Cherry Creek Shopping Center

3000 East First Avenue
Denver CO 80201

Phone: 312-988-2325
Contact: April Rueber
Email: [email protected]

‘Great Gallon Give’ Visits Denver to Distribute Thousands of Gallons of Free Milk to Area Residents WHAT The National Milk Mustache ‘got milk?’ Campaign launches a new initiative January 13 called the “Great Gallon Give.” From coast to coast, the program will give away hundreds of thousands of gallons of milk – the equivalent of more than three million servings – to help raise awareness of the important role milk plays in building strong families. On Friday, January 15, 2010 the “Great Gallon Give” will be in Denver distributing thousands of gallons of free milk to help Denver build strong families. In an effort to help families in need, area milk processors will also be supplying gallons of milk to Food Bank of the Rockies through Feeding America, the country’s largest network of food banks that serves more than 25 million people facing hunger in this country. EVENT ACTIVITIES At the event, residents can • Get a free gallon of milk while supplies last • Sample milk from Meadow Gold Dairies and Sinton • Pose for a celebrity-inspired Milk Mustache souvenir photo • Speak with a registered dietitian on the health benefits of milk EVENT DETAILS Date: Friday, January 15, 2010 Location: Cherry Creek Shopping Center 3000 East First Avenue Denver, CO 80206 Time: 1:00-4:00 P.M. FOR MORE INFORMATION: April Rueber at 312-636-5324 (cell), 312-988-2325 (office), or [email protected].

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