to his new Statewide Broadband Advisory Board. The board consists of 15 members, including 13…

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Governor Dunleavy Introduces Carbon Management and Monetization Bills Creating Statutory Structures

Governor Dunleavy Introduces Carbon Management and Monetization Bills Creating Statutory Structures Today, Alaska Governor Mike Dunleavy introduced Senate Bill (SB) 48, SB 49, House Bill (HB) 49, and HB 50, his Carbon Management and Monetization…

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Governor Dunleavy Delivers 5th State of the State Address

Governor Dunleavy Delivers 5th State of the State Address This evening, Governor Mike Dunleavy delivered his fifth annual State of the State Address to a joint session of the Alaska State Legislature, outlining his vision and optimism for…

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Governor Dunleavy Introduces Resilient Alaskans in the 2023 State of the State

Governor Dunleavy Introduces Resilient Alaskans in the 2023 State of the State Alaska Governor Mike Dunleavy and First Lady Rose Dunleavy are honored to recognize several resilient and hard-working Alaskans during the 2023 State of the State…

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School Choice Week

School Choice Week WHEREAS, all children in Alaska should have access to the highest quality education possible; and WHEREAS, the State of Alaska recognizes that educational opportunities are critical to our state’s future because…

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Governor Dunleavy Appoints Jude Pate to the Alaska Supreme Court

Governor Dunleavy Appoints Jude Pate to the Alaska Supreme Court Alaska Governor Mike Dunleavy today announced the appointment of Judge Jude Pate to the Alaska Supreme Court. Judge Pate was selected from a list of individuals nominated by the…

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Alaska Must Act Now to Capitalize on Carbon Markets

Alaska Must Act Now to Capitalize on Carbon Markets There has been a renaissance happening in the energy world that’s transformed carbon from a liability into an asset that can be monetized — if one has the ability to manage and…

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Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day WHEREAS, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s dream of expanding equality and justice for all helped advance our nation and redirect the conversation about race for generations of Americans; and WHEREAS, born during…

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Governor Dunleavy Names Jen Winkelman Commissioner-Designee of Corrections

Governor Dunleavy Names Jen Winkelman Commissioner-Designee of Corrections Governor Mike Dunleavy is proud to announce that he has selected Jen Winkelman to be commissioner-designee for the Alaska Department of Corrections. Winkelman was named…

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Governor Dunleavy Outlines Carbon Management Bill Package

Governor Dunleavy Outlines Carbon Management Bill Package Today, Alaska Governor Mike Dunleavy outlined his Carbon Management Bill Package, previewing legislation he will introduce, creating statutory and regulatory structures needed to…

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Governor Dunleavy Announces the Appointment of Brett Huber, Sr. as the Chair of AOGCC

Governor Dunleavy Announces the Appointment of Brett Huber, Sr. as the Chair of AOGCC Today, Alaska Governor Mike Dunleavy announced the appointment of Brett Huber, Sr. as the Chair of the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission. Mr. Huber…

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Governor Dunleavy Announces Prohibition of TikTok on State Equipment

Governor Dunleavy Announces Prohibition of TikTok on State Equipment (Anchorage, AK) – Today Governor Mike Dunleavy announced that effective immediately, the use of the social media app TikTok on state equipment is prohibited. In a memo to…

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Governor Dunleavy Announces Two Judicial Appointments to the Anchorage Superior Court

Governor Dunleavy Announces Two Judicial Appointments to the Anchorage Superior Court (Anchorage, AK) – Alaska Governor Mike Dunleavy today announced two appointees to the Anchorage Superior Court. The judges were selected from a list of…

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Mentoring Month

Mentoring Month WHEREAS, Alaska’s youth are Alaska’s future, and it is important that we strengthen and challenge their minds through effective mentoring; and WHEREAS, a mentor dedicates time to a young person to help them develop…

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Governor Dunleavy Announces Laura Stidolph as Legislative Director

Governor Dunleavy Announces Laura Stidolph as Legislative Director Governor Mike Dunleavy today announced Laura Stidolph has accepted the position of Legislative Director in his office. Stidolph returns to the Dunleavy Administration after…

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Governor Appoints Heidi Hedberg Health Commissioner

Governor Appoints Heidi Hedberg Health Commissioner Today, Governor Mike Dunleavy named Heidi Hedberg to serve as the permanent commissioner of the Alaska Department of Health. Ms. Hedberg was named acting commissioner last month after former…

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John Boyle Appointed DNR Commissioner

John Boyle Appointed DNR Commissioner Governor Mike Dunleavy today appointed John Boyle to serve as Commissioner of the Alaska Department of Natural Resources. He replaces acting commissioner Akis Gialopsos. “Commissioner Boyle will…

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Moving Alaska Forward-Dunleavy Administration Releases FY24 Budget

Moving Alaska Forward-Dunleavy Administration Releases FY24 Budget Governor Mike Dunleavy’s Fiscal Year 2024 (FY24) budget kicks off his second term in office by charting a new course for Alaska on resource development, energy production,…

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Governor Dunleavy Receives Alaska Bycatch Review Task Force Report

Governor Dunleavy Receives Alaska Bycatch Review Task Force Report Today, Alaska Governor Mike Dunleavy received the final report conducted by the Alaska Bycatch Review Task Force (ABRT), which he formed last November under Administrative Order…

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Governor Dunleavy Announces Annual Holiday Open House

Governor Dunleavy Announces Annual Holiday Open House Governor Mike Dunleavy and First Lady Rose Dunleavy invite Alaskans to the Governor’s Annual Holiday Open House at the Governor’s Residence, to be held Tuesday, December 13th,…

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Governor Dunleavy, Lt. Governor Dahlstrom Take Oath of Office

Governor Dunleavy, Lt. Governor Dahlstrom Take Oath of Office Today, Governor Mike Dunleavy and Lieutenant Governor Nancy Dahlstrom took the oath of office alongside their families. The swearing-in ceremony, held in Anchorage at the Alaska…

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State Defends Rights-of-Way in Yukon-Charley Rivers National Preserve

State Defends Rights-of-Way in Yukon-Charley Rivers National Preserve This week, the State of Alaska advanced Governor Mike Dunleavy’s statehood defense effort by filing a 180-day legal notice of its intent to sue the federal government…

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Governor Dunleavy Poised to Sue EPA over Bristol Bay Veto

Governor Dunleavy Poised to Sue EPA over Bristol Bay Veto In comments submitted earlier this year, Governor Mike Dunleavy called on EPA Region 10 to withdraw its proposed action to prohibit the development of the Pebble deposit in the Bristol…

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Governor Orders Flags be Flown at Half-Staff for Former Mayor of Valdez and Wasilla Bert Cottle

Governor Orders Flags be Flown at Half-Staff for Former Mayor of Valdez and Wasilla Bert Cottle Governor Dunleavy has ordered that Alaska and the United States flags fly at half-staff from sunrise to sunset Saturday, December 3rd in honor of…

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Governor Orders Flags be Flown at Half-Staff for Former Governor Bill Sheffield

Governor Orders Flags be Flown at Half-Staff for Former Governor Bill Sheffield Governor Dunleavy has ordered that Alaska and the United States flags fly at half-staff sunrise to sunset from Monday, November 21st through Tuesday, November 22nd…

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Governor Dunleavy Appoints Tyson Gallagher as Chief of Staff

Governor Dunleavy Appoints Tyson Gallagher as Chief of Staff Governor Mike Dunleavy announced today that Tyson Gallagher will serve as his Chief of Staff. “I have the utmost confidence in Mr. Gallagher’s ability to manage the day…

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Governor Appoints Heidi Hedberg as Acting Department of Health Commissioner

Governor Appoints Heidi Hedberg as Acting Department of Health Commissioner Governor Mike Dunleavy named Heidi Hedberg as acting commissioner of the Alaska Department of Health today. Hedberg replaces outgoing Commissioner Adam Crum, who has…

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Governor Selects Adam Crum to Lead the Alaska Department of Revenue

Governor Selects Adam Crum to Lead the Alaska Department of Revenue Governor Mike Dunleavy has appointed Adam Crum to be the new commissioner of the Alaska Department of Revenue. Crum takes over the department after serving as commissioner at…

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Dunleavy Names Marijuana Task Force Appointees

Dunleavy Names Marijuana Task Force Appointees Alaska Governor Mike Dunleavy announced appointees to The Governor’s Marijuana Task Force. The governor signed Administrative Order 339 on September 21, 2022, created to review the current…

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Brian Fechter Appointed Acting Revenue Commissioner

Brian Fechter Appointed Acting Revenue Commissioner Governor Mike Dunleavy has appointed Brian Fechter to replace Deven Mitchell as acting commissioner for the Alaska Department of Revenue. Mitchell is leaving the department to become executive…

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Governor Dunleavy, First Lady Mourn the Passing of Former Governor Bill Sheffield

Governor Dunleavy, First Lady Mourn the Passing of Former Governor Bill Sheffield Alaska Governor Mike Dunleavy and First Lady Rose Dunleavy send their condolences to the family and loved ones of former Governor Bill Sheffield, who passed away…

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Governor Dunleavy Announces GEER II Educational Awards

Governor Dunleavy Announces GEER II Educational Awards Today Alaska Governor Mike Dunleavy announced a statewide list of educational programs and institutions that will be funded with GEER II money. The GEER II fund is part of the federal Covid…

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Governor Dunleavy, First Lady Mourn the Passing of Former Senator Ben Stevens

Governor Dunleavy, First Lady Mourn the Passing of Former Senator Ben Stevens Alaska Governor Mike Dunleavy and First Lady Rose Dunleavy are expressing their deepest condolences to the family of former Alaska Senate President Ben Stevens, who…

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Governor Dunleavy Requests Federal Fishery Disaster for Bristol Bay Red King Crab and Bering Sea Snow Crab Fisheries

Governor Dunleavy Requests Federal Fishery Disaster for Bristol Bay Red King Crab and Bering Sea Snow Crab Fisheries On October 21, Governor Mike Dunleavy wrote to Secretary of the U.S. Department of Commerce, Gina Raimondo, requesting she…

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Historic Step Forward in Enforcement of Tribal Court Protective Orders

Historic Step Forward in Enforcement of Tribal Court Protective Orders The Alaska Department of Public Safety in Partnership with the Alaska Department of Law, Alaska Tribal leaders, Alaska Native Justice Center, and RurAL CAP have made a…

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Governor Dunleavy Delivers Fourth Address to Alaska Federation of Natives

Governor Dunleavy Delivers Fourth Address to Alaska Federation of Natives Governor Mike Dunleavy today delivered his fourth annual speech at the 2022 Alaska Federation of Natives Convention (AFN) in Anchorage. His address highlighted his vision…

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Governor and First Lady Award Stebbins Resident with Shirley Demientieff Award

Governor and First Lady Award Stebbins Resident with Shirley Demientieff Award Governor Mike Dunleavy and the First Lady of Alaska awarded Daisy Lockwood of Stebbins with the annual Shirley Demientieff award today at the Alaska Federation of…

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Governor Mourns the Passing of Former Senate President Chancy Croft

Governor Mourns the Passing of Former Senate President Chancy Croft Alaska Governor Mike Dunleavy and First Lady Rose Dunleavy send their condolences to the family and loved ones of former Senate President Leland “Chancy” Croft, who…

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Governor Dunleavy to Introduce Bill Cracking Down on Illicit Fentanyl, Drug Dealers

Governor Dunleavy to Introduce Bill Cracking Down on Illicit Fentanyl, Drug Dealers Governor Mike Dunleavy today announced that he will present the Legislature with a crime bill next session to target the fentanyl crisis in Alaska. Earlier this…

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Governor Dunleavy Announces Judicial Appointment to the Ketchikan District Court

Governor Dunleavy Announces Judicial Appointment to the Ketchikan District Court Governor Mike Dunleavy announced that Kristian Pickrell was appointed to the Ketchikan District Court. Mr. Pickrell has been an Alaska resident for 24½…

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New University of Alaska Research Demonstrates Potential for North Slope Heavy Oil Production

New University of Alaska Research Demonstrates Potential for North Slope Heavy Oil Production Joint public-private partnership is yielding promising results New research conducted by the Institute for Northern Engineering’s Petroleum…

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Governor Dunleavy, Commissioners Return from Second Trip to Western Alaska

Governor Dunleavy, Commissioners Return from Second Trip to Western Alaska Alaska Governor Mike Dunleavy returned yesterday from a follow-up trip to communities heavily impacted by the Western Alaska storm, the remnants of Typhoon Merbok.…

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Governor Dunleavy Establishes Office of Energy Innovation

Governor Dunleavy Establishes Office of Energy Innovation Alaska Governor Mike Dunleavy today signed Administrative Order No. 340 creating the Office of Energy Innovation to address the evolving energy needs of Alaska. The A.O. is issued amid…

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Governor Dunleavy, U.S. Representative Peltola, and FEMA Administrator Criswell Host Press Conference on Western Alaska Storm Response

Governor Dunleavy, U.S. Representative Peltola, and FEMA Administrator Criswell Host Press Conference on Western Alaska Storm Response Governor Mike Dunleavy was joined by U.S. Representative Mary Peltola and Federal Emergency Management Agency…

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Governor Dunleavy Concludes Trips to Regions Affected by the September 2022 Western Alaska Storm

Governor Dunleavy Concludes Trips to Regions Affected by the September 2022 Western Alaska Storm Alaska Governor Mike Dunleavy returned Wednesday from a three-day trip to communities heavily impacted by the Western Alaska storm, the remnants of…

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Governor Dunleavy Establishes Recreational Marijuana Task Force

Governor Dunleavy Establishes Recreational Marijuana Task Force Alaska Governor Mike Dunleavy today issued Administrative Order No. 339 to establish the Governor’s Advisory Task Force on Recreational Marijuana (Task Force). The purpose of…

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Governor Mike Dunleavy Requests Federal Assistance for 2022 September Storm

Governor Mike Dunleavy Requests Federal Assistance for 2022 September Storm Governor Mike Dunleavy has requested a federal disaster declaration for the 2022 September West Coast Storm. “We must first recognize the outstanding job local…

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